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Name: babey_g_311
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I was just wondering what other moms out there are doing to eat healthy....I want so bad to eat healthy but am not a good cook *and absolutely hate doing it*. So if anyone has any healthy eating tips or easy recipes please let me know.
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Name: Kristy84 | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 9:59 PM
One of my favorite "recipes" is turkey spaghetti w/ whole grain noodles. I try to get whole grain everything when I can b/c white carbohydrates like white bread and white noodles have no nutrients for your or your baby. In a skillet I cook 1/2 white onion, 1 package baby portabello mushrooms, and 1/2 green bell pepper until soft. I add salt and pepper, but it's up to you. Then I add 1 lb. extra lean groung turkey breast. It has lke no fat in it and great protein. I cook that w/ the veggies until no longer pink, and then you can add your own marinara sauce or 1 jar of the pre-made stuff. Let that simmer for like 20 min (It makes the meat really tender) Boil 1/2 package whole wheat spaghetti noodles until al dente(firm but cooked) about 10min; combine together and eat. Add some parmesagn cheese if you'd like.

I have a bunch of easy healthy recipes that I'd love to share w/ anyone. Most are more exciting than spaghetti, but that's an easy one. I also make healthy desserts and stuff. Hope I helped a little 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 10:10 PM
If you already have some favorite recipes that you like to make you can just alter some of the ingredient or add some additional. Instead of using ground beef use lean ground beef or even ground turker or chicken. If you have something that asks for rice or pasta, us brown rice instead of white rice or wheat noodles instead of the regular. Any sort of vegetable can easily be added to any recipe.

I actually make lasagna with ground turkey instead of ground beef. Or I will cut out the meat all together and use zucchini. Or both ground turkey or zucchini.

Becareful when trying to cook healthy that you are still taking in enough calories not only for the baby but also for yourself as well. Although the baby will continue to get the nutrient that he/she needs regardless of what you eat, you still want to have enough to keep your body going. They say that you only need about 300 calories more a day while you are pregnant. 

Name: connie | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 10:17 PM
I have been eating allot of small meal during the day, I work in sales so I am always on the road, I precut- cheese and crackers, vegs and fruit and nuts. I also shop for allot of easy food, pre cut chicken, frozen vegs-so you can just throw them in with chicken for a easy stir fry, i by frozen fruit for easy smoothies. 

Name: Laurabean09 | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 11:14 PM
hey well i heard if u are pregnant and u eat salad and vegies...that u will have a girl....but u have meats and fruit then u will have a boy...is that true? 

Name: Marcella | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 1:33 AM
I loooooove veggies because theyare so good for you and I have a hard time eating them unless they are in veggie soup:

So simple.

-Cut 4-5 potatoes in about 1 inch squares
-cut 1 green zucchini in small 1 cm squares
-buy a packet of 'mixed frozen veggies' already cut and all (they usually have green beans, corn, carrots, lima beans etc already cut and everything)
-buy spagghetti and snap the long pieces into 3 in long pieces (by hand)
-cut small pieces of onion (not even 1/4 of a white onion just enough for flavor)
-buy a 3 pack reduced sodium consomme (the tiny yellow squares with the green and yellow rooster in the front.
-buy one small can of tomatoe paste

in a pot, stir fry the pasta spaghetti strips and onion for about 7 minutes with olive oil. Then add enough water to cover al the veggies you will use plus an extra inch or so. Add the consomme (2 squares) and the can of tomatoes paste. Add the potatoes, veggies, zucchini. Then you're done!!! Wait untill the potatoes are soft, under medium heat (usually takes 30 minutes or so) you can add more water, more consomme (you can substitute broth for consomme but I rather use the condensed consomme squares). You can make a whoooooole lot of veggie soup (for yourself this is lunch for about a week), just putting it in the fridge and heatikng it up. Don't forget to spritz lime in every bowl of soup...ohhh and premium crackers. I looove to add mozzarella cheese squares so that they melt too, but i love cheese :) 

Name: babygirl26 | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 5:22 AM
Laurabean 09,
I don't know if that is true or not, cause I eat meat all the time and I'm having a little girl!! 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 11:11 PM
No what you eat has no bearing on the gender of your child. Gender is determined at conception by chromosomes, one from the mother and the other from the father. By the way, do you know if your pregnant or not? 

Name: Livy | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 11:18 PM
I always go for the whole grains myslef. A good rule of thumb I like to follow is to do most of your grocery shopping on the perimeter of the grocery store where you have graines, fresh produce, meat etc, and limit yourself in the aisles where it is mostly processed packaged foods.
For some of those yummy must have cravings here are ny tips: Some of my favorite not so bad indulgences are 100 calorie popcorn, strawberry yogurt smoothies (yogert, apple juice, icecubes and frozern strawberries), if I must have ice cream I at it in a cone to prevent overdoing it.
Ok, well good luck, I bet you will find some healthy things you like before long! 

Name: ladyblueblood | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 11:38 PM
Healthy eating tips? The best one I can pass on is WATER WATER WATER. Drink as much of it as you can, keep a bottle with you and just sip sip sip all day long on it. It keeps your tummy somewhat satisfied and keeps you from diving into the candy dish or the fridge. Also, depending on how many people you're having to cook for, i.e. family, kids, just yourself... consider spending some time in the frozen foods section of the grocery store. Those bagged dinners (Stouffers makes the best one) is great for about two people, (Bertolli is good for italian and seafood). All you do is put it in the skillet and heat it up, generally takes about 10 minutes. The bagged frozen dinners come with generally a type of pasta, a little bit of meat, and lots of healthy veggies. They don't go overboard with sauces either and they taste delicious. If you're cooking primarily for yourself, stock up on Healthy Choice and Smart Ones entrees and desserts. They all taste pretty good and just require a trip to the microwave. That's how I've managed to gain weight steadily (even losing a little during the first trimester) and still keep myself satisfied as far as hunger goes. 

Name: mystystar | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 12:30 AM
Eat what your body craves and wants, there is something in there that you need if you are craving it. =-)


Name: Kristy84 | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 12:48 AM
well my body doens't need chips and queso but I still crave it. If I ate that every time I craved it, I"d be a pig. 

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