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Name: emilymccoy
[ Original Post ]
So, unlike a lot of pregnant women, I haven't really been having unusual dreams during my pregnancy. Last night, though, I had a dream that I went to the doctor and told them I was having pressure and pain (which I have been). They did an ultrasound because they wanted to know what was going on, and found that there were twins. This is a little weird because I've known for 19 weeks that there's only one little guy in there, but what is even more weird is that as soon as we realize there's two, we realize the second one is dead. So they went ahead and delivered both babies, and the one who was alive turned out to be a black baby (I am white) who looked absolutely like Wayne Brady! Although this is hilarious, the whole dream had a very bland and disconnected feel to it, and I definitely had no attachment to the baby. It was like I wasn't his mother, but I knew that I was suppose to take care of him. So I was taking care of him for months and every now again Wayne Brady would come to check on his "son." Very weird dream, indeed...but leave it to the man to figure out what was going on. After telling my husband about this he decided that what was really happening was that Wayne Brady was an alien, out to impregnate as many women as possible to pass on his alien seed. When Wayne implanted his child into me, the new "alien" baby killed my baby. In a very sick, sadistic way, this was a fucking hilarious scenario. But still very odd.

Well, hopefully at least I got to score with Wayne Brady. *Shrug*
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Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 21st, 2006 6:33 AM
oh wow lol .. i have alot of sex dreams, i mean ALOT of them, but i dont want to have sex with anyone, id rather just use a vibrator, the thought of sex actually makes me gag .. i feel bad for my fiance when he comes home in 2 weeks lol .. i also notice i have dreams like lucid dreams where i think im awake the whole time just laying in my bed, but the downfall of these is when i wake up, i dont feel like i just woke up i feel like i really have been doing jsut that and im still exhausted lol .. cripes. 

Name: rowe_leah | Date: Oct 21st, 2006 9:40 AM
I had a dream that my husband gutted my dog out and then we had dinner with the footy player shane webke.I have been having really crazy weird dreams.lol.you wake up and think woa what made me dream about that.ha ha. 

Name: nicole jones1 | Date: Oct 21st, 2006 4:15 PM
I think my wierdest yet has been a dream that I was breastfeeding kittens! I woke up and was like " woah... i'm awake... not going back to sleep...." 

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