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Name: youngwife
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I'm fixing to be in 11th grade and me and my husband are going to be trying to concieve in august so I was wondering if anybody had ever heard of the shot harming your chances or the baby.
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Name: denise | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 12:37 AM
I was just wondering why you would want a baby before you even finished high school? Do you have any idea how hard it will be to be pregnant and finish school not to mention actually raising a baby while still in school? And you got married in the 10th grade?? How old is your husband? I hate to sound mean but you sound like you are getting in over your head, and what do your parents think? 

Name: youngwife | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 2:05 AM
My husband will be 24 soon. And I do understand what it is about. We've been married for ayear next month. I'll be 17 this month I graduate this year as a junior cause I'm supposed to be a senior anyways so I'm graduating highschool early. My husband goes to basic next month for the air force so once I'm out of high school I'm going to stay home with the baby and take online courses to becone a dental hygenist then start working. I am so ready for children. My husband isn't. It breaks my heart knowing I have to wait. My husband recently told me that he wasn't ready anymore that he was just saying that to try and help me feel better. My mom thinks it is a great idea. She says I'm very mature for my age. i hadle all the bills and take care of everything. I know I could handle a baby with my husbands help. I'm not stupid I know what its like to have a baby my sister in law has a 4 month old that I take care of alot. i live with the baby. It's no big deal now though cause he's not ready. But when he is I want to be the best mommy in the world. I want to be everything to my kids. I know that when he's ready he'll be a great daddy. I think we might try in a couple months after he gets home from basic. 

Name: denise | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 2:20 AM
What a coincidence! I am a registered dental hygienist!! And honey if you think you can take online classes you are wrong, dental hygiene school is extremely hands on and very expensive. Each kit of instruments is $3000, (and my school required two) getting your hygiene license requires hours and hours of intense instruction. Hygiene school is normally very tough to get accepted into and there is normally a waiting list. At the school where I graduated from they would not even look at your application if you didn't have at least a 3.5 GPA and the first year we lost 33% of our class because you have to achieve at least a 78 on everything you do and clinicals are killer. Studying for boards is awful, its like cramming everything you learned over 4 years into 1 exam. Is not impossible but with a baby it will be even harder. Have you investigated the hygiene school, have you talked to student hygienist and graduates? We used to joke that RDH stood for really dam hard. If thats really what you want to do, thats great but I think you need to do some research first, best of luck to you. 

Name: youngwife | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 2:34 AM
wHY Is it so hard. Your just cleaning teeth and checking them and stuff like that. I don't understand why it would be so hard. 

Name: denise | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 2:45 AM
Okay obviously you have not done your homework and you have no idea what dental hygienist do, maybe before you decide to go into a profession you should do that. It highly offensive that you think hygienist simply "clean teeth". Do you know what ANUG is or what a periodontal abcess is or even what your incisive papilla is? FYI in many states RDH give anasethia and even own their own practices. If hygienist simply "clean teeth" then why is the average yearly salary over $60K, why is a AS or BS degree required, why do you have to take a 500 question NB, or a clinical exam? 

Name: Faith | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:18 AM
Going to school to be a dental hygienist, takes alot of work and dediction and adding a baby into the mix will just make things even harder on you, emotonally and physically.
I'm sure your bright and very smart and could do it, but I would really think about what you really want. Having a baby and raising one is wonderful and exciting, but it's also hard and tiring.
Even as bad as you want a baby, I would look at all your options firist, and decided which priorty you want. But it would be smart and less stressful on you if ( I know it's hard, but) wait and grauduate and start some college classes and even get through the Dental hygienist program in college, and maybe at the end try and get pregnant, before you graduate, I mean you so young and what if something was to happen to your husband, it would propbably be nice to have something under your belt so if you are left alone, ( not saying you will) but if you are then it will be easier, than trying to raise a kid and go to school. You can have a degree under you belt, and just start working.
I know it's hard expetually when it's something you want so bad and there's nothing you can do about it. But somethimes looking at things by taking a step back really helps and puts things in perspective.
It's your decsion, and I think people giving you advice, because they have been through it and have experenced it can help. It's not to say you can't but it's suggestions of things that would make it easier on you in life, your so young and you have your whole life ahead of you, and sometimes making harder choices in the beging, turn out to best in the end as much as we all hate them. I do. i look back and wish on so many diffrent things that I should have done before I started having kids. I dont' resent my kids but sometimes I wish I would have waited to have another year or two with my husband, just him and I. To be a couple and not have someone right at your feet and leg saying momy daddy, when your trying to be loving with your husband. Or those late nights when you both want to be with each other romanticlly because it has been a while, and you have a kid that is puking or can't sleep and wants your attention, in the middle of the night.
Thoes are just some of the things that happen, when you become a parent, I wouldn't change being a parent, but looking back after been maried for a while, I really wish we had just a few more years together.
Just a few tings to concider. I really hope it works out for you, but once they are here, it's for a long time, and the things you thought that you could do, become dwindled a little. Good luck, and I'm sorry if this offends you it's not intended too. Just suggestions from people who have experenced things a little more.
Good luck

Name: denise | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:19 AM
You know what don't even bother responding because I just read some of your other posts about how you are trying to deceive your husband by inserting his semen into yourself with your fingers. Not only is that deceitful but disgusting you should be ashamed of yourself. I thought for a second that maybe you were a mature teenager, but I was wrong. The fact that you can't even spell the title that you say you want to be should have tipped me off. Oh and by the way it hepatitis. 

Name: youngwife | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 2:14 PM
It doesn't affend me. I understand your just trying to help. Last night after I read I did get online and do research on the subject. But because I can't spell I'm not mature. I know that me trying to decieve my husband is wrong that's why I never went through with it. I stopped and thought about it and how it would make him feel and decieded not to. Why is that so shameful when you go to the doctor for artifical insemenation they insert it into to you. I thought maybe I would have a better chance. Even mature adults sometimes don't think things through, so because I didn't think one thing through that makes me immature. I don't think it does. You don't know my life story. I make one mistake and now every one thinks I'm immature. Doesn't make sense to me. You know I graduate this year as a junior with hopefully a honors dipolma. I make A's and B's and work my butt off to do well in school so my children will have a intellegent mother. I know what I want to do with my life. Marriage was not always in the picture from the start but it is now and without my husband I would be lost. I'm not 100% sure I'm going into the densitry feild it's just what I'm looking into. I understand your just trying to make me realize that raising a child isn't easy and I know that. 

Name: Brandy | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 10:04 PM
I hate to butt in here and I for sure don't want to pass judgment but it is "artificial insemination" and there is a difference between artificial insemination and being deceitful to get pregnant. 

Name: denise | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 11:13 PM
thank you Brandy, I was thinking the same thing 

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