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Name: question
[ Original Post ]
well,it's another fucking long day in denver.....Im at a point where there are only 2 doctors and 3 nurses i even like anymore.I am ready to snap any moment,the damn doctors wont listen to a fucking thing i have to say.daisy has reflux and should be on meds,but they wont listen,not even with her heart rate being 215 bpm! obviously it is because of pain from the reflux(if not that she has a heart problem,but they wont even test for it)the damn nurse practitioner musta got her degree at wal-mart,she dont know shit,and it is getting old.Now I finally see why peopleblow up other people in public places! lol Also I still havent been able to get my drivers license back,went through 2 eegs so far and have a brain scan tomorrow and another appt with the nuerologist next thursday,am scared shitless that they will decide Im too crazy to drive,they should've done the exams before all the shit from the past 8 months happened!Dunno why I even carre but lately I've been thinking alot about Daisy's dad,even tho Im sooo pissed with him I still miss him alot.I don't miss all the shit but I miss having him next to me,I miss snuggling with him at night,I miss having his arms around me,I miss alot of things about him,and now he's in jail I don't know why but he's on my mind alot even tho I havent talked to him in 7 almost two months.Wow I must be crazy if I miss him after all the shit he put me through! I am getting worried about what Im gonna do when we finally get out of this nuthouse.I don't have a job,no appartment,cant drive,getting low on money....Any ideas of what kind of work I can do from home?I really am scared to death to not have daisy with me all the time after all we've been through,Im scared I will always miss her and worry about her.Am I just fucked up????Reading his I think maybe I am crazy.....
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Name: zoey9810 | Date: Aug 30th, 2007 6:03 PM
Sal, its ok, things will get better, i promise, its hard as hell right now,but things will start looking up real soon. When do the doctors think that daisy will be able to go home? and i cant remember, but why is he in Jail? and im sure, in time, you will find another man, who will love you and little daisy more than he ever did. 

Name: question | Date: Aug 30th, 2007 6:15 PM
they still dont know.maybe a few more weeks?he's in jail fro breaking his probation,Im thinking about going to his hearing on sept 5....yeah,I know i'm not even sure why i miss him except because this is all so hard but we'll get through it without him,im sure.and he's just a real ass so why do i even care?... is uppose it is cause he is her daddy? 

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Aug 30th, 2007 7:44 PM
Here's a big hug from me, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I know we don't speak much but I think of you and baby Daisy everyday. I know it's not easy being a single mum let along going through a medical crisis. You are always in my heart and prayers. Daisy is a fighter because she has God watching over her and she has you for a mommy. God bless sweetie. 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Aug 31st, 2007 5:30 AM
sal this sucks. all of it. reflux sucks. she needs prevacid it is a miracle worker.
i know how it is to miss the one you thought you loved and you thought they would always be there for you. but you and daisy are so much better off without him! 

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