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Name: red87
[ Original Post ]
Hey ladies. I have a quiestion for you all...

My best friend called me crying last night saying she was having severe pains in her lower stomach, I told her she should call or go to the hospital. She called back 10 minutes later saying that they were gone, she went to the hospital - waited for 5 hours then left because she "was sick of waiting" so she didnt see any doctors. She hasn't felt the pain again since then.

She is 9 weeks pregnant, her last ultrasound was last week, so she would have been 8 weeks - the doctor couldn't see the baby but he did see the sac so he sent her away and told her to come back for another ultrasound in 2 weeks (she has already been for a previous ultrasound at 6 weeks where they could not see anything either so she was told to come back at 8 weeks)

Do you think she should try going to the hospital again today or should she wait until her ultrasound next week. Do you think the baby is still ok? My heart dropped when she called me crying because she was in so much pain, I know they say if you are in that much pain it COULD mean a possible misscariage, but it only lasted about 10-15 minutes. What do you guys think?
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Name: mother2five | Date: Apr 22nd, 2008 4:17 PM
I always say go to the dr. when in doubt and we are no experts or dr.'s but it also could have been other things maybe gas or diareah (sp) pains ya know ??????? 

Name: red87 | Date: Apr 22nd, 2008 4:24 PM
I told her to go back but she is so stubborn and impatient! It just worries me that she was crying because she was in so much pain! I guess maybe if she isn't too worried about it then I shouldn't be. I just hope everything goes good for her. 

Name: mother2five | Date: Apr 22nd, 2008 4:25 PM
well sometimes cramps are normal in preg. and maybe she wasn't in as much pain as she actually was scared and it's ok to ask that.........but still when qiestionable see a dr 

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