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Name: red87
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I was wondering if any of you could help me out with meal plans for my daughter...

Brooke is 5 months old + 1 week. She has been on rice cereal/barley cereal for the past week. Usually I give her rice cereal in the morning after her morning feed then I give her barley cereal around 7pm, bath at 8:30 then I nurse her and put her to bed.

So, my plan was to give her her rice cereal or oat cereal whatever it may be in the morning just by itself. At 6 months I will buy her the rice with banana cereal and mixed fruit cereal. Then, I was going to giver her a cereal for lunch as well - whatever I do not give her in the morning. Then for supper I was going to give her peas or carrots...some kind of vegetable. Until she is 6 months when I will then start her on like beef w/broth or chicken w/broth. I was actually going to hold off on her luch for a few weeks until she is used to the peas and carrots and all that stuff for dinner.

I know lots of people say no solids before 6 months but her doctor told me a could start her on them a month ago - I decided to wait until 5 months though.

Please let me know if this is a good plan or what worked for all of you??

Also, I bought her some 1st stage sippy cups for christmas - can i start giving her small amounts of water? Or the jarred baby juices diluted with water??

I'm a first time mom and I've been pretty good with everything else but comming to food I'm kind of lost lol so any help would be greatly appriciated!! THANK YOU!!
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