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Name: Coartney
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yeh the title says enough lol
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Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 11th, 2006 1:46 PM
LOL...it's okay we all have moments.... 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 11th, 2006 1:46 PM
But I know what your talking about anyways...I thought it was funny actually.. 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 11th, 2006 1:55 PM
Coartney I will try to to get online a little later. Right now I am going to try and get some sleep while my son is still sleeping. The last three days have been extremely miserable for me. I would actually take morning sickness at this moment over how I have been feeling. So off I go to see if there is such a thing as a comfortable position to lay in... 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Dec 11th, 2006 6:19 PM
WHat's wrong mtb07? Are you cramping again? I hope that everything is ok 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 11th, 2006 10:00 PM
Saturday I woke up and I didn't have cramping but I had tons and tons of vaginal pressure and vaginal pain. It actually hurt to walk. As the day went on I started assuming that I was having Braxton Hicks contraction since my stomach would become really hard and then soft again. But what confused me was the vaginal pain that I was having. The pressure I know is from the baby already being down. Sunday I woke up still had alot of pressure (again most likely the baby), I didn't have any vaginal pain but I did notice that now the pain was happening around the lower part of my belly. Today I not only have the cramping/pain in my belly which I am still associating with Braxton Hicks because when I have them my belly becomes really hard. But now only do I have that but the vaginal pain is once again back. I did go online to see if I could find anything that was similar to what I was going through and actually came across and article that said that it could just be the discomfort from me dialating. I have an appointment on Thursday so unless it becomes worse I will just wait until them to talk to him about it. I have to have my Strep B test done at the time so I am assuming that he will want to check to make sure that everything is okay at that time as well. 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Dec 11th, 2006 10:07 PM
Actually, I dont like the word retarded. If you actually knew someone with a mental disability, I doubt you would use it. 

Name: mother2five | Date: Dec 11th, 2006 10:19 PM
Well actually hiddy......the word retarded seems to be used mostly for dumb people these days, and they now use the word mentaly challenged which is why I think so many people use it without feeling guilt. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 12:10 AM
I've been having alot of vaginal pain and pressure too but then again I'm 39 weeks. I don't know if they're contractions or not, but it's really sharp at times...As of last Wed., I was only 1cm dilated and 70% effaced, but she said my cervix was really soft. I've been drinking alot of rasberry leaf tea though.

I bet your're so ready for her to be out!! Does the dr. have any idea why you've been having such a difficult pregnancy? I hope you're feeling better now.

Hiddy where the hell did that come from?! LOL!!!!! 

Name: Coartney | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:03 AM
christ i cant say one thing without having some bitch think im insulting someone. 

Name: dani2102 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:08 AM
well I dont think there is anything wrong with the word retarted in fact alot of people these days use it and its accepted in society not just as for mental disabled...I just think people cant take a joke people get so up tight I agree....and I dont agree with that if you knew someone with a disability you wouldnt use it coz HEAPS of people do!!!! 

Name: Coartney | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:13 AM
i grew up with people that were mentally handicapped, my mother worked with them for 5 yrs, my god m other still does, and so does her sister.. im just so sick of this place. 

Name: dani2102 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:16 AM
I agree I have worked with people with disabilites for years particularly when I do my nursing...and one of our really close family friends son is mental disabled and hes what 17 but his mental age is like 7 

Name: dani2102 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:17 AM
I think people just come on here sometimes to make a pain out of themselves I cant believe some people who come on here...but it is nice when most of the other people are true to themselves and others! 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:21 AM
I am not sure what the problem is here Coartney...You called yourself retarded not me....LOL

The doctor just thinks it has everything to do with this being my second baby. He had said that sometime with a second baby or each additional baby some people experience things such as uterine activities earlier in their pregnancy. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:22 AM
yeh i dont understand why me putting myself down is a problem, what if i was retarded? jesus cripes lol .. im just gonna eat my food.. ive gotten to the point that im hating this site, and just not caring about anything anymore. 

Name: dani2102 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:26 AM
yeah well its not like you came on here and was like hey everyone but me is a retarted...I think anyone has the right to call themselves whatever that want....like I said I think some people are up them selves! LOL 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:28 AM
Yeah I don't care to much for this site anymore either. I actually don't come here as much as I use to maybe once or twice a week just so that I can catch up with some of the other girls that still come in here... 

Name: sweet tomorrow | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:36 AM
coartney- I think you're right. I don't know why people have to come on here and mention something. If they don't like the title then why the hell did they read it? Did she honestly think it was such an emergency and so horrible she had to say something about. Too many people get so offended by the littlest things. You have the right to call yourself whatever you damn well please. And you have the right to say whatever you damn well please. It's call freedom of speech there Hiddy. If you can't accept people using the word then keep it to yourself. 

Name: dani2102 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:38 AM
thats a shame I mean I have only started chatting on here and I dont think some of the things said are always appropriate and some people are just bitchy...but its ashame that you dont come on as often as you used to coz you dont care for the sight anymore! Sorry to hear that! I mean I come here coz I think some of the subjects are good although some people spoil it 

Name: sweet tomorrow | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:43 AM
I agree Dani.. Not everything is fit for this site, but what I don't like I choice either not to write about it, or I don't read it. people have the right to talk about what they want. If some people like it then so be it. I'm sorry if I offended you with what i said.. Wasn't my intention 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:46 AM
I do respond to some of the posts but others I avoid for personal reasons 

Name: dani2102 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 2:59 AM
no im not offended at all I totally agree that people have the right to write whatever they want...and like you I dont respond to the ones I dont agree with and if I dont like it usually dont read it in the first place...anyways!!! no need to cause more drama in peoples lives...well goodluck Coartney....and everyone else! 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 3:07 AM
I also believe that everyone has the right to say what they they want about any topic. I also believe that we have the right to either reply or pretend that the post never existed. I choose not to come here as often because at one time I was personally attacked. 

Name: everlight29 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 3:10 AM
i think most of us have been...what happened with you m2b'07 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 3:12 AM
I was afraid that was going to be asked...I choose not to say. Infact I wasn't even planning on ever bring it up. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 3:13 AM
Retard Retard Retard. When I say this is does not mean a mentally disabled or challenged person. It means someone who is stupid or not thinking of what they just did or said. For crap sakes I call my sister it all the time. I would never call someone with a disability retarded because I dont see it to fit them. I see it to fit someone who does do something stupid or "RETARDED" 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 3:14 AM
Baby is moving around like crazy.....I think she thinks that she is part of the olympics or something...Which really does not help with any of the other discomfort that I am having. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 3:14 AM
Lol sorry bout that it just all had to come out haha. 

Name: everlight29 | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 3:20 AM
sorry i asked 

Name: sweet tomorrow | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 3:21 AM
I think we all need to vent a little. 

Name: firsttimer | Date: Dec 12th, 2006 3:21 AM
what sucks is i love this place and i hate how people make it suck. please dont leave yall, i'll miss you and then i'll be lonely 

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