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Name: Kristy84
[ Original Post ]
I think I have a yeast infection and passed it onto Michael or vice versa. He was on very strong antibiotics b/c of dry socket from a root canal. About 1 week ago I started getting itchy asnd sore down there, plus more discharge, but it's clear and he developed dry skin around the head of his penis. Both are tell tale signs of a yeast infection. Is my dr. going to have to give me a PAP or just take a discharge culture?? I have a dr. appt. tomorrow but I'm wondering if I should just buysome monistat b/c I hate PAPs. I read applying anti-fungal monistat cream to the penis normally gets rid of his infection.
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Name: mommyagain | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 5:33 PM
more than likely that is what it is. The thing is a yeast infection is going to almost look like cottage cheese... I know gross! but it happens. I personally because I hate any kind of vaginal exam would also just try some monistat on both of you and see if that helps, if not then yes by all means tell the doc. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 5:34 PM
I've had yeast infections before and I never get that cottage cheese discharge....eeewwww....yeah I don't think I'm going to say anything to her...thanks for the advice Heather 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 5:53 PM
Oh my I have!!! ewww!!! yeah thats what happens if you go to long without treating it. I had one one time and I thought I was just merely ichy down there no big deal well days go by untreated and it is not good!!! Just gets some cream girl and it should clear you both right up! 

Name: jillw | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 6:29 PM
I have only ever had one, but it sucked. Yes if you apply monistat cream to his penis for the standard 3-7 day treatment it will cure his infection, but your dr can give difulcan if it is deeper in his penis. as for you they will jsut take a swab with a big q-tip looking thing and give you a pill or cream. My poor friend roxanne has had one every month for the last 6months. I feel so bad for her 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Nov 2nd, 2006 8:42 PM
Well if you have a yeast infection the chances are high that you passed it on to your fiance. I never had the cottage cheese discharge either but in the beginning of my pregnancy my pap came back that I had one. So they gave me a prescription which I had to only apply once. The monistat cream will help get rid of the infection should your fiance have it as well. I picked some up for my husband when I had it just to be on the safe side. When I was pregnant with my son I had gotten a yeast infection from an antibotic that I was on and Marc did end up getting it as well and we just used the monistat cream so he wouldn't have to go in and be tested, it worked. 

Name: Castanha | Date: Nov 4th, 2006 8:32 PM
Although you are prone to yeast as a pregant woman, your husband's antibiotics could have been the culprit. Whatever the case, you should treat him too. Also, if you have been prone to yeast infections and don't like meds in pregnancy, there are many natural remedies and diet changes that can help change the pH of your vagina, which will decrease the yeast growth. 

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