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Name: Opheiliamath
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Well, my mother and I have been signing everyday with Christian and at first he will just move his little fingers(which was a good sign) but nothing concrete.

Well, for the past I say two weeks he has signed "milk" and "more" and "water". There are no if and or butts about it. He has got those 3 signs down! I'm so proud of him and myslef for sticking with it.

I know a few of you are teaching your children how to sign, I have a question.

When it comes to ABC's visuial is best right. Because what I have been doing is watching a siging video on Youtube with Christian, but I'n not sure if that's the best way. I was thinking using flashcards?

When It came to ABC's and sign language how did you go about teaching it, or did you teach the alphabet 1st and added the signs later?

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Name: Randi | Date: Aug 19th, 2008 6:15 PM
Wow, I personally don't do any structured learning. I play with Kaden and talk to him and he picks up a lot! He knows the tune to ABCs and he can sing a little bit. He can sing Pat a Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider, with the actions. He counts to 3, knows some animal sounds and recognizes them in books or whenever we come across one. At 20 months he really does a lot and I have never sat with flashcards or anything like that. I guess he just would not respond well to it. He's a very interactive kid and learns best by doing and trying things out... I make it fun for him.

We did try the signs though and he didn't get it. He understood words and could make himself understood, so we didn't have much use for them anyway. 

Name: Opheiliamath | Date: Aug 19th, 2008 7:34 PM
"Wow" huh? I guess I am a wow in how I parent my child. Thanks!

But yes I try to set aside time for Christian (14 months) to try and focus on one thing. The sign language is an everyday, throughout the day thing so I don’t set time for that.

But weather we set a time just for reading, coloring, playing with the bath toy and bubbles, blocks, ect. Yes I do try and focus his energy on one task. Even when we play I teach him. “The boat is blue”; “You have an orange crayon” “The cow says mooo” ect. Everything is a learning experience.

Having him run around and make a mess is not what I want him to do ALL the time. I do let him run “wild” sometime because that what kids do. He has fun running around the house and getting into everything I’m sure.

But right now, since I started using sign language I wanted to add ABC’s sign language as one activity I can try to have him focus on, for like 5-10mins. I think it would be fun to add a new activity.

Christian understands words, he knew the word milk and what is was before I started signing it. Signing is an add-on for what he already knows and he’ll learn new words and phases along with signs. 

Name: Randi | Date: Aug 19th, 2008 10:45 PM
Hahaha, that wasn't a bad thing. I just didn't know people worked like that at his age.

We do that too with colours and sounds... Kaden can identify colours, especially with his foam letters in the bathtub.

I try not to let Kaden make a mess, but I have found that for my son, it works for us to just let him explore everything. He is not allowed in my room, our computer room or the bathroom without someone with him. I think it's really worked in our favor. He now can unload and load the dishwasher, he can get himself something he wants me to make him or eat from the cupboard and the messes are minimal now because nothing is forbidden. 

Name: chicksy | Date: Aug 20th, 2008 4:55 AM
I haven't started teaching my son the alphabet in sign language as yet because he is starting to talk now but really prefers to sign to me rather than talk. For this reason, I have stopped the signing until he is able to talk fully. He knows his alphabet up to K but don't know the signs for it. I think that you can teach the alphabet along with signs and in that way he can learn the both together. In my opinion, the video or flashcards will work, but I prefer the video because he is able to sit and watch it over and over again without me interfering to much. Heres a video of my son at 13 months signing. He didn't really have it down pack as yet. He is 18 months now and signs up a storm lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BSIaa4iK78 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Aug 20th, 2008 4:57 AM
Well we started the sign Language thing, but its a no go, hes not interested in it! he is too busy to even pay attention to my hands! I want to teach him but i guess we will see.

I need to do more activities with him but ive been so stressed and busy lately!!!!! UGH!!!!!! I just wish i could speed time up a few months!!!! 

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