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Name: Jessi R
[ Original Post ]
Just wanted to thank everyone for your words of support.. I'm 11 days late, 4 neg hpt's 1 neg blood test result.. I'm not stressed but we'll just use that as an excuse for why I'm not getting my period... Thanks again.. (this is tough)
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Name: zoey9810 | Date: Jun 8th, 2007 2:46 PM
awww sorry to hear that, your time will come before you know it! :) 

Name: 04nidak | Date: Jun 8th, 2007 3:23 PM
I'm sorry your blood test was negative. Just keep trying and it will happen for you. If it helps, I am now 68 days late and was just put on medicine to induce my period, so you aren't alone! 

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Jun 8th, 2007 3:37 PM
No matter how regular we are, our bodies change in the blink of an eye. It could be that you just ovulated late or haven't yet. Ovualtion is what brings on your period. Before and during ovulation your body is preparing to carry a baby and release an egg in hopes of that happening. If that egg isn't fertilized, all that needs to be "flushed" out, hence your period. That being said, you can still get your period and not ovulate. Doesn't make sense to me, but that's what they say. This is one of the reasons I'm a big temp nazi. Done correctly, you can see exactly what is going on with your cycle. I'm faithful with it as I am ttc right now after a mc late last year. I don't use it as a tool to get pregnant, but to know if I'm truly ovulating or not.

Just out of curiosity, take your temp just as you wake in the morning. Most women are above 98 after ovulating and in the low to mid 70 before. It might be a way to see where you are, although not going to be exact because you need to know your temps throughout your cycle, but it's worth a shot.

Wish you the best, God Bless 

Name: Jessi R | Date: Jun 10th, 2007 2:41 PM
I've started taking my temp, so far just in the 97's and 96's.. thanks for the info Daisy, sometimes hearing it from someone else helps, the books get so irritating. Thank you for the blessings :) I really do appreciate it all 

Name: A Mom To Be | Date: Jun 11th, 2007 5:24 AM
Jessi R, my cycle has been all over the place in recent years, my last 2 cycles went from 32 down to 28. The first time it went to 28 I was at home unprepared, and gush... how embarrassing... and as of yesterday I am now officially pregnant. There was once when I went for 90 something days without getting my period, it happens. I wish you the best of luck. 

Name: Jessi R | Date: Jun 11th, 2007 12:37 PM
It's just so discouraging, I never thought it'd be so emotional.. you see people getting preg all the time like "oh that was so easy!" and it just makes you angry.. Of course I'd never be angry AT someone for being pregnant, just frustrates me that I can't achieve it.. Gotta keep positiive, thanks for the support mom to be :) 

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