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Name: tylersmom06
[ Original Post ]
Ok so with my first C-section I had dissolveable stiches and I am pretty sure this time I will have to have staples can anyone tell me what I am in for? How do they remove them? I am really really nervous about this part!
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Name: SaRaH | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:10 AM
Ok well i just had my staples out today. It wasnt that painful, it was a quick snap and they pulled it out.

HOWEVER in my case 2 of the staples they had put in BACKWARDS so they couldnt cut them, they had to pick at my skin and pull it out. It was terrible and hurt like hell.

But hey they consoled me in saying its the first time they had seen it in 20 years.

Putting them in, you dont feel it of course because you will of had the epidural. Mine where a bit painful, getting in and out of bed walking around etc. But just take your paracetmol, and rest as much as you can. xoxo

Hope this helps 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:14 AM
What do they use to pull them out? 

Name: SaRaH | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:17 AM
Ok well in australia, its like a little pair of scissors, very tiny. They snip it and with the same device it pull its out. Honestly you dont feel it.

And i'm one for someone who HATES pain 

Name: SaRaH | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:17 AM
It actually hurts more rubbing the achole wipe on the wound then pulling it out 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:19 AM
OMG... terrifed am I !

Thank you Sarah! 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:24 AM
Okay so I tried to go to sleep...No Luck!!

Anyways I had staples with my son. I truely feel that most of my pain and discomfort came from the staples pulling because once they were taken out I was so much better. When they remove the staples you actually don't feel a whole lot. It almost like a painless pinch. 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:24 AM
Hey SaRaH how you feeling? 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:32 AM
Well it still sounds painful! :-) 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:34 AM
It really isn't. Again I think most of the pain comes from the pulling of the staples. Of course you will be sore for the c-section as well but the staples don't help 

Name: Meagan | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:35 AM
I had staples with my c-section and when they took mine out it hurt. They cut my staples in half (thats the bit that hurt!) Then pulled to two bits out.. It was more painfull with the pulling and when she cut them in half cos they just snapped really quick.. but you never know.. Sarah was good.. I think i'm just a big sook when it comes to that stuff! lol... 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 7:54 AM
Yeah just one more thing for me to worry about... lol 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 8:05 AM
It will be okay. You know what is going to happen, you going to get yourself all worked up thinking it's going to be this aweful pain only to find out that it's didn't hurt as much as you made yourself believe. 

Name: KarenM | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 9:14 PM
Karen - omg I was so worried about that part too...luckily I only fretted for 2 days in the hospital since the c-section wasn't planned. I was worried for nothing tho hun. I really didn't feel much at all, maybe a little pinch or sting with each one but nothing like I thought. They used a little hand pinchy thingie (ooo good english there!) that looks like an ear piercer. Try not to fret too too much if you can :) 

Name: Randi | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 10:16 PM
Hey Karen! They took my staples out on day 3 before I even left the hospital and it didn't hurt all that bad. They taped me up and that was way worse coming off (i had to pull them off after 7 days) 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 30th, 2006 7:35 AM
Oh I was lucky there too...The tape that they used after taking my staples out as tape that gradually fell off by itself. I was told not to pull the tape tabs off just to let them fall off. 

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