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Name: JaimeJohnson
[ Original Post ]
I have never been so miserable in my life. How is my baby ok if I feel this way. I must throw up 50 times a day and have to sleep so I am not nauseaded. Does anyone have any advice except it will go away by the 12 or 14 week. I am 7 weeks and that seems like an eternity away. Thanks girls.
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Name: Coartney | Date: Apr 27th, 2007 1:37 AM
well I can tellyou .. an dnot to sound like an ass.. it might not go away. i had severe vomiting and nausea all the way to the end, which was last week and i puked ALL throughout labor too .. lol ..I could never hold anything down, water was a huge enemy. at 33 weeks they put me on zantac 150 and it was miracle i was puking like 2 times a day instead of like 50 LOL.. it sucks soo bad. eat small meals, avoid spicy foods or acidic. wait at least 30 mins after eating to drink and dont drink alot! lol its a bad mixture. wait at least an hour before trying to sleep after eating, or even laying at all. dono goodluck 

Name: sezbi | Date: Apr 27th, 2007 1:57 AM
Its really hard in the first 3 months...your body is going through so many changes...just take it easy drink lots of water...keep up all your vitimins...Get the pre-natal ones..they are good for you and the baby......

Take advil..if you are in america that is..its not harmful for the baby..and if you are having headaches etc..it will help you.

Drink lemonaide..to help with the nausa ........also dry crackers...water ice blocks..things like this will help.

I have severe nausea in the first 2 months i could bearly keep down anything...if it gets worse go see your doctor..just to make sure you are getting enough nuitrents.

Good luck i hope you start feeling better soon x 

Name: JaimeJohnson | Date: Apr 27th, 2007 5:05 AM
Thank you ladies. My mom said she was sick the whole way through it to so it is pay back...lol. I am going to get ginger in the am and hope it will help me. thanks again 

Name: Coartney | Date: Apr 27th, 2007 5:13 AM
ginger, crackers, dry toast, medications did not work and lemon may be too acidic if you're vomiting that much 

Name: Coartney | Date: Apr 27th, 2007 5:13 AM
also dont allow urself to get to that empty tummy feeling, that starts the cycle of nausea/heartburn which will def make u puke 

Name: veronim | Date: Apr 27th, 2007 5:18 AM
chamomile tea really helped me through the nausea 

Name: missmara | Date: Apr 27th, 2007 5:27 AM
If you can force yourself to eat a little something, it helps to combine a protein with carb. The foods that I was able to keep down were graham crackers and peanut butter, peanuts and raisins, and cold cereal. Also, as soon as you wake up in the morning, eat some plain toast or crackers and then wait about 20 minutes before drinking anything. Like Coart said, don't let your stomach get empty, and try to keep your blood sugar as even as possible - that's why combining proteins and carbs helps. Some people use aromatherapy - certain scents help ease nausea, but I don't know which ones! You could probably google it though. I hope your sickness doesn't last the whole time. Mine was completely gone by 14 weeks with both pregnancies. 

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