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Name: nicole miller
[ Original Post ]
I went to the doctor today (it was a week ago today that my water started leaking).... and my cervix is HALF as short as it was then. Not good. The doctor said he's very worried that I'll deliver soon - but that he could be wrong because sometimes girls walk around in my condition for weeks before labor really begins. He's going to give me some injections of steroids and antibiotics on Tuesday if I'm effaced or dialated any more just to be safe. He's also doing some test that I can't remember the name of that's supposed to tell us whether labor is imminent or not.

He told me before I left that I should call 911 and ask to be taken to the big hospital an hour away if I have any contractions because I need to be near a NICU. He wont deliver my baby until 34 weeks along because he's not qualified enough in that area.

I REALLY hope that I don't have to deliver before 34 weeks because I want my regular doctor, and the hospital I'm familiar with! Not to mention I don't want my baby on any tubes or wires! That would be so traumatic to see my baby sick... even though he would be okay eventually. Paul started BAWLING in the doctor's office.... but I waited till we got into the car. This sucks!
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Name: oh_so_excites | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 1:41 AM
OH WOW! I am sooo sorry to hear that nicole! I will keep you and baby josh in my prayers! I hope he stays in there as long as possible. How far are you now? 

Name: connie | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 1:45 AM
I am sorry to hear that Nicole, I hope you arent more dialated next week.
will the baby be small at 34 weeks?
At least you have a great doctor that is on top of everything, really try and take it easy. 

Name: popes_gurl_54 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 2:06 AM
how far along are u again nicole? 

Name: nicole miller | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 2:23 AM
I'm 29+1. Yeah, the baby would be small at 34 weeks, but my doctor said he could deliver him at a regular hospital then because he would not need the NICU - only a bit longer than normal in the nursery in an incubator (to regulate body temp.) and maybe some extra oxygen. 

Name: nicole miller | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 2:30 AM
I will still ask them to stop labor at 34 weeks... even though my doctor made it sound like he wouldn't at that point. I'd really like to be 36 weeks at least if possible. 

Name: babygirl2007 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 2:30 AM
i am so sorry to hear that, I hope things work out in your favor. Ihope he stays in as long as possible you are in my thoughts and prays 

Name: sweet tomorrow | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 2:37 AM
I hope that baby stays the heck in there! He's not getting his eviction notice for atleast 4-5 more weeks! Good luck hun 

Name: firsttimer | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 3:19 AM
well nicole i will keep you in my prayers, but if things do go down a different path hopefully you make it to 32 weeks 

Name: automansgirl | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 6:07 AM
So sorry to hear the bad news. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. On a good note... my sister in law had to be enduced at 32 weeks because of high risk preg and lots of other problems. They gave her steroid injections one week before delivering, and she gave birth to a 3lb .5oz baby girl. Madalynne stayed in the NICU for two weeks and they sent her home early because she was perfectly healthy. I hope the best for you and your baby boy. I'm sure everything will go well. Stay off your feet and TRY to relax. 

Name: Petrona | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 2:49 PM
I hope your little one does hang in there a little bit longer. And doc is right, though your cervix has shortened it could stay that way for a long time so try not to worry about it too much, but do keep off your feet as much as possible. Walking and standing could be causing contractions that you're not aware of and causing the cervix to dilate. You and I are due at the same time so I have a special interest in making sure you keep to the timetable. LOL. :-) 

Name: jillw | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 4:11 PM
Well I know that you already know this, but the mom in me is making me tell you to get your ass in bed and don't move unless you have to!! Every extra week that he stays in there the better off you both are. The good news it is that many babies are born at this stage and are ok, but he needs to stick it out for at least another month or so. My thoughts and prayers are with you paul and the baby 

Name: nicole miller | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 5:19 PM
Thank you girls so much. It's really reassuring to hear about babies that were just fine at this point.... just in case he is here soon.

I am literally not doing anything but going from the couch, to computer, to bathroom right now. Paul has taken over everything and wont let me move. I feel so guilty because he works 2 jobs, and now is doing all the housework. I cried all last night. 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 29th, 2006 5:29 PM
I am so sorry that Paul and you are having to deal with this. You both are in my thoughts and prayers. Don't feel guilty for having to be on bedrest. Paul obviously realizes that this is for the safety and health of your baby. I wish I could have made my husband realize this when I was on rest at 27 weeks because of pre-term contraction but he simply did not get it or want to get it (not sure which). Hing in there as best as you can. I can not tell you that I know how you're feeling, but the good news is that Paul is there for you so at least you don't have to do this alone or feel as if you are going through this alone. 

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