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Name: Brittany17
[ Original Post ]
My name is Brittany. I'm 18 and I'm in my 36th week.

My baby is breech. My midwife wants to do a External cephalic version. After talking to my husband about the risks to the baby and myself, we have choose not to do it.

We are hoping for the best and he turns on his own. If not, then I'm getting a C-Section.

I have a few questions:
1)Since the baby is breech, does that give me the right to choose when to have a C-Section?

2)What is it like after getting is done? (recovery)

3)Also, again since he is breech, can I demand to get a U/S, If I believe my baby is in any sort of danger?

Now the reason, I want a U/S done is because the midwife was talking to us about why he is breech. She kept going back to the cord being around him. Well, all she did was check to see where his head was and then told us about the External Cephalic Version. After that, she left. She never checked to see if the cord was around him somewhere. Or to see if anything else could be wrong.

I just want to make sure that my baby is okay and safe.

Advise and thoughts would be great!
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Name: JulieD | Date: Dec 20th, 2008 6:52 AM
Hey Brittney,
They would most likely want to c-section you when the baby is fully ready(perhaps your 38th week?)

recovery is different depending on the person, but a little uncomfortable for the first little while expecially walking and laughing.

as for the ultrasound I am not really sure but would think they would do one on your request, and if it's a c-section they may want to do one to make sure the baby is ready to go!

I had an ultrasound while in labor on my second, I am so greatful I did because the cord was wrapped around his neck, so atleast it was something to be ready for.

But honestly, you'll do fine and it will all come together perfectly.

Congrats on the baby:) 

Name: Brittany17 | Date: Dec 20th, 2008 1:03 PM
Thanks for your reply. Im hoping when I called the doctor today, they will do a ultrasound at my next appointment 

Name: Joeys_Mam | Date: Dec 20th, 2008 9:21 PM
Don't know anything about C sections as I delivered naturally, but if baby doesn't turn, it would involve less risk to have an elective.

Congrats on baby and welcome to the board. 

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