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Name: mom to many
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hi everyone, i haven't been on the forum in a while, a lot has been going on. i went this past monday for my first ultarsound at a diagnostic center just for routine size and dates. I was 8 weeks 6 days at the time when the tech brought the dr. in to tell my husband and i the baby did not have a heartbeat...we were shocked to say the least and hysterical. i asked the dr. if this could be amistake or maybe it was too early and he said a heartbeat would have been very visible at this time...sorry. I felt like it was all a dream, not to mention that i had absolutely no signs or symptoms. I was told the safest option would be to wait to miscarry naturally but it has been 4 long days and still no crampin or bleeding ang I steel feel pregnant, nausea and all. I am going to wait until this upcomming monday and have a repeat ultrasound just to rule out a mistake, as i have read many stories of such incidences. I don't mean to upset any of you or scareyou, I just wanted to let you know what was going on with me and ask you all to pray for me.i am praying for a miracle right now and appreciate if you could keep me and baby in your prayers as well.Thank you!
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Name: charla | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 1:41 AM
oh i am so sorry to hear that my thoughts are with you and your family. 

Name: marija | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 1:43 AM
keep your chin up hopefully it is all a mistake. My cousin had to go through a full birth as they found on her 5mth utrasound that the baby had an anomaly and would survive outside the womb. that was very sad..my reason for telling you this is ....there is always someone out there worse off...doesnt help with the way you feel at the moment but it may be a small comfort later
i hope all goes well for you 

Name: marija | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 1:44 AM
sorry that was wouldnt survive 

Name: VeggieMom2B | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 2:02 AM
ohh mom2many, I have missed you!!! So Sorry to hear about the bad news...I hope this all will turn out to be a big mistake!
My heart and thoughts are with you.

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 3:13 AM
I'm so sorry...let's hope that it's a mistake. I think something like that happened to jillw on here...they told her there was no heartbeat but then they saw one...I'll definitely keep you in my prayers!! 

Name: daisyusa | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 4:44 AM
I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I know you need to keep your spirits up and I pray it was a mistake. But I believe we know in our hearts. See, I lost my baby at nearly 11 weeks on Aug 4. I saw his picture on the us monitor, I was even over the moon that she told me I was measuring 9 weeks 2 days, I just thought he was small. I was staring at the monitor the whole time knowing that I didn't see the heartbeat. I also didn't see it when my doctor came in. My us was vaginal as well. I went to the hospital for a d&c and asked if they would do another us to be sure. She told me no in a sweet and understanding way and went on to say that if the tech didn't see the heartbeat, the doc didn't see the heartbeat and most importantly, did you see the heartbeat? I knew what she was saying, I just didn't want to believe it, but deep down in my heart I knew my baby was gone. It bothers me that your doctor saw this, your tech saw this, you and your husband saw this and yet your doc is letting you hold onto hope that may not be there. I'm so happy that my doc had the strength to make sure I knew what was on that monitor and didn't give me a false sense of hope. I really do pray all is well, I didn't think this post would make me cry, but I'm sad and angry. I didn't have any symptoms until the day before I went in, I had some light spotting, it took my body almost 2 weeks to realize my baby died. Please keep us posted, we are with you. I'm so sorry if my words hurt, I just feel you are being mislead, yet I pray I'm wrong. Be strong, reach deep within and maybe that will the stregnth the will pull you and your baby through. God bless. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 5:40 AM
I am really sorry that you have to go through this. I too hope that it's just a mistake. You and your family are in my prayers... 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 6:06 AM
I am so sorry! I hate that you have to experience this! I will be thinking of you and try to think the best and keep us updated! 

Name: mom to many | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 12:37 PM
I'm so sorryt o hear you went through something like this also,
the hard part for me was that from the beginning of the ultrasound the tech said i was not allowed to see and the results would be sent to my midwife, I think that is why it is so hard for me to comprehend as i didn't get to see this with my own eyes, so it's not real for me. also the fact that i was 8 weeks 6 days by my period and the ultrasound measured the baby at 9 weeks 1day so it's not tlike the baby stopped growing. he also noted that there was no free fluid in the endometrial lining which means there was no sign that the lining would braek down and i would miscarry. he only said no heartbeat. we just had a similar case at our birth center where one of our patients started bleeding over the weekend so she went to the ER and they told her "sorry there is no haertbeat, you have started to miscarry" she didn't want the D&C and wanted to let nature take it's course. turns out two weeks later she is still pregnant and baby has a hearbeat. It is things like this that make me want to hang on to some hope. I also came acrossed a story on line about a lady who had an ultrasound on friday and was told baby had no heartbeat , sh went home to grieve with her family over the weekend and was scheduled for D&C on monday. She went through with the d&C and over the next few weeeks was still feeling her preggo symptoms. so she went back to her dr. who did another ultrasound and discvered that the baby was still alive and completely intact. by some miracle the D&C procedure had completely missed the baby. I feel god had his hand over the baby because it was just meant to be in this world. if that is not a miracle then i don't know what is. So I am just hanging on till Monday to go back and repeat the U/S and if it is what they said then I can move on. In the mean time i am just waiting for some sign of miscarriage and nothing :( 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 1:24 PM
mom to many. I am so sorry to hear about this and I sort of know how you are feeling. I had to go for an us at about 6 or 7 weeks because my HCG levels did not double for one test. The tec said that she saw a sac, but no yolk or fetal pole and def no fetus. I was told that I had a blighted ovium. that my body had reabsorbed the pregnancy, but didn't know it yet. This was on a thurs. They wanted to do a d&c at the hosp, but I said no I would rather give it time and let nature do it's thing. I moped around all weekend and had a follow up visit with my dr that monday or tuseday. As the tec did the us suddenly there was my baby with a good strong heart beat. I am not truing to give you fasle hope because I know that your situation is different, but I am just saying do not go in for a d&c unless you are 150% sure that there is no life in you. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes and remember everything happens for a reason. 

Name: Zoe2104 | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 1:41 PM
I am so sorry to hear about this - I pray it is just a mistake.
Fingers and toes crossed for you. 

Name: mom to many | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 2:03 PM
thank you ladies for all your support. this has been one of the hardest things i have ever been through. The days go by so slow and I'm crying all the time. I just want to sleep to pass the time faster. I am so glad that you waited and opted not to do the d&c...what a miracle i can't imagine how happy you were when you saw you're baby. I wish I could have seen mine, heartbeat or not...i wanted to see my baby. I feel like this is a never ending nightmare and all I want to do is wake up and see it was all a bad dream. I can't sleep well at night because this is running through my mind constantly and I keep haveing dreams that thay were wrong and that i can feel the baby moving inside me and it feels so real, only to wake up and start another long day. but I cannot bring myself to even think about D&C until I get another U/S even then i would like to let nature take it's course. it's just so hard waiting and not knowing what's going to happen! 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 2:08 PM
Let the tec and dr know at the next US that you want to see the child for you self heart beat or not. I am sure that it would put you more at ease with the outcome no matter what it may be. Again you are in my prayers. 

Name: jenp | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 2:30 PM
So sorry to hear this...I will pray for you, and don't lose hope... 

Name: Marti | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 3:41 PM
My thoughts are with you and your husband sweetie. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 3:54 PM
I certainly will pray for you! 

Name: daisyusa | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 6:48 PM
Mom to Many, I so hope your story turns out where your baby is ok. If I had heard that, that would have given me hope too. You should have been allowed to see your baby no matter what, good or bad, this is your baby. I remember seeing his little hand and feet, you could see his little body so clearly. They found no other sign of mc other than the light spotting. But stages of mc are very wide and vary greatly. , it just happened in my case that it took 2 weeks for my body to realize that my baby died nearly 2 weeks before. Even though there was no other finding on the us (they took lots of measurments on everything) when I had my d&c later that day, my doctor said that the natural mc had just started, meaning the baby was starting to become broken down. My first us was at 7w 2d and the heartbeat was a little over 160, just perfect. They were all so hopeful for us because I had no other symptoms. I don't think these things happen because it wasn't meant to be, but at the same time, can't really explain it. Was the scan vaginal? I keep you in prayer last night and will continue. Please know that I'm pulling for you. God bless. 

Name: AnnD | Date: Oct 13th, 2006 6:51 PM
I said a prayer for you immediately, I can't imagine the pain and anguish you must be feeling now. However, there was a secretary here that was told the same thing (and....like the others said, I don't want to give you false hope) but she went in and all they saw was a yolk sac and no fetus or heartbeat. But, they told her to come back the following week to make sure and she did and there was a heartbeat. Apparaently, she was just a very late ovulator and was like 2-3 weeks behind where she thought she was based on her last period. I hope and pray that this is the case for you. 

Name: christiansmommy | Date: Oct 15th, 2006 2:45 AM
of course, i really hope it is a mistake as well. this happened to me as well back in the summer. i had to have surgery too b/c the baby would not and did not pass on its own. i went in for my ultrasound too and thats how i found out-it was there, but the heart wasn't beating. i didn't even know. i was just like you-i had no signs of miscarriage. i still had my morning sickness and everything. eating like crazy and having the unusual food craving for things i didn't normally eat. no bleeding-no cramping-nothing! my husband and i are currently trying again. we do have a 3 1/2 yr. old boy and he knows the baby's gone as well. so, with all that said, i will think of you and keeps you in my prayers. let us know the outcome. god bless. 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 6:39 PM
mom to many any updates? I didn't see any new topics sorry if I missed it, but I have been thinking about you and just wondering how you are doing. 

Name: a.philo_3ks | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 6:43 PM
i am so sad for you. my thoughs are with you 

Name: Petrona | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 4:28 PM
Thinking of you and hoping you're one of the ones with a happy ending. I've been in your shoes and I made them wait and retest my hcg levels every two days as well as get an followup u/s. Sadly, they were right and I had a d&c when I would have been 12 weeks along. {{hugs}} and strength to get you through this tough time. 

Name: rayofdestiny | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 4:17 AM
mom to many... My Doctor.. WOULD NOT even try to liston to the heart beat until I was 13 weeks.. he wouldnt even do it a week early... I hope that everything is fine... And u are very much in my prayers! 

Name: rachel23 | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 5:01 AM
i am so sorry about your loss my friend had 3 miscarrages and she found out one had down syndrome she had a hard time but now she has two beautiful kids and knows it was meant to happen the way it did and now she is a great mom and never forgets how lucky she is. 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 8:42 AM
Oh i am so sorry for you such terrible news my thoughts are with you stay strong hun!xxx 

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