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Name: Kyra.G
[ Original Post ]
Sadie is now 16 months old and just growing like a weed. She says tons of word and sentences that blow our mind. Here are a few words she says:

momma, daddy, bro, hi, bye, no, yea, dog, kitty, duck, poo (pool), assy (passy), ashey (ashley), bian (brian), mo, po (grandparents), baketball (basketball), butterpie (butterfly), worm, bee, grass, blue, puple (purple), pink, red, blak (black), wo wo (yo yo), shoe, eye, nose, ear, tee (teeth), too brush (tooth brush), ouchie, no way, rock, toe, finga (finger), brush, clock, slide, weeeee, wata (water), milk, food, cup, bath, bed, seep (sleep), outside, my house, inside, caca (yep I said it once and she got it), ship (chip - sounds like shit), fok (fork), spoon), giddy (giddy up - loves getting on her horse), book.... gosh I know there are more but I can not list them all,

Sadie also knows where her eyes, nose, mouth, ears, belly button (navel), toes, fingers, tummy, butt and hair are.

She counts to 5 well not that good yet but she will say it with you.

These are her sentences or gestures

Daddy you awake?
I go outside.
go bye bye now
no dont go
no way no way
have some food
this is yummi
i see (meaning she wants it)
read me book
go take bath

She knows the sounds to the following animals:
cat - meooo
lion - raaaahhh
duck - quack
frog - ribrib
dog - roooooo like its howling
bird - chip chip

Sadie will be starting a day school as we feel like she is capable of it and she loves to learn. She starts Aug 25.

Also she does a tumble - yeaaaa gymnastics here we come -

So much more to tell but I want to know how everyone elses lil ones are doing.
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Name: zoey9810 | Date: Aug 20th, 2008 4:36 PM
Holy crap! Tlyer jsut turned 15 months and only says a few words but he can name most of his body parts by pointing to them!

Shes very smart! good job! 

Name: Kyra.G | Date: Aug 20th, 2008 4:51 PM
She is but I have to thank my MIL for staying home with her and teaching her alot of this. I was against her learning this stuff so fast because I wanted her to be a baby but the dr said whatever you can teach her do it.

I will be teaching her car safety soon, I taught my son Jaxen at age 15 months so I am super late with teaching Sadie. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Aug 26th, 2008 2:42 PM
yeh braden only says a couple words, but hes more physical that he is verbal. 

Name: Kyra.G | Date: Aug 26th, 2008 4:11 PM
Hey Coartney! How have you been? How is Braden? 

Name: Opheiliamath | Date: Aug 26th, 2008 4:42 PM
Sadie sounds like a cutie! Watch out, she maybe to smart for her own good, hahaha. Good going grandma, hahaha.

Christian just turn 15 months and his FAVORITE word is "More" because he sooo greedy, lol.

But for the most he's really still on "simple" words single words. Not putting words together yet.

Oh wait...he knows how to say "More please" LOL. 

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