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Name: Jasmine M.
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Name: Kim | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 2:04 PM
Don't feel like you have to explain yourself. To all of us that know your situation and know you are telling the truth, we're here for ya and support you. Who cares what everyone else thinks. Sorry I didn't get back online last night, my back was hurting so bad. Hope to see ya online tonight. Take care. 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Feb 25th, 2006 2:28 AM
To Stevie: Yes I know of the possibility of both birth defects and learning disabilities. Ryan thinks that we should keep the babies. But I’m still not completely sure what I’m going to do. 

Name: Sarah | Date: Feb 25th, 2006 6:27 AM
Honey i give my deapest sympathy to you because no one should ever have to be faced with this problem. But things dont always go as we want them to. If you feel you want to have these babies and it will not put you at harm to have them I say go for it. There is always help no matter the situation you just have to be strong. And as to your brother he needs nothing to do with YOUR babies because he did something that is horrible and you dont want to put your babies in the presence of someone like that. If you feel you can raise these children with your boyfriend I give you the up most respect because this would be hard for anyone and if you feel you can and you want to give them up for adoption I give you the same because I have a 2 yr old girl and am 5 weeks pregnant and i really dont know I could unless it was best for all of us which in my case its not. I really hope you and YOUR babies have the best life even if it means they have to be adopted out to a loving home because the emotional stress on your situation must be very hard. If you need someone to talk let me know I will galdly give you my email and if you would rather have a phone friend I have free long distance and would love to help you through this. I really hope you think about this and choose what is best for you and your babies 

Name: Sherry | Date: Feb 25th, 2006 6:50 PM
I am so sorry for what has happened to you. But I am so excited, as I know you are deep inside to see the outcome. I really hope eveything turns out perfect for you. I as well am pregnant with twins, but for one, they're not identcal, and for two, they come from a different gene pool. My sympathy and hope goes out to you. Much love and hope to you and your babies! 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Feb 26th, 2006 11:49 PM
Wow you had a really rough time. I know what it's like I went into labor with my baby when i was almost 6 months along. The dilivery was one of the most painful things I have ever gone through in my life it was horrible. When Briana was born she couldnt breath and she didnt cry I was scared to death that i lost my baby. It was really bad because I had already lost a baby when I first found out I was preganat I found out I was having twins. I was so happy. Then my dad found out he pushed me down a flight of stairs and I lost one of my babies. When the thought of losing my other baby came into my mind I lost it. I went into deep depression. I didnt want to even see my baby because I didnt want to get attached to her in cause something happened to her. After I had Briana I had a bleeding problem I just keep bleeding and they couldnt stop it I had to have a transfusion. Then to make things worse when finally get home and Briana is getting better and I'm starting to feel better my world comes crashing down wen my brother rapes me. I wouldnt cange anything though. My mom always tells me now that I probably wish I had had a abortion but I don't I don't know what my life would be like with out Briana. I love her to peices. To all the girls that are young and pregnant I hope that things go good for you and that you can have a good labor and dilvery story to tell. 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 12:32 AM
Ok I know I shouldnt care what my family thinks about me and Ryan but I do I mean who wouldnt care my family wont stop dissing Ryan. Anways Ryan and I were talking about getting married eventually anyways some how my mom found out and she said that she would never allow it. It's not like I'm going to get married before I turn 18 but I really love Ryan and of course I would marry him. But I don't want to upset my mom we were actually finally starting to talk again and now she's mad (AGAIN!) I don't know what to do about her I want to do what will make her happy but leaving Ryan is out of the question. What should I do? I've tried talking to her but she wont here anything I have to say! 

Name: sonia | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 10:37 AM
Pray. God will tell you what to do. Listen 

Name: Jen | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 4:30 PM
it sounds to me like your mother is a little on the looney side. One minute she supports you then she doesnt the next? I dont get it and i dont get your situation either. I still cant believe you havent turned your sick twisted rapist brother into the police. Maybe you are just waiting for him to rape another young girl. Jasmine you need help, serious serious help that nonone here can provide. 

Name: Sherry | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 11:14 PM
Now that was a stupid comment. You mus not of read the part where she said she would turn him in if she could. I doubt there going to take a DNA test from the babies while they're in the womb to see if they're really her brothers children. And it's not as if it was yesterday that she got raped, and his sperm is still inside of her. Sound like you need some education, or just some good ole' common sense 'Jen.' By the way Jasmine, my mother never supported me until I just gave up on her and she realized what she was missing out on (grandchildren.) I think she'll come around. I was also wondering when your due date is. Don't let idiots get to you. You dont need help, your brother does. 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 11:42 PM
To Jen: I havent turen in my brother because I cant the sistuation is complacated my family and everyone else is agasint me and everone believes my brother so thats the reason I havent turned him in. I've gotten a restraining oder agasint him because I dont want him around me. And yes I do need help I need support I dont get it from any place else expect Ryan of course.
To Sherry: I hope my mom comes around because she is very on and off one day she leaves me alone the next day it's like she goes crazy. I hope that one day she realizes that I'm more than happy with Ryan and that I'm going to be with him if she likes it or not. 

Name: Chris | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 6:44 AM
Sherry, Jasmine did get a DNA test done awhile ago and had confirmed that her brother is the father of the babies. That's why some people are surprised that a Dr. would allow such an invasive procedure and have nothing come from it. People are just confused as I am as to why charges weren't filed after involving another person in this situation. 

Name: to Sherry | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 2:11 PM
If have read any of Jasmines pevious post you retard you would seen that she said they did do a dna test and it came back the father is her brother. Your right she shoudnt turn him in, she should let him prey on other young girls and knock them up too. Sounds to me like you need the education. Jasmine is here for attention that she is lacking at home and to be quite honst she is getting irritating. Turn him no matter what or else you are just as much a loser as he is. 

Name: ummm | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 3:35 PM
First off, let me say of she had a DNA test done that means she had to get her brothers DNA somehow to have tested.

Second: If ANY doctor knows of a crime that has been committed he MUST report it, no if, ands, or buts! So if she told the doctor as she ahs in her posts that she ios carrying her brothers twins then the doctor HAS to report it.

I don't believe this story. 

Name: i agree | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 3:43 PM
I agree with you totally ummm. Her stories just do not add up. Like I siad she is just here for attention, its actually really sad. i feel bad for her. 

Name: to jasmine | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 3:47 PM
this is a really old thread. It is very long. could you please start a new one. I am surprised at how popular it is. I'm not that interested anymore 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 7:56 PM
Ok to all of you who are partially suporative of me: Yes the doctor does know that my brother is the father and he did go to the police. I made the choice not to press charges agasint him. Which now I know was the stupidest desicon I ever made. My brother hasnt stopped harsing me and its really getting on my nerves. Ryan wants me to go to the police. Because now my brother is sending me threating e-mails and phone calls. He even writes me letters. All of which are violating the restraing order. So I know very well I should turn him in. Although it's easier said than done I dont have anyone to support me I dont want to have to relive the fact that my OWN brother raped me. It's embrassing to say it. But I know that I'm going to have to turn him in and I'm planning on doing it this week. I just dont know when probably tommorrow. The reason I've comed to the point that I have to turn him is I'm scred for my babies life and for my own. My brother is crazy and he's unstable and he needs help. Hopefully I'm doing the right thing. Any thoughts on that? 

Name: Sherry | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 10:19 PM
First of all. Sorry to whoever I called an idiot. I didnt read the part where she had a DNA test, because this page is seriously over a mile long. I also agree nothing adds up in this time line. I would like to know how many months preg. Jasmine is, and also when her due date is.. (I dont know if it was previously posted) And to Jasmine - I have a brother that is a schizophrenic, and sometimes, he doesnt take his medicine. (he is legally insane) Sometimes, he feels like he should put his hands on me (for example hitting) And I will call the cops on him in a heartbeat. I agree with others who say that *you* are crazy for not knowing what to do about your brother. There is hardly a decision to make. point blank. My brother hits, and I have called the cops endless times, fearing for my life. You have not one life, but 3 to be concerned for, and not only a threatning brother, but a raping one; and you're seriously questioning what you should do?? 

Name: Chris | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 10:34 PM
Jasmine, since you are still a minor I didn't think you had much say in pressing charges or not once the Dr. reported it?! It just seems like you would want to get it over with especially since you went through the pain and trouble to get a restraining order and you would have to give a pretty good reason for that, why not just finish it and turn him in? In my crisis training I couldn't see anyone letting you do it only halfway. By leaving your brother out on the streets you are letting him know it's okay what he did and that he can't get caught. If he really is a rapist he needs help and if you let him stay free he will prey on other girls if he hasn't already. In a case of rape they really do push you to press charges and get closure, just can't see them letting you go to all of the trouble of getting a restraining order and putting yourself and babies at risk to do a paternity test and then just walk away. That's why people aren't believing you, you drag it out and make excuses. I have been there for people that have been raped and it is a tough time, but I can assure you that the police and counselors aren't going to let you just drop the issue if it's real. Make a decision and move on to live your life, don't keep changing the subject. If you really are pregnant than you need to think about the babies and their future. If you have a rocky relationship with your family and they aren't going to support you, then why does it matter? They aren't talking to you anyway. I'm sure that they would be there for you when they found out, and if not, then oh well, you have your own family to think about. If anyone even threatened me or my child, I would have no problem turning them in. 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Mar 2nd, 2006 6:06 PM
I did it I actually did it. I finally went to the police and I can't tell you how great it feels to have that off my chest. I feel like a whole load has been lifted off of me. I guess all of your name calling and telling me that I'm stupid ad I need help and all of that helped me. I'm greatful to you. I finally realized that you were all right. I have no right to be trying to protect him I guess I was really in denial. I realized that I didnt want tot be the one to blame when he raped another girl. Ryan took me last night since I have the results of the DNA test I showed that to them as well. I gave my statement and they said it wass enough to get a warrent for my brothers arrest. It was a lot eaiser than I thought but I know it's still not over. They have to question him and then there;s going to be a trial. The police already warned me that I would have to testify agasint him and I know that wont be easy to have to relive the whole thing but I know it's worth it to protect Briana and the twins. I want to really really thank you for all of you keep on telling me that I should turn him in. I guess I was blined my the thought that my family would hate me when they found out I turned him in. But I dont care anymore. Thank you 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Mar 2nd, 2006 6:50 PM

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Mar 2nd, 2006 11:52 PM
Wow nobody has any comments I finally turned my brother in 

Name: Melissa | Date: Mar 3rd, 2006 12:04 AM
Jasmine...I am so happy that you turned him in...Now maybe you can finally rest and turn your attention to those angels you are carrying! May God bless you and your children! 

Name: Heather | Date: Mar 3rd, 2006 12:15 AM
I am so glad that you went and told the police and they are going to arrest your brother. is he your real brother or did you all just grow up together. Because from what I have read she isn't your real mother but she raised you since you were little. You can get emancipated from your mother at 16 and Ryan's parents can be your guardians since they have taken better care of you than she has in the past few months. Just so you know emancipated means getting divorced from her and she no longer has control over you.

Take Care and Good Luck with your babies!!

Heather due may 22nd to a little boy 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Mar 3rd, 2006 3:00 AM
Yeah I’m definitely happy that I turned my brother in. I feel so much better. I’m still a little worried about what will happen next. If I have to testify in court I know that will be hard. Does anyone have any advice or have you gone through something like this before? 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Mar 3rd, 2006 7:42 PM
To Heather: Yes he is my real brother we were just raised by different people. And mom my isn’t my real mom she’s my cousin. So you are saying that if I get emancipated from my mom she wouldn’t be able to control my life anymore. If so that would be great because now my mom is like really controlling. She wants me to come back home. I went home for a few days but while I was t here she wouldn’t let me leave the house and she wouldn’t let me call of see Ryan. I couldn’t deal with it so I left again. 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Mar 4th, 2006 5:48 AM
I do pray I pray all the time that my mom will understand that I'm making the right choice for me and MY family. I know that turning my brother in was the right choice but she dosent think so she found out today and now she's so pissed off she said I've betrayed my whole family. I know I did the right think. But what do I do about my family 

Name: michelle | Date: Mar 4th, 2006 2:19 PM
Can i buy your baby email me On : [email protected] 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Mar 4th, 2006 5:31 PM
To Michelle: Did you say you wanted to BUY my baby. What on eath does that mean? 

Name: Jasmine M. | Date: Mar 7th, 2006 5:31 AM
Well things have gotten a lot better since I turned my brother in. Ryan right now is getting his own place so he will be moving out his parents place really soon. So that will be good now I have to convince my mom to let me move in with him. Which I don’t know how she will react. Ryan is moving into a three bedroom house so that way when I have the twins his mom will come and stay with us and help out. So financially we are doing well. I’m hoping to get a job after the twins get older. And right now I’m trying to finish school and I’m currently enrolled in Santa Monica Collage I’m doing classes online. So hopefully my future will be better than my pass. 

Name: Michelle K | Date: Mar 7th, 2006 4:15 PM
I will start putting my name like that from now on seeing how there is another michelle on here asking lunitic questions, like can I buy you baby? Thats tapped. Just so you know, its not me. 

Name: shea | Date: Mar 8th, 2006 3:47 AM
Wow, this is really sad. Only you can make the decision on what to do about the pregnacy and the rape. If you keep the rape quiet who knows what he will due next. Who cares what your brother believes, he should be in prison for life. You need to talk to your boyfriend and or mother NOW. I hope the best for you and your babies 

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