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Name: Andrea
[ Original Post ]
Hello, my name is Andrea, and I am due to have a baby boy in late March. Here is my dilemma: my husband and I recently reconciled just this past September, after being separated for 2 years. During that separation, I had a long--term relationship with a man that ended this past July. Unfortunately, my ex-boyfriend is the father of my son, but my husband and I have decided to raise him together. I had the courtesy to inform my ex about the baby, and he was thrilled-until he realized that my pregnancy was not leverage for me to return to him. He has now become very hateful and verbally abusive, and is demanding a paternity test because it makes him feel powerful to accuse me of having been unfaithful during our relationship. I have not once asked him for anything-i just thought it would be important to him to see the ultrasound, follow progress of baby, etc. However, his behavior has led me to remove him from my life totally, and I do not wish to put his name on the Birth Certificate. However, my husband is adamant that I do not put his name on the Certificate either, because of the legal recriminations. I live in Michigan, and missing a child support payment is a felony punished by 92 days in jail, revocation of Driver's License, etc. I simply do not wish to put my husband in this position, either. Can I simply leave the father's name blank on the Birth Certificate? If my ex demands a paternity test after the baby is born, can it be forced upon me even if I don't want him in my son's life? This problem is really worrying me, and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Name: Heather | Date: Jan 3rd, 2006 3:08 AM
You can leave the father's name blank on the birth certificate and they wont ask you any questions unless later on you need or want child support from the father and then they will start asking you who the father is and will have to take a dna test anyways. 

Name: P.S. | Date: Jan 3rd, 2006 3:08 AM
I know this because I left my son's father's name blank on his birth certificate and they didn't/ don't care. 

Name: Allyson | Date: Jan 3rd, 2006 3:27 AM
you can leave the fathers name blank. but yes if he wants a test he can make you give one but he if you go to court and find him to be a not fit father you can take all rights away from him. well thats how it is here n Ohio good luck hope everything works out! 

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