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Name: Aharris
[ Original Post ]
I am 30 weeks pregnant and I have been noticing that my baby isn't moving as much as she did a couple of weeks ago. I spoke with the nurses and they said to just watch it. Is this something that i need to be concerned about? i know that as you get further along there is less room to move around. I guess i am just scared because this is my first pregnancy.
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Name: Petrona | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 2:05 PM
Have you tried The Fetal Kick Count ? This is but one of the ways of counting and recording your baby's movement.

The first thing you want to do is pick your babies most active time of the day to begin.

Do not set yourself for panic by waiting until the quiet times. Take a piece of paper and write down the time you start paying attention, put a check mark on the paper every time you feel movement (kick, twist, punch, turn). Do not count hiccups. When you have felt ten movements, write that time down as well.
Doing this at the same time every day will help with the accuracy of the test. If your baby is having a slow day, try walking for five minutes, eating, or drinking juice and then go lie down on your left side to see if that will perk your sleepy little one up. Keep in mind that we do not feel all the movements of the baby. We actually probably are too busy moving ourselves to notice the majority of movements. Also, a placenta that is anterior or a mother with some extra weight may provide yet another barrier to feeling all the movements.

Ten movements in four hours is considered normal. 

Name: DeniseK | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 4:17 PM
Not to scare you, but yes be concerned and do the fetal count. A friend lost her baby due to the cord being wrapped around its neck. If she would have gone to the doctor instead of ignoring the lack of movement her baby could have been saved. Sorry to freak you out. What my friend went through was horrible and I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone else. 

Name: cannonballs_baby | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 4:51 PM
if you get more than three kicks in an hour it should be fine but you also have to think, its getting crowded in there towards the end so it is going to slow up a little 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 6:20 PM
My son actually did the same thing as I got closer to my due date my son move less because of the lack of room that he has. The reason that the nurse told you to keep an eye on this is because a decrease in the baby movement could indicate a problem. They actually recommend you to call your doctor ASAP if within 2 hours you do not feel 10 movements from your baby. If it take longer to reach the 10 movement each day contact your doctor. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 7:40 PM
When are you supposed to start feeling 10 movements w/ in an hour? I just started to feel her move last week, but it's still very faint. I do have a fetal heart monitor so every night we listen to her heartbeat. I would recommend one to everyone; it really helps me with my anxiety. You can rent them on-line, maybe that would quell your worries a bit Aharris. I hope everything's ok. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 7:44 PM
I have one but its one of those sucly monitors but i know my baby is fine cause he is strong lol and likes to hurt me when he moves sometimes lol. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 27th, 2006 8:39 PM
Generally most women will feel their baby start to move between 16-22 weeks. At about 28 weeks is when some doctor recommend you keeping track of your baby's movement. So my guess is that around 28 weeks is when you should be watching for the 10 movements with in the 2 hours. 

Name: ladyblueblood | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 12:16 AM
I'm pregnant with my second baby, and he has just started moving quite noticeably in the past few month or so. I'm at about 21 weeks now, and I would suppose that since 18 weeks it was unmistakable that it was him doing all that moving. Don't be too alarmed if you're still not in your 3rd trimester, because before that 7th month starts, the baby still technically has room to make movements without you feeling them, if you're not paying dire attention. There will be times of the day when it's more active than others.

Now, onto the first question asked, when I was pregnant with my first son, I had to be induced because his heart rate started to drop and I had been feeling fewer and fewer movements from him. I was induced at about 36 weeks, and he came out quite blue and purple with a cord wrapped tightly three times around his neck.

Those fetal heart monitors may seem a little hokey, but get one, and learn to use it. Keep track of your baby's heartrate (get a monitor that counts it for you or get your doctor to show you how to count it), and make a note of any drop in heartrate. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 3:21 AM
My sister actually had the same problem with the cord being wrapped around her son's neck. They tried to induce but she never dilated any further then 1cm and the become worried with each addition contraction since with ever contraction his little heart beat fell. The doctor ended up delivering him via c-section which at that time they had found out that his cord was wrapped aroung around his neck. 

Name: granny2be | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 10:38 AM
You can also buy a little fetal heart monitor at Wal Mart for about $20. I got one for my nephew when he and his wife were expecting and they used it every night. I asked them how well it worked since my daughter is pregnant and he said they are great. They come with a set of head phones and you can record the heartbeat and send it to people in e mail :) 

Name: ladyblueblood | Date: Jul 28th, 2006 8:03 PM
I had one of those BebeSounds Heart listeners (the cheapo at WalMart), and I wasn't all that amused with it. The "clicking" when you push the blue button on it is so loud that it nearly deafens you through the earphones and makes it hard to hear the heartbeat. Plus it's sometimes hard to distinguish it from your own.

My next door neighbor let me borrow her stethescope (she's a school nurse) for a while and it worked much better. No fancy email capabities here, but it will let you hear a heartbeat without having to go through tons of batteries. You can buy them at Nursing supply or at home hospital rental stores. I've been told you can rent fetal dopplers there too.. just check your phone book and ask around. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Jul 30th, 2006 10:45 PM
You can rent a fetal doppler by searching fetal heart monitor in your search engine. I'd give you the website I went to, but I don't know how this website is about endorsments. It's $25 a month and every additional month that you rent it gets cheaper. Or you can buy a used one for $185. You have to get dr. or midwife approval though. You provide them the number of your dr. and they take care of it. I've heard really bade things about the BeBe monitors; I wouldn't waste my time on one.

Are you feeling the movements more often now? I hope that you're feeling a little reassured now. I have to listen to her heartbeat like 3 times a day now b/c I've read all the stories on here about stillbirths and m/c. I think I'm becoming a bit obsessive, it's just that I'm getting so attached, and I'd hate for something to happen if I could have possibly prevented it. 

Name: Aharris | Date: Aug 1st, 2006 6:43 PM
Thanks all for your comments. I am feeling her move a little more now. She moves here and there but it's enough to keep me happy. i was just worried a little because she is my first and i am so scared for something bad to happen. 

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