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Name: Coartney
[ Original Post ]
I have had the worse tooth ache for the past 2 weeks. my whole left side is swollen, the area around the tooth (its the molar all the way back before the wisdom) is completely swollen and i cannot bite down. it is scraping against the bottom row tooth. I havent been able to sleep, I am in so much pain, and apparently i cannot take anything b.c of my allergy to tylenol and i cannot go to the dentist b.c they wont pull it b.c im not allowed lidocaine right now?! what the fuck am i supposed to do, i hurt soo badly :( help me
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Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 12:02 PM
Ouch, I'm so sorry Coartney, that stinks. How far along are you? I thought there was only a small window of time when you couldn't go to the dentist while pregnant. Have you talked to them about any other options for pain relief? Let me know how far along you are and any other important info. My sister is a dentist and I can try to call her if you'd like and see what she might suggest you try. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 12:08 PM
omg that would be amazing. i just dont want to go sit at a doctors all day as grumpy i am b.c i havent slept. im either 13 weeks 2 days or im 15 weeks 4 days. my doctor said one thing and the hospital obgyn said another. honestly, im to the point where i dont care if im pregnant, i will take the tooth out of my mouth and i will do it myself ][ 

Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 12:18 PM
Ok, I called her and left her a message. She should get back to me sometime soon. Sorry I can't give you a faster response, but I'll let you know as soon as I hear something. Let me know if there is anything else that pops up so I can give her all the info possible when she calls me back. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 12:22 PM
the tooth has a hole in it, the tooth that was in front of it, had the same thing happen like 2 yrs ago. they said it was an infection and that i have some sort of defiency in my tooth that causes the tooth to break down at a faster rate. i have alot of cavities and most of it is b.c my teeth just keep breaking away. i dono what to do, i never even had a cavitiy up i was 15 and now im 20 and im missing 2 teeth and half of my teeth are partially fake from fillings b.c my tooth just disappears and breaks off. 

Name: melmoney | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 3:03 PM
Ok, she called me back and said this is the advice she can give over the phone without actually seeing you...

Since lidocaine can cross over the placenta into the fetus, dentists prefer to wait until the 2nd trimester to do any work involving the anesthetic, however, in emergencies, it can be used during the first trimester in moderation since the risk of harm is low. Also, an infection in a tooth that goes untreated has a higher risk than the medication of potential harm to yourself and/or your fetus at any point in time during your pregnancy.

At this point in your pregnancy, you are coming out of the unsafe time for lidocaine so as long as the doctor uses only the necessary amount, she thinks that you should be fine. If you were her patient and the tooth was infected and needed to be removed, she would have no problem extracting it. She said she's even used lidocaine on women in the first trimester because the dental emergency was causing a greater risk than the anesthetic would. Was it your dentist that told you they couldn't pull the tooth? Or was it your obgyn?

Sorry I couldn't give you an "at home" remedy to help the pain, but she seemed concerned that you should visit your dentist to check for infection and they should be able to extract it if necessary. 

Name: connie | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 3:12 PM
Maybe there is somethng at the health store that might work for you. 

Name: AnnD | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 3:18 PM
Have you considered getting another opinion from a different dentist? 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 3:19 PM
coartney if it is infected then you need to get it out and get meds to clear the infection. Mouth infections are very dangerous because there is a much closer pathway to the brain. I am not trying to scare you, but an at home thing is not going to do the trick at this point. I am sure that your dr will remove it and you are almost in your 2nd trimester anyway. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 4:54 PM
i dont have a dentist so more than likely i would have to call around to try and find out. and if i do get this one removed i have to be put under, last time i had a tooth pulled and i was awake, it wasnt good, at all. 8 shots of novacaine and i still felt everything and i broke the dentists assistants hand.. literally. its like not its puss like infection its like the tooth is swollen. it does it on and off for days, and has been doing it over all for months and months, just seems to feel worse now that i am pregnant. when i take tylenol XS it seems to die down a little to where i can sleep .. anyways thank you everyone for your help and advice, i guess i have to face it that i orobably will have dentures by time im 25. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 5:04 PM
Oh ouch...My sister had this happen to her and she went to the dentist. They ended up pulling it without giving her anything because she was pregnant. Her dentist had said he wouldn't give her anything and she said she didn't cry so much in her entire life.

Check with your local hospital. Alot of times the hospital will do the same procedure as your dentist will. The difference is at the hospital they will not only to be able to monitor you but also the baby. The hospitals in my area I know will. Plus alot of the time insurance ends up covering more of the hospital bill then the dentist bill. 

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