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Name: Cris
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Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:23 PM
maybe we need some suggestions on how to just relax huh? I have tried...its so hard. Hopefully my next ultrasound the kidneys will look better. i'm sure your babies will be good. You are almost there:) 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:27 PM
yes relaxing now is so hard. Have you tried anything to remain calm? 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:34 PM
I have pulled some chunks of my hair out. haha! j/k I have just tried talking to people on this website. The thing is...my doctor has already reassured me time and time again that things are fine. I guess fluid in the kidneys is common with boys. I freaked out because it is a sign of down syndrom, but I took the triple screen blood test and it was normal. I need to just be thankful for that ya know? My chances of having a baby without downs is 1/1000. thats a pretty good chance of a healthy baby! 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:45 PM
Yes honey i'm sure your baby will be fine. On a different note i can't believe how much weight i've gained i feel so huge. 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:47 PM
a lot huh? Ive gained around 13 lbs, but im only 28 weeks...got a lot to go 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:52 PM
yes i've gained 54lbs. and i was big to begin with. 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:58 PM
everyone is differnt. plus you are having two babies! thats a lot of baby ya know? you are probablly supposed to gain that. my friend has gained that much and is only having one baby and is only 32 weeks. 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:02 PM
thanks sweetie i just don't feel too attractive sometimes. 

Name: krisitn | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:04 PM
me neither. I swear if a man had to be pregnant, he wouldnt last a month. haha...that would make this life worth while...a pregnant man :) 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:11 PM
yeah a pregnant man would be funny to see 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:21 PM
where'd you go kristin? 

Name: krisitn | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:26 PM
i'm here. Im at work, so im multi-tasking! 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:28 PM
im so sick of working. that makes me more tired. After i have this baby I get to stay home w/ my kids!! 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 9:29 PM
that will be nice for you. 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 11:16 PM
I think so...although I might go nuts staying home with two kids......we will see :) 

Name: Cris | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 11:53 PM
So I just went to the doc. Dialated to 4cn. And 75% effacedShe did a membrain sweep. Wasn't bad. So Im going in labor tonight , Right ladies? Either way I am thinking positive. Labor or not. She will be here when she is ready 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 12:36 AM
have sex tonight. I bet that will work! 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 3:14 PM
So Cris how are you? your baby will be here before youknow yet righ 

Name: Cris | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 3:27 PM
ha ha I told my hubby I was dialated to 4 and efaced 75%. I dont think that was the best turn on. Maybe I should have told him afterwords. So no sex last night. Loosing mucisy brownish gook. Possibably from membrain sweep. Irregular light contractions. Regardless I really feel like today could be the day. Im feeling real queezy and gassy. EWWWW. I am hopeing that its almost time. Im gonna clean house after I take my daughter to school. Maybe that will do it. Beckie how are you feeling? I like chatting with you ladies, although not quite as entertaing as some of these other forums I have looked at. Did you see the one I got pregnant from my tampon? Where are some of these girls mothers. I have a little bit of empathy. I guess thats what some of tthese forums are for. 

Name: kristin | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 3:29 PM
cris....sounds like you lost your mucas plug. Thats a sign of going into labor soon I believe 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 3:35 PM
I'm all right Cris i'm just so damn tired and i need this baby out of me. Everything hurts and i really hope i don't have to wait another two weeks. 

Name: Cris | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 4:30 PM
The whole going into labor soon thing. I tell you for weeks now its been "I t could be 24 hours to 2 weeks". When is soon gonna be NOW. Okay not that positive. I know when she is ready I keep telling myself. Happy positive thoughts!!!!!!!! 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 8:44 PM
Yes Cris happy positve thoughts are always good but it's so hard when we are so close yet it seems so far away. At least we have each other on a board site like this. So how are you feeling right now? 

Name: Cris | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 12:09 AM
Well the day is ticking away, My hole kitchen is clean I have had a total of like 9 or 10 contractions all day. The excitement has wore off. I dont think it will happen today.Becky how much waight have you gained being pregnant with 2. If you don't mind me asking? 

Name: Trinni | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 1:17 AM
Girlfriend I feel your pain, and I am only 30 1/2 weeks!!!!!! This is my 4th child and I am so tired I am starting to think I am walking around the house like a crack head...lol. I wish I could get a big body sponge and catheter!!!!!!! I have alot of perineal pains at this time also....oh how I dream of sleeping for 2 or 3 hours with out having to get up...and when I get up I hit my dh right in the gut to let him know that I am not getting any relaxation and keeping him to his wordds...."We are in this together"....lol. I give you i week and 4 days and you will be in labor girlfriend....good luck. 

Name: Cris | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 2:43 AM
Why one week and 4 days. And to bitch about men a min. What makes them think they have any idea of how uncomfortable things are. Although trying to be supportive I cant wait to watch his face when things get going for real. Being this is my husbands first baby. I think he is scared of my stomach. Dont get me wrong he has been wonderful. 

Name: Cris | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 3:06 PM
Becky you still pregnant? 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 3:08 PM
yes honey i'm still pregnant but i'm so ready to be done with all this 

Name: Cris | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 3:37 PM
In no time im sure we will both be holding our beautiful girls. Like, a watched pot never boils. 

Name: Beckie | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 9:56 PM
Hi Cris how are you? i'm so big and tired so hopefully she will come out tonight. I'm having sex with my bf tonight so i hope that helps. 

Name: Cris | Date: Mar 17th, 2006 10:41 PM
Becky whats ur due date? Wahhhhh my body is sore. Okay enough of that . Posaitive positive positive thought. Yess Becky our babys are comeing out tonight. Its a good day for haveing a baby dont you think LOL. I did jumping jacks today. That was funny looking im sure. 

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