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i am pregnant
my brother has been molesting me for 5 weeks now
he is bigger and stronger then me and forces himself on me
i cant tell anyone he threatens me
should i have a abortion and tell no one
thats what i think i should do and move and stay with my grandma and tell her
i just feel so scared i want to kill myself
please can anyone help
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Name: X-Amber-X | Date: Apr 28th, 2007 1:30 PM
Hello Password,
Firstly I am sorry that you are in such a terrible situation. How old are you? How many months/weeks pregnant are you? Is you brother the father of your unborn child?

You need to tell someone about the abuse. Talk to your parents, a friend, you mention that you are living with your grandma tell her. if you feel that you cant talk to someone about what is going on then write a letter and give it to someone you need help and if you dont get it your brother will only continue to molest you.

I cant tell you whether or not you should abort your unborn child, i can only advice you. I personally believe that you are pregnant for a reason, and that your baby has the right to life.but ultimatly it your decision and it one that only you can make.

you have 3 options..............
First things first
Abortion means ending a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child. If a woman thinks she is pregnant but hasn't had a pregnancy test done, she needs to do so as soon as possible.

What is a legal abortion?
In England, Wales and Scotland abortion is legal under 24 weeks of pregnancy if two doctors agree that it is necessary for one of the following reasons:

having the baby would harm the woman's mental or physical health more than having the abortion. This involves the woman explaining how she feels about the pregnancy to a doctor.

having the baby would harm the mental or physical health of any children she already has.
An abortion is also legal at any time in pregnancy if two doctors agree that:

the abortion is necessary to save the woman's life or prevent serious permanent harm to her mental or physical health, or

there is a high risk that the baby would be seriously handicapped.
Note that the stage of pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the woman's last period. Note also that different laws apply outside England, Wales and Scotland.

How can a woman get an abortion?
To get an abortion on the NHS, a woman needs to be referred by a doctor. This can be her own GP, or a doctor at a local family planning clinic or Brook Centre (for under 25s).

If a doctor has a moral objection to abortion, s/he does not have to be involved. However, s/he should explain this to their patient and make arrangements for her to see another doctor.

It is important to act quickly. The earlier a woman decides to have an abortion, the easier it is to get a free abortion on the NHS. Although the normal legal limit for abortion is 24 weeks, it is usually easiest to get an abortion on the NHS if a woman is under 12 weeks pregnant. There is an average of 2-4 weeks waiting time on the NHS, so it is easier if a woman is under 8 weeks pregnant.

Women can refer themselves for a private abortion. Early abortions start from around £350 and go up to £750 or above in the later stages. For more information on private abortions, visit our useful organisations section.

Once referred for an NHS or private abortion, the woman will need to attend a consultation at the clinic. Her medical history will be taken and a nurse or doctor will discuss what will happen.

Under 16s
A young woman under 16 can have an abortion but special rules apply about consent. Brook Centres are used to seeing young people under 16 and can provide confidential help.

How are abortions carried out?
There are two main early abortion methods:

Medical abortion (known as 'the abortion pill')
Medical abortion can be performed in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. It does not involve any surgery. The woman is given a pill (mifepristone) and 36 to 48 hours later, a tablet (prostaglandin) is placed in her vagina. These two drugs end most early pregnancies within the following four hours. It feels like having a heavy and rather painful period.

This method is not available everywhere. Women should check with the referring doctor whether this method is available on the NHS in their area.

Vacuum aspiration (known as 'the suction method')
This method is available up to 13 weeks of pregnancy. For this procedure the woman has either a general or local anaesthetic. The abortion is carried out through the vagina and there is no wound or stitches. The cervix (the entrance to the womb at the top of the vagina) is gently stretched to allow a tube to pass through it into the womb. Once the tube is inserted, it only takes a minute to remove the pregnancy by suction. Healthy women take only an hour or so to recover and most go home the same day.

Methods used for later abortions will depend on the stage of pregnancy. The exact procedure will be explained by a doctor or nurse before the abortion goes ahead.

Having an abortion should not affect a woman's ability to have a child in the future.

After an abortion
The woman will experience some bleeding for a few days after the abortion and may have pain like "period pains". Advice will be given on how to reduce the risk of infection. If bleeding or pain is severe, or she has a raised temperature or unusual vaginal discharge, she should see a doctor as soon as possible as this could mean that she has an infection which needs treatment.

The woman will need to see a doctor about one to six weeks after the abortion to make sure all is well.

It is possible to become pregnant again as soon as 7 days after an abortion. So the woman needs to think about future contraception.

abortion is not ahn easy option, most women think they are but they aren't, alot of women find that they cant live with what they have done, they regret that they have 'killed' their baby. i have friend and when we were 14 she fell pregnant she th0oughtn it was ok and she wnt and had the baby terminated she is now 20 and regrets it not a day goes by when she doesnt wish she had kept her baby.

Adoption is when "birth parents" give up a child for another family to raise--whether through an agency or simply to someone they know.

About one out of 10 Americans is an adoptee, adoptive parent or birth parent.

Most adoptions today are "open" or "semi-open," which means that birth parents and adoptive parents share personal information with each other, either directly or through an agency. Anonymous or "closed" adoptions have become increasingly rare.

Some women find themselves thinking about giving up a child for adoption when they get pregnant and don't feel prepared to raise one themselves.

The first step for someone in that position--if she doesn't already know someone who wants to adopt the child--is to contact a state agency and talk to a lawyer about filing the necessary papers. And the baby's biological father has to sign consent forms.

Sometimes it's not until adoptees hit their teen years that they "find out." Learning that your parents aren't your birth parents after all can be confusing and even upsetting.

Adoption has been around for a long time. It's mentioned in the Bible, and was not uncommon among the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Babylonians.

i believe that adoption is one of the most wonderfull things a person can do to give someone whom cannot have a child of the own is the most sefless wonderfull thing that one person can do.

Keeping the baby-
Keeping the baby will be hard work..........but so worth it. To watch YOUR child grow up. must be one of the best things ever. though this is not for everyone. you have to be emotionally able to cope with a baby, you need to be financially ready to look after a baby........ boy are babies expensive. but you can do it.

good luck i hope that you make the right choice. i hope that you get the help you need toget over what has happened to you best wishes. love amber xxx please let me know what you choose to do and how everything goes..... 

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