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Name: VeggieMom2B
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Name: jillw | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 8:35 PM
no way----- I totallt respect those who choose to go that way, but I am a huge fan of modern med. and I will be going for the pain meds. I see sometimes where women are so tired form labor that they can hardly push. I am sure this can happen even if you do get drugs, but I think that it is less likely. I watch them on house of babies (discovery health chan) but I really do not think that it is for me. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 8:36 PM
Not here...going in for a planned c-section. 

Name: babygirl2007 | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 8:36 PM
I am planning for a natural birth this time around, I had an epidural with my son. 

Name: connie | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 8:41 PM
I no plan yet. Not sure when I should think about that. I start my birthing classes in January. 

Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 8:45 PM
I wish I could do the natural thing, but I am a really big wuss when it comes to pain. I don't think I'm going to have the full epidural, just the local pain killers, but that is just the plan for now. If I go in there and the general stuff doesn't work, then I'm going for the epidural. 

Name: VeggieMom2B | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 8:51 PM
Jill, I love "House of babies"!!! :) Weird but I am more afraid of epidural in my back then the delivery pain.
I may not be able to give birth at birthing center since my husband's insurance does not cover for it :(
I may end up in a hospital with hiring a privet dulla.
My hub and I will take natural birthing classes. I do not see any other way for myself as of right now. 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 8:55 PM
trust me the epidural... is nothing.. you dont even feel it. They numb the area and not to mention the pain of contractions completely take over any other pain. 

Name: VeggieMom2B | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 9:11 PM
I am also wondering about the side affacts. I saw a lady on tv that got a serious head ache for days after taking the epidural. 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 9:12 PM
That can happen if the puncture something. It can happen, but it is not that common. 

Name: Marlene | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 9:23 PM
veggie my sister had that headache she said it was worse then the labor ever was she said she felt like she was dieing and they had give her the epidural again and infect blood into her spinal cord to make it go away. i did it natural with my daughter and plan to do it again after watching them put it in my sister's back. 

Name: Marlene | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 9:24 PM
inject blood. what is inflect lol? 

Name: chicksy | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 9:28 PM

Name: l3itchyl3unny | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 9:30 PM
I'm attempting the natural birth, unless of course i have complications and need the c-section.

I decided that i'm DEFINLY having the gas, and pethedine shot. I'm not so sure about the epidural, i dont want any side effects that ive read about. But of course im the biggest pussy out there for pain! so i will be begging for it im sure! 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 10:05 PM
I'm going to try to go as natural as possible. I really don't want an epidural b/c of the side effects, but I would consider a drip of pain meds or sedatives, but they can also slow down labor. I would love to do it naturally, but I admit I'm very nervous!! 

Name: Marti | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 10:23 PM
I'm thinking about it. I have a friend who has had three children. She had drugs for the last Natural for the second and with the first she did natural but spent the majority of the time in the tub until it was time to push and she said that the first one was by far the least painful and quickest. I don't know if I will really do natural. I'm 16 weeks so have some time but I'd like to. 

Name: missmara | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 10:31 PM
Whatever you decide, give yourself permission to change your mind:) I had planned to go natural, but after 16 hours of labor and still ony 3cm dilated I decided to get the epi. I was so grateful I did because then I dilated fast and was ready to push in no time. I was also able to enjoy the birth more because I wasn't so focused on the pain and trying to control it. 

Name: T-rabbit | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 12:23 AM
Natural is the best way to go! I have three and they were all natural. 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 1:20 PM
I went natural with my daughter, except for using the gas. It didn't really help with the pain, but it kept me focused on my breathing. I never decided til the end what route I would take, and then it wound up being too late when I started considering the epidural. 

Name: Tariece | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 1:41 PM
You can never really decide until it's time I had the epidural with my first It worked for a few hours then nothing. I will have it this time but b4 having my first I thought I would go natural (Yeah Right) those pains are absolutely unbearable I could not imagine no meds. 

Name: cath_edwards | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 2:13 PM
I'd advise anyone to go as natural as possible. I've previously had a c section and a vaginal birth and would go for natural any day. C sections take weeks to recover from when you need the time and energy with the new baby. As this is my 3rd baby I also want to be home as soon as possible with the family not stuck in hospital for days after an operation. 

Name: sally24 | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 2:45 PM
yes its my first and i plan on going naturual i know i have nothing to compare the pain to and i am sure it will be the worst pain of my life but an epidurual numbs you from the waist down I would rather feel my baby as it comes out know when to push instead of the doctor telling me to , unless of course theres a need for anything or if the baby is breech i would of course go for a c section if that was the best for the baby. Also I have heard than epidurual can slow down labor, which can mess with the baby's heartbeat ? I don't know i plan on trying. 

Name: T-rabbit | Date: Nov 1st, 2006 7:24 PM
Drugs only make it take longer. I told the DR. not to let me have anything unless it was life or death. The pain of giving birth is not that bad it is the pain after the birth. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 5:08 AM
Ok as far as drugs making it take longer I dont think so but hey everyone is different. I had the epidural with both my children and had no side effects except the last time which was 18days ago lol didnt work on the lower left side until I was right about to push and it kicked in. My first labor was 38hrs and my second was 7hrs so personally I dont think the drugs slow it down any cause my second was pretty fast I only pushed for 30min with my first and pushed 10times total with my last. So if you do choose to have it natural but are a wuss with pain or even not a wuss cause the pain can get really bad all depends on the pregnancy lol then at least let them have the epidural waiting in the event you do want it that way its there when or if you need it. Ok done blabbling lol 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 12:53 PM
I had an epidural with my son, didn't have any side effect from the epidural and my labor never slowed. I was only in the hospital for 4 hours before my son was born via c-section. My friend on the other hand had an epidural and she said that she got a backache from it.

When I had gone into the hospital the nurse had asked me about the epidural which I was not sure as to whether or not I wanted. So it was charted as not decided. However she did mentioned to me that should I need a c-section which I did that they would insert a spinal anyways, but should I have the epidural already in place they would have to insert anything later. I am not sure if other hospital do it differently this is just what I remember being told when I had my son. 

Name: rowe_leah | Date: Nov 4th, 2006 2:33 AM
I was in labor for about 7 hours before I asked for a pethadine shot.it helped a bit but the pain was something I never thought possible.I had prepared myself to go natural and I thought I could handle it but when the time came it was totaly different.I just shut my eyes and tried to breath through the hole thing.I ended up having an emergency c sec an hour later because my blood pressure was really high.next time I think I would get an epidural.I had a spinal block and I was totaly scared of them putting a needle in my spine but it hurt less than the pethadine in the leg.I guess its up to the individual.Iam still really sore now from the c sec but its only been a week.slowly getting better. 

Name: T-rabbit | Date: Nov 4th, 2006 3:14 AM
Sarah m
I was in labor for 2 hours and it took 32 min to push out my 2nd, 30min with my first and about a hour with my son who is 1 month the2nd. 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Nov 4th, 2006 5:26 AM
I gave birth to my daughter in the back of an ambulance by the side of the road, no pain killers. They only pulled over when I felt the urge to push. So I was in pain but also felt every pot hole in the road. 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Nov 4th, 2006 5:28 AM
I wanted a natural delivery, but in better surroundings. The back of the ambulance sucked. I had a really quick labour. They tried to take me to a bigger hospital as the doctor said I hadnt even started dilating, an hour down the highway, I gave birth. 

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