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Name: maryngreg
[ Original Post ]
I am 11 weeks pregnant with my first and I have alot of lower back pain. I seem to notice it when I've been sitting for long periods of time, then try to get up. I sit at a computer all day at work, and by the time I get home it hurts pretty bad. If I go and lay down on my back for some reason it hurts worse, sometimes it hurts so bad for a while that I can't get up and walk till it stops. Is this normal? Do any of you feel like that at all?
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Name: Kristy84 | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 9:39 PM
I'm 31 weeks along and back pain has become a debilitating problem for me. I sufer from sciatica...I have a bulging disk pressing against my sciatic nerve. What you're experiencing is totally normal. You need to not sit or stand for long periods, adn when you';re lying down keep your feet elevated. Also, if you must sit for an extended period of time, place a pillow benhind the small of your back. Stretches are very useful. Get down on all fours, like a cat, and rock your pelvis up and down. Also, runner stretches work well. Try to keep maintain good posture. If the pain persists, you can take Tylenol and try placing ice packs on the area for 15 min and then add heat such as a heating pad for 15 ming. Do this for an hour 2-4 times per day. These are all things I learned in physical therapy and childbirth classes. If your back pain gets more severe, and it's accomponied by a change in urine or a fever, contact your dr. immedietly, as it could be a possible sign of infection. Hope this helped. 

Name: maryngreg | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 10:05 PM
thanks so much Kristy84. It does make me feel better knowing that it is normal. I will try your advice. :) 

Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 4:40 AM
im almost 15 weeks pregnant and i have the same problem, everynight i lay in a hot bath for like 30 mins lol and honestly, it still doesnt really help .. now im just wasting water and time. hope your back feels better, i have to fly a 21 hour flight, i dont know how im gonna do it lol 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 1:03 PM
mary it is very normal though I wish it was not because maybe then I wouldn't be having so much pain :) It has to do with the hormones. I didn't think that it would be a problem until I had a belly, but I am 17 weeks no belly and a ton of back pain. I jsut hope it doesn't get worse. 

Name: maryngreg | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 6:07 PM
thanks girls,
Coartney, I haven't yet taken a bath though i've felt like it because I heard that it could harm the baby. Maybe thats just if the water is to hot or something. Have you heard anything like this? Anyone else? Because I'd really like to take a bath every now and then! It is surprising how much my back hurts, Jillw, Like you I didn't think I'd have a problem till I got big, but I was wrong! 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 6:10 PM
Baths are fine just don't sit in super hot water for too long. My dr says just don't spend time in hot tubs. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 6:18 PM
well i know im not gonna take a cold bath. our water here doesnt get to hot anyways, and im not trying to scorch myself, but it is too cold for it being hot water.. anyways ive also noticed, now and in the past, when ur constipated, soaking in a hot bath helps that also b.c it calms the muscles down in ur stomach and stuff like that lol .. i learned that the hard way the night before a colonscopy lol 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 6:24 PM
I wish that there was some magic trick to help, but I have not found anything. I jsut laied down on the floor at work and it hurts to even relac by low back muscles like I am going to break something it is so odd. Then when I stand up it hurts to put pressure back on it. It is so low that it is almost my butt. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 8:45 PM
You're not supposed to sit for an extended period of time in water over 100 degrees F 

Name: bellagirl | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 9:50 PM
my back hurt like crazy and I have a desk job, I try to move around every couple of mintues or use a back pillow 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 9:57 PM
Yes it is very common symptom of pregnancy because as your uterus and baby grows the more pressure and weight your back has to take on. Sitting for prolong periods of time can actually cause more satic nerve pain. I have been going to the Chiropracter which seems to help. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 9:59 PM
Mary make sure to move around every now and then. This will help keep your back muscle stretched. It sort of like going to the gym for the first time and waking up the next morning feeling as if you just got hit by a car. Your muscles become relaxed. 

Name: Angelcecilia2 | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 1:50 AM
I have been experiencing the same thing at 14 wks. Thank you to all who answered mary, because you really helped me out too! I don't have a sit-down job -- I work in a daycare (plenty of practice for the little one on the way) so I'm up and down all day. Today, my back pain was the worst it's been so far, I could hardly move. Tonight my problem is leg cramps... any suggestions for those?
Also good to know about the baths...and that a warm one can help constipation.....thanks again for all the advice! 

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