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Name: aliaa
[ Original Post ]
i am almost 37week,i went to the doctor today and he told me that my baby didnt drop yet !!didnt go down yet!!
i am really so disappointed,,,,thats mean i wont start labor soon! i dont know until when i should wait,,,and what will happen if my baby didnt drop until 39week !
oh my god,,,,i am so borred of this !!
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Name: atomic snowflake | Date: Jul 6th, 2006 6:57 PM
When you decided to become pregnant you must have known that the gestation period for a human baby is generally 40 weeks. This is what you signed up for isn't it? What do you mean it hasn't 'dropped' and you're 37 weeks? You'll simply have to live with it. We've all had to. My first baby was 4 days late. Oh dear big upset? I don't think so. That's life.
You should be glad that your baby is healthy and hasn't been born premature like some are. Like at 22 weeks gestation with their parents staring into their incubators not knowing if they're gonna be okay. Would you rather have that?
You should grow up. 

Name: Ktx | Date: Jul 6th, 2006 10:19 PM
Atomic Snowflake,
That was kinda harsh. If you would have read any of her previous posts, you would have gathered that she's from Egypt and has no family with her. She's just very lonely and tired of being pregnant. She can't wait to hold her child in her arms. Just because you never wished that the baby would just come out already doesn't mean you have to be so rude. Maybe you should grow up, and realize people experience things differently, and not every situation is identical. 

Name: Danielle | Date: Jul 6th, 2006 10:59 PM
I'm almost 36 weeks.If your baby came now it would live.But I am tired of being pregnant also.But they come when they come.And atomic snowflake that was rude. 

Name: Brandy | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:21 AM
I can totally agree with wanting the pregnancy to end. I was nearly 3 weeks overdue and yes I was so tired and just done being pregnant. Atomic Snowflake is the kinda person we were trying to filter out when you were required to place an email addy to log on, because you will have you IP traced and you will be removed from this website. So continue being rude and this will happen to you. We are not here to tell people off we are here to support and share. 

Name: Faith | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:34 AM
I agree with everyone else atomic snowflake,
I'm not sure how you do carry your babies, but I'm about the same as Danielle, and my baby is hudge, litteraly, and it's uncomfortable., and hard to breath, so aliaa has every right as a woman to be frustrated at what she is going through.
I'm soory that you are going through that, my 1 st pregancy was like that my daughter never droped she stayed high up and in my rib cage, but she was also breech, and 10 lbs. I have a question, is your doctor sure that you baby isn't breech, becasue my doctor thought that my daughter was head down and not dropping, it want' until we did an ultra sound that dertermind that she was breech and that is why I handn't dropped.
I hope that your baby is head down, and hopefully soon it will drop and you will go into labor. Good luck and don't frett, it can be very frustrating, i sure was, with a 10 lb baby I was ready to be done. Good luck, and don't worry. And You have every right to say that you are sick of it. It's Summer and hot and misserable! 

Name: ARMANISMOM | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 4:18 PM
Aliaa, you are one week ahead of me. Anyways I dont know if they have curbs that separate the street from the houses in Egypt, but if they do try walking with one foot on the curb and the other in the gutter. This totally worked for me. Also you can try walking backwards around your home slowly so you dont fall. This changes the muscles tention and helps baby drop down lower. I just went to the doctor yesterday and was dialated to one. My doctor is going to induce at 37 weeks because my feet are so swollen and I have gained 45 lbs so far.(too much Crispy Cream doughnuts) We did an ultrasound yesterday and he weighs 6 and a half pounds so far. Have they done a recent ultrasound on you to check weight and how the baby's lungs look? Has you cervix started to soften up yet? You can soften it by using Evening Primrose Oil gel caps (found at the local pharmacy over the counter) 3 at night inserted vaginally and (1) 3x's a day by mouth but get your doctors permission first!!! If you want to chat off line I'm [email protected] 

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