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Name: lendingadvice2u
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I was visiting my MIL the other day and she asked me when I was going to put my daughter on cows milk. I told her not till Sadie is 12 months old or mabye longer. She gasped with dissapointment saying her children were on cows milk at the age of 6 months because she didnt want to buy formula anymore. She also asked me "Back in the 1800's do you think they had formula" I was like "I dont know I am not sure" well that was the end of that. Well like 2 hours later she asked me if i was hungry and I said sure and she asked me what I wanted and I said whatever your having and so 30 min later she calles me to the kitchen and she made pork chops, greenbeans, mash patatoes and gravy. As I was eating Sadie kept trying to grab my food so my MIL grabs a greenbean and gives it to her. I yelled WHAT ARE YOU DOING? she told me its fine let her eat. I told her no to the greenbeans but yes to the mash patatoes. She then went on to tell me that her children were feed real food at Sadies age and its fine. I just dont know what to do anymore its like she wants me to do everything she did with her kids. Then I feel all bad that I tell her no and then gosh I dont know. I had the same problem with her with Jaxen when he was a baby but Alex was always with me so he is the one that told her no and not me. I just dont know what to do I feel so bad telling her no because she gets her feelings all hurt like she dosent know how to raise a baby. I am never going there again by myself.

Well just a little vent.
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Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 24th, 2007 10:46 PM
these children are YOURS, not HERS..
YOU make the decisions, DONT feel bad about saying no.. its upto YOU. YOU are the mother.

Plus cows milk is BAD for children... look it up on google. its even bad for Adults, causing liver, kidney problems.. personally i wouldnt give them cows milk anyways. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 6:19 AM
green beans are more nutricious than mashed potatoes. 

Name: mallory | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 6:45 AM
the least you could do is humor her. i mean, one green bean isn't going to kill her. besides, don't you put COW'S MILK in mashed potatoes??? 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 7:28 AM
I think she means the green beans werent Mashed. so she could have choked on the green bean ?? But the mashed potatoes she wont choke on.. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 7:39 AM

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 7:43 AM
braden has tried little pieces of aloto f thing we just smoosh it up first 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 7:59 AM
heh yeah i guess..
some parents are more anal than others when it comes to that sorta thing lol. 

Name: lendingadvice2u | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 1:07 PM
Rosey I hear ya but its hard to tell her no but I did, I think I just feel bad for yelling at her. And no the greenbean was not mashed but it was drenched in bacon and the bacon grease. I think I wouldnt have yelled at her if it wasnt for the grease

Fatally - yes I agree, but is it better to eat patatoes or greenbeans drenched in bacon and grease? Sorry I didnt explain that better in the vent.

Mallory - I can't do that because then she will always do it and I want to be in controll of what my children eat. And no she does not make her mash patatoes with milk she just boils the patatoes and mashes them with butter. And they are the red patatoes YUMMI. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 1:40 PM
who cooks green beans in grease? 

Name: mamal | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 2:03 PM
1st lets go with Moms question about formula in the 1800's OMG can you imagine people breastfed their babies & had wet nurses cow's milk was not the perferable method BTW it was goat's milk. Also tell Mom that many things have changed since the 1800's THANK GOD! Just because things are done differently in this generation does not make her wrong for doing those things at the time. Knowledge is power and we know more now. I will do my best later to give you sites / articles that you can show your mil that proves that given children milk early can cause allergies and other problems, also the same about food. It is not good to introduce foods too early for so many reasons. You HAVE to stand your ground period!!! Do NOT feel bad the one that should feel bad is the person harming your child especially after you (baby's mother) has told her otherwise. Do NOT back down. Can you imagine your child getting allergies or other medical problems due to the fact that you wouldn't stand your ground? Your MIL is WRONG! Do not bend on this one!!! 

Name: lendingadvice2u | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 2:40 PM
Fatally the grease came from the bacon in other words bacon fat. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 2:49 PM
oh boiled w bacon 

Name: mamal | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 3:05 PM
Here is a bit of info for your MIL. Even in the 1800's they were searching for better ways to feed your child (when unable to breastfeed). Even then the knowledge was out that cows milk is hard on babies bellies.
"A longtime goal of nutritionists and physicians was to develop an adequate breast milk substitute. In the early 19th century, it was observed that infants fed unaltered cow's milk had a high mortality rate and were prone to "indigestion" and dehydration compared with those who were breastfed. In 1838, a German scientist, Johann Franz Simon, published the first chemical analysis of human and cow's milk, which served as the basis for formula nutrition science for decades to follow. He discovered that cow's milk had a higher protein content and a lower carbohydrate content than human milk. In addition, he (and later investigators) believed that the larger curds of cow's milk (compared to the small curds of human milk), were responsible for the "indigestibility of cow's milk."

Empirically, physicians began to recommend that water, sugar, and cream be added to cow's milk to render it more digestible and closer to human milk. By 1860, a German chemist, Justus von Leibig, developed the first commercial baby food, a powdered formula made from wheat flour, cow's milk, malt flour, and potassium bicarbonate. The formula, which was added to heated cow's milk, soon became popular in Europe. Leibig's Soluble Infant Food was the first commercial baby food in the US, selling in groceries for $1 a bottle in 1869. " 

Name: lendingadvice2u | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 3:11 PM
No not boiled. This is how she cooks it. she fries pieces of bacon and then when the bacon is fully cooked she adds the green beans and some Tonies Seasoning (YUMMI) without draining the fried bacon grease. Its good but not for a baby. 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 3:24 PM
i personally think you should explain to her that you are choosing to raise your child differently then she did. I make my own baby food and while my parents think it is a tad bit crazy they support me because I took the time to explain that I thought it was in the best interest of my child. You should just have a conversation with her about it. 

Name: mamal | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 4:36 PM
"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends NO cow's milk until after the first birthday.

Cow's milk is more specific to a baby cow than a baby human. Cow's milk formula is based on cow's milk but has been engineered to be closer to human milk (still a ways off, but closer). Many infants still have problems with cow's milk formula (allergies, GI problems, etc.). Babies who are exposed to cow's milk before their first birthday are more likely to be anemic, have diarrhea or vomiting, and/or experience an allergic reaction (the proteins in milk are more numerous than those in other milk products, such as the yogurt). The excessive protein load in cow's milk can also overload a baby's kidneys. It is deficient in vitamins C, E, and copper. It is harder to digest as well, often causing intestinal blood loss. A number of studies have also indicated that early introduction of cow's milk may contribute to the development of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus."

"In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatricians released their statement regarding the use of whole cow's milk during infancy. The findings were published in "Pediatrics" volume 89, number 6 in June of 1992. Plainly stated, the Academy recommended that whole cow's milk and low-iron formulas not be used during the first year of life.

Infants fed whole cow's milk receive inadequate amounts of Vitamin E , iron, and essential fatty acids. They also receive excessive amounts of protein , sodium, and potassium. These levels may be too high for the infant's system to handle. Additionally, whole cow's milk protein and fat are more difficult for an infant to digest and absorb.

The most dramatic effects are on iron levels in the body. Infants fed breast milk or iron fortified formula have normal iron levels. Recent studies show infants often have depleted levels when started on cow's milk at six months of age."

Here is a bit more info on why not to introduce Cow's milk too early. I hope this info helps MIL understand that you are doing what is best for your precious one and to back off and let you parent your child the best way you know how. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 4:38 PM
lending that sounds disgusting and like lard. 

Name: lendingadvice2u | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 4:49 PM
Nikki thanks.

Fatally it dosent taste as bad as it sounds. I mean its not like more than a Tbs of bacon grease. I will not eat my green beans anyother way. 

Name: Ayame | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 5:02 PM
I gave Addy regular whole milk just last week, slowly integrated it, first 2 oz milk, 6 oz formula so on so on till she only drinks milk with vitamin supplements. It isn't wrong to wait, it's better for them to get all they can from formula because it is CLOSER to breast milk. So don't listen to her and just do what you want to do! 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 25th, 2007 5:15 PM
steamed green beans are good, with a little salt and pepper for flavoring. 

Name: Double_K | Date: Oct 26th, 2007 1:43 PM
Thats the only way my grandparents would make their greenbeans--in bacon fat! Not healthy--but pretty yummy! 

Name: lendingadvice2u | Date: Oct 26th, 2007 2:38 PM
I know Double_K its awsome. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 26th, 2007 2:49 PM

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