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Name: briseis
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ok. can only type with one hand because breastfeeding as usual! joey wants to feed all the time. i never seem to get anything done. if i dare to even type or eat while feeding he loses his latch, and so i feel i'm constantly just sitting feeding. i have a house to clean, pets to see to, my birdcage hasn't been cleaned in 3 weeks! he screams if he isn't feeding or sleeping or getting attention. i never seem to be able to put him down because he just screams and i'm getting fierce migraine attacks and can't even take effective pain relief as breastfeeding! my life is becoming more and more monotonous. while my house and pets are being neglected i have to sit feeding joey. i'm lucky if i get to eat. is this normal??????????
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Name: briseis | Date: Oct 6th, 2007 12:37 PM
i mean, people tell me it'll be like this. but i feel it isn't right to let a tiny baby take over my life, allow my house and pets to be neglected. my dogs are becoming destructive because of how neglected they're being causing me more problems still. i mean i love joey but i thought they were supposed to nap for 3 hours a day at least which would give me time to eat, have a shower, see to my pets, clean my house. it's not like i want to go partying! they very idea of having time to relax or entertain myself is so far fetched it's almost laughable when i never get to even finish my dinner, or have breakfast. I just want organisation restored. how?? 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Oct 6th, 2007 1:21 PM
Same thing here, except my husband isnt here to help me, so its me the pets and Tyler, and i have lost sooo much weight since i dont have time to eat, and the stress 

Name: davina | Date: Oct 6th, 2007 2:18 PM
aww..hehe my daughter was just like that until she was around 4 months old, and even after 4 months she still demanded your undivided attention...unless, of course, there was something else to occupy her, like a show or rain outside haha.....only i didnt breastfeed, but it seemed like she wanted that bottle every hour!! As far as the feeding goes i remember the doctor telling me when they go through little growth spurts theyll eat and eat and eat.....but yeah i think just about every new mom goes through that phase where they cant get anything done, i know i did!! shoot i was lucky to get a shower! haha, but yeah things do eventually get easier, they change so much in a yr its like theyre a different baby every month! 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 6th, 2007 6:48 PM
yes its normal... its not the " feeding " he wants.. its the constant sucking.. its an important part of a baby growing up.. some babies need to suck.. some dont.
MY daughter wanted my boob ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT.. as soon as i took her off she would cry.. and try sucking anything in site..
i bought her a pacifier.. and it worked WONDERS !! i got to do the things i needed to during the day etc..

you should try it :) 

Name: Meggles18 | Date: Oct 7th, 2007 1:20 AM
Dont think I am trying to get you to quit breastfeeding but my 4 month old sleeps 9 hours through the night becuase I feed her formula.

Do you feed him a bottle before bed? 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Oct 7th, 2007 2:23 AM
get a pacifier! he needs to suck to be comforted. it will help you so much. the first month is the hardest. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 7th, 2007 12:00 PM
when i breastfed i wanted to rip my hair out that entire effing month. then we learned i couldnt, and thank god bc i was going looney. he sleeps 9-12 hours at night. its bliss. LOL 

Name: mychild | Date: Oct 7th, 2007 2:36 PM
You'll get the hang of it, but that's what life is when you have a newborn baby. Your world revolves around them and only them. They depend on you. Have you husband take care of the pets and the house, it's his responsibility as well and he can't pile everything on you.

Perhaps your baby isn't latching on as well or is a drifter. Try rubbing his back or lifting his Tshirt to wake him. I would give him a pacifier for short periods just to get him to feeding every 2 hours, then he may actually eat more per nursing session.

Our bodies are meant for nursing and formula should only be a last ditch thing. Babies who are on formula don't sleep longer, my baby slept all night at 6 weeks and was nursed. There is so much help out there if you just look or ask. I never had any problems nursing, no pain, no infections, nothing. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Oct 7th, 2007 5:07 PM
formula is a last ditch thing. awesome. we're all bad mothers. 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 7th, 2007 6:34 PM
well actually.. i have tried the " formula " before bed to get a longer sleep.... it does not make a difference at all.. i think it just depends on your baby, my daughter still wakes every few hours bottlefed or not..
So ive just gone back to breastfeeding, much easier than making up bottles anyways. 

Name: briseis | Date: Oct 7th, 2007 8:56 PM
I bought a pacifer yesterday. It took him a while to get used to it, but now he will suck it for about 15 mins or so before starting to complain again. I'm hoping it'll last longer as time goes on. He's not a 'bad' baby; he only wakes once during the night for a feed, and on those night feeds I give him a bottle, to get the milk in him quicker, and hence so I can get him back to sleep quicker; when I tried breastfeeding at night, he used to keep falling asleep on my breast, and I then started screaming for food the moment I put him back in his moses basket. I was sitting crying feeding him at night, so my fiancé suggested giving him a bottle at night, and that seems better (for me anyway) During the day, I breastfeed, but I'm contemplating giving him a bottle at lunchtime, just so I can get the house in order! Thanks for the replies! 

Name: davina | Date: Oct 7th, 2007 10:12 PM
hey, ya know what? you just do what works for you and your family....i mean advice is GREAT and very helpful at times, but it all boils down to just doing what works for YOU.....there are so many issues..such as bottle feeding, sleeping in the bed with you , pacifiers, formula etc...that everyone could argue about ALL day....but ya do what ya gotta do to get by and what you are comfortable with! it sounds like you are doing a great job to me!! haha alot of it is trial and error, and what works for one family wont necessarily work for another 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Oct 7th, 2007 11:07 PM
briseis my only other suggestion is a front carrier. brooke is a very cuddly baby and some days that is the only way i get things done. i jusr put her in it and go. 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 1:24 AM
every baby is so different too!
emma was formula fed and she slept through the night at 6 weeks but during the day even though she only ate every 4 hours she had to be held ALL THE TIME! or she was scream and cry.

gracie was breastfed. wanted to nurse every 1 1/2 hours...even with the pacifier! and didn't sleep through the night until she was 6months old.

cole is now 5 1/2 weeks and he nurses every 3 to 4 hours and sleeps a 4 to 5 hour strech at night already.

so i don't think it's a matter of breastmilk or formula...i think it's all jsut about the baby. 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 1:26 AM
oh and do you have a bouncer seat? that was the only way gracie would ever let me put her down. which was hard sinse i was also the only person she would let hold her! 

Name: question | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 2:25 AM
MYCHILD formula is only a last ditch effort....yeah,whatever I disagree.my daughter is now 13 weeks old and I am STILL pumping so she can have breastmilk with hopes that one day she will be able to nurse but if not I will give her formula.Some mums cannot breastfeed so you dont need to condemn them,Ive seen many mums want desperately to nurse but cannot or decide to switch because that works better for them,thats their choice,not yours or anyone elses.And the night time sleeping,its all about the kid.daisy will sleep up to 5 hours (but usually more like 4)at a stretch during the night but wakes up and wants in bed with me then will go back to sleep,and she is getting breastmilk with formula added to it ! so dont worry it will get better. 

Name: mychild | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 3:02 PM
Question, you didn't read....last ditch effort meaning you have given it your all and then some. Too many give up too soon, that was my point. 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 3:14 PM
i don't understand putting women down for not breastfeeding. you say to many give up to soon...who are you to decide that? my oldest daughter emma was formula fed from the day she was born on and she is just fine...actually better than fine. sinse she was a year old her doctors have told me that she has always been at twice her age developmentaly...1yr old =2
2yr old=4....so i just don't understand why women are made to feel bad for giving formula no matter why they are doing it. 

Name: Logan | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 3:38 PM
Briseis, my little one would not latch on for dear life at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So needless to say he is on formula, I supplement every other bottle with breast milk I actually pump out then feed it to him in a bottle, its better than nothing (as far as giving up nursing I mean). Its very hard because he needs my attention 24/7 and I can barely pump sometimes, but I still want him to get some breast milk, formula its not a crime many mommies who are sick and cannot breastfeed, or do not have the nipples for a baby to latch on use formula and babies are healthy so if you have to do both go ahead, I do, pediatrician said I should anyways because Logan was in high demand for milk and at the time i was no supplying enough for his satisfaction. 

Name: Savannah | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 4:28 PM
Briseies, I completely understand what you mean about breastfeeding your baby....especially at night!! My baby used to do the exact same thing....I remember crying at night while breastfeeding him too because I was so tired! Thank god your fiance opted to help because my DH didnt!!!LOL
I remember always thinking that he was on my boobs so much and thats all I did.......all
I wanted was 15 freakin minutes to have my arms back...LOL!. I ended up slowly switching him to formula and I felt so guilty for it because I was affraid he would get sick but he never did and hes done great since then. I was very excited to know that the formula I had picked to put him on was one that his pediatrician thought very highly of and he said it was the best type out there. Good luck to you and I hope you get a little relief soon...lol. :) 

Name: mychild | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 4:55 PM
Well of course your doctor is going to tell you to use formula if you are telling him you're tired or whatever. But all they have to do is look at the healthy growing child to know that he is getting plenty. I could have easily givin up the first few weeks but I knew nursing was the best and I kept going. You choose to have a baby but don't take into consideration what it is like when they are newborns. Yes, they need you 24/7, they are your life. Breastmilk is natural, and I'm not totally against formula, nowhere did I say that, but formula is not natural, nothing natural about it. 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 7:53 PM
im going to have to agree with mychild on this subject about formula.
it isnt natural at all.. its impossible for them to make formula with all the goodness a breast has.
breastmilk develops the Brain.. formula dosnt.
You are doing great brisies, you should keep going =) and enjoy it !! its a special time for you and little joey... you have a special bond that no one else has.
Babies grow too fast, make the most of all those little things =) 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 9th, 2007 1:04 AM
first make sure that he is hungry. babies jsut like to suck ya know. His latch should get good enough that you can give him a passy to sooth him while he is not hungry. He shouldn;t be at the breast all the time that is jsut too much even if people say it is normal it isn;t unless you supply is not enough for him. SOme people are cool being used as a passy and I think it is fine here and there like at sleepy times, but damn girl you got to be free some time. don't feel bad about a passy or anything. Pump a few time and see how much you are getting. babies are better then a pump, but at least you will know that he is getting sufficent amounts of food and you can start holding him off a bit to at least every two-three hours.

My friend and sister who still bf at 6.5mo don;t have to do it that often. THeir kids from just a couple of months would latch on each boob for less then 10 min and were cool. They were usually done before me and kendra with her bottle. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Oct 9th, 2007 1:10 AM
Now a few times a day Tyler will Latch for 5 min, and he gulps it down so fast that hes good to go for a few hours. but then other times he will sit there for 20 min eating slowly. i guess it depends on his mood.

Do you have a boppy pillow?, it might help so that you dont get so tired of holding him all the time. i LOVE my boppy pillow, i think its the best thing in the world 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Oct 9th, 2007 3:22 AM
i was trying to stay away from this fight about breastfeeding, but i can't. personally i think it is pretty messed up when breastfeeding moms make non breast feeding moms feel guilty about not breastfeeding. my nipples would retract when brooke tried to latch and therefore she couldn't get a good latch and couldn't get enough to eat. she was a premie to begin with weighing 6 lbs 3.5ozs, because of my inability to breast feed her she dropped to 5 lbs 10 ozs, which was more than the 10% they should lose. i had to give formula not only because of her weight loss but because of her refusal to latch, it was so hard on her to fight for it.
but you know you're all right i must be depriving my child. whatever. my daughter thrived because of the formula.
many women have different issues as to why they can't breast feed, and the guilt that breast feeding mothers push on them pushes them into depression!
i say give it a try but it may not work. your baby knows best. if formula was horrible for them it wold not be the alternative. 

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