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Name: melmoney
[ Original Post ]
Ok, so I feel a little guilty posting this when there are other people with bigger problems than just me being stressed out, but I know too much stress can harm your baby and I'm a little concerned that I'm reaching that harmful point.

I'm 36w2d and still working 8hrs/day, 40hrs/week. I get home from work around 5 then make dinner, eat, then clean the kitchen and maybe do some laundry if I have time. Monday nights I have lamaze for 3 hours, Tuesday nights I have a work related lecture for 3 hours, Wednesday nights I have church for about 2 hours, Thursday nights I have the work lecture again for 3 hours and Friday nights I actually have off. It's 10pm or later by the I finally get home and get to sit down for the first time every night. By that time I am normally too exhausted to think about anything else, but there is normally still either laundry to finish or more work that I had to bring home to finish. My weekends are full of work that I had to bring home or family stopping by to visit to see how big I've gotten. With all that plus this cold that I can't seem to shake, I've been getting about 4 hours a night of sleep. I get up bright and early in the morning and start the whole process over again.

I haven't sent out thank you cards from my shower yet even though I told my mom that they went out about 3 days ago just to shut her up because she's been asking me everyday. Well since I told her that they went out, she's been asking people everyday if they've gotten their cards yet!! That just makes me look tacky when they say they haven't gotten them yet. I wish she could have just kept her mouth shut, they would have gone out eventually and I'm sure people understand how busy I am right now being pregnant and all. She emailed me this morning to tell me that she's been asking around and no one has gotten their cards and she's affraid that they got lost in the mail so she's going to go buy new ones today and write them all herself and resend them.

I about had a break down this morning at work. I am so stressed with everything else that's going on and he constant nagging is driving me nuts. Yes, I probably shouldn't have lied to her about the cards already going out, but I wasn't in the mood to hear a lecture about how irresponsible I am. And I honestly didn't expect her to go around asking who had gotten them.

I just don't know what to do anymore... I'm just so stressed out and I know it's unhealthy for me and the baby and I don't want to go into preterm labor but it just seems like no one is understanding about how much pressure I'm under right now (except you guys) and things just keep getting piled on higher and higher and I've been having Braxton Hicks for about a week now and I'm scared they are going to turn into the real thing!
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Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 2:34 PM
It sucks doesn't it? Sometimes I just get so emotionally and physically exhausted and stressed out that I feel like I could just cry for hours and still not get anywhere. And kudos to you because you already have kids to deal with too! I'm sure your days are much more stressful than mine with them tacked on there too.

It's days like these that make me wonder how I'm ever going to be able to raise a baby and keep my sanity. And then that thought just stresses me out even more... 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 2:53 PM
It works out trust me you won't be so tired and emotional after the baby is born (well a few months after that is) I have been bless with a very smart indipendent little man. He is perfect. I know that there is no way I could make it if he was like most kids. He is 9 he get his self up and ready in the am packs his lunch and irons his clothes. Not because I won't do it, but because he likes to do it himself. I only pray that I am so blessed with my next child on the way. 

Name: babey_g_311 | Date: Oct 20th, 2006 5:58 AM
thats alot of stuff to do during the week! Im only 24 weeks and just hearing you say all that makes me tired,lol.....I was really stressed out not too long ago with the same problem, doing too many things.....I eliminated some things from my schedule and just have been trying to take it easy....theres not always things you can eliminate but maybe you could talk to your boss about getting less hours? im not sure what kind of job you have...alot of jobs won't let you but i guess it could be worth a shot to talk to your boss and just be like "hey, im 36 weeks pregnant and this is getting very tough I need to take it easier" maybe they could work something out for you.....best of luck to ya hope things get easier soon 

Name: christiansmommy | Date: Oct 20th, 2006 6:22 AM
girl, you better take it easy. i know you said you have all that stuff to do, but, your baby's health (and yours) is much more important. as for your mom, maybe you could refresh HER memory of all the things you have to do on a daily basis. technically, i thought you have like a few months to send out thankyou's from a baby shower? or maybe i'm wrong. anyway, she needs to lighten up about the petty stuff. i know this sounds harsh, but several times when my mom calls, i don't even answer the phone, b/c alot of times she just has negative stuff to say anyway or bullsh*t that i don't feel like hearing. maybe you should limit you phone calls from your mom. hope that helps. cheer up, pretty soon, you'll be having that baby and on leave from work (i hope?) and you'll be getting some much needed rest. or would you? (up at night with newborn, diapers, bottles/breastfeeding, doctor's appts., etc.) good luck! 

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