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Name: zoey9810
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So in case you all didnt know, I was using the Opportunity of Chris leaving to go back to school and do EMT "Emergency Medical Technician" So I can work on being a Fire Fighter, and so By Jan 2009 I would have a job working in the Emergency Room as an an ER Tech... Well I applied for Financial Aid, which has still yet to come in and classes started on Monday, So A few weeks ago my Parents co-signed for a Loan for school for me, well I get there to Register for my classes I cant take EMT because there are no spots left, so I have to take Basic classes. I go to find out after I register that they don't know when my Financial Aid will be coming in and my loan will be here in a month.... UMMM I need to pay for my classes by tomorrow!!!!! so now i have to pay for it out of pocket, Money that I don't have, so needless to say, I cant go to school till January!

And on top of it I was going to use like $300 of that loan money for my Trip on Friday to go see Chris in Mississippi, this is my Last time to see him before he Goes to Afghanistan, and Im so scare about him leaving and so worried that something is going to happen, and its eating me up inside. Any way I was going to leave on this Friday and drive the 12 hr trip to Mississippi, and come back on Wed the 27th, but because this loan money isn't coming in We have to cut our trip short, so im only going to stay for like 2 nights, and Im so thankful that I get to see him, but at the same time I want to have all the time in the world to spend with him, What if its our last!

So basically Im not going to be going to school, And im going to get a new job, May be even my old one back when I lived in my old town, Im sure my Boss would hire me back, and I would be making pretty good money, I'll still be here at my parents house for part of the week and back in Port St. Lucie the other half, but then Chris said maybe we should just break our contract and save more money and I should just live back at my parents house. But we also have a room mate, Lacy who Has lived with us for ever and if we aren't living there any more where is she going to go? Yes shes an adult but shes my best friend and I feel Horrible doing that to her!

I dont even know if i could live 7 days a week here with my parents, I might go insane! and I would prob only be working till Jan any ways till School started up again!

I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! and im a complete fricken horrible mess about all of this!!!!!
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Name: DRB | Date: Aug 21st, 2008 12:00 AM
Ok......here is my opinion...

you should move in with your parents...if they will have you. you and chris just had really bad financial problems and your always struggling to pay things off so if you can go and save 

Name: DRB | Date: Aug 21st, 2008 12:05 AM
anyways if you can save what you woulod be spending on rent by living with your parents why not...i am doing it....my mom and i NEVER got along..we still have "unhappy" moments but we get along alot better now that i am an adult and responislble for myself and all.
as for lacey she will iunderstand that you need to do what you need to do to keep your family's head above water (as in money) if she doesnt and she get mad well then she truely isnt a friend. but you need to make the best desicions for your family above your friends...you have a child to think about...and think of all the extra money you will be saving by living at home 

Name: DRB | Date: Aug 21st, 2008 12:06 AM
oh and i am sorry that your trip will be shortened....enjoy your time with him and know he will be perfectly fine ok 

Name: Opheiliamath | Date: Aug 21st, 2008 1:11 PM
Ok, first of breath!, lol

I also think you shoould move back home. You will be saving a lot of money. Plus if you get a job until January. You be pocketing the money you spent on rent, and the money you will earn from working. 

Name: Opheiliamath | Date: Aug 21st, 2008 1:12 PM
Once school starts you will be out of the house and you won't have time to be annoyed by your parents.

Like you said Lucy is a big girl, if you decide to go home, just give her enough notice to find another place. 

Name: Opheiliamath | Date: Aug 21st, 2008 1:19 PM
The 2 nights may not seem like nothing but it is SOMETHING! Try to enjoy yourself while you'll down there with Chris.

You have two days now, ok. That's how it is right now. No need stressing over something you can't change. Just go have the best two nights with your hubby. 

Name: Opheiliamath | Date: Aug 21st, 2008 1:20 PM
Soaking up every hour,minute and every second with Chris will be hard. Even if you got to send a whole month with him it wouldn't be enough. Its never enough when you have the thought in the back of your head that he may never come back. Think positive, I know easier said than done. 

Name: mother2five | Date: Aug 21st, 2008 3:48 PM
Awwwwww Lauren I'm sorry that stinks!!!

Name: mother2five | Date: Aug 21st, 2008 3:49 PM
*Sending you big HUGS from my way* 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Aug 23rd, 2008 2:41 AM
living with your parents can totally suck at times, but it is also nice to see them get to interact with their granchild so much, and it saves soooo much money. i couldn't survive without my parents help, so i am in with the girls it is very hard to move back home especially when you have lived on your own but it takes a big person to ask for help, and i think you and chris need it. 

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