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Name: jamie1982
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i just had my sugar test done last week, you know the whole fast from the night before then wake up,hit the hospital,drink some nasty pop-like sh*t then wait a hour. anyhow i had my reg. doctor appt. yesterday and learned that my levels were really high now i have to make an appt with the diabetic center. what are the chances of having a false test,are they 100% true?? im worried because 90% of my family are diabetics.
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Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 7:45 PM
Did you only have the one glucose test done? Usually if you fail the 1 hour test they do a 3 hour test. The one hour test isn't 100%.. that's why they usually do the second test. 

Name: jamie1982 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 7:49 PM
i had the one hour. when i went for my 2wk checkup yesterday the doctor made me an appt with the diabetic center and called in a prescription for a meter to use four times a day. 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 7:52 PM
It's strange they didn't do the second test. Just make sure you eat right and keep your levels under control. GD isn't anything to mess with, but it is controllable. 

Name: jamie1982 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 7:53 PM
i was told that you can turn while pregnant then after birth everything can go back to normal,what are the chances? 

Name: jamie1982 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 7:55 PM
this is my third child and cant remeber ever having to get this test done while being pregnany either. how do i know if i've been a diabetic or just turned?? 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 7:57 PM
If your doctor is saying you have GD then the odds are the diabetes will go away after the baby is here. The baby will have to be tested a few times when it is born to make sure it's sugar levels are alright. You'd probably have to ask your Dr if it's GD or if you have regular diabetes. 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 7:57 PM
How big were your two other children? 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 7:58 PM
weight when they were born I mean 

Name: jamie1982 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 7:59 PM
im pretty sure he said the reason for the appt with the diabetic center was to check for GD. i remember seeing something about it affecting the baby but im pretty much in the dark with the subject. guess im gonna need to do some browsing. 

Name: jamie1982 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 8:01 PM
my first was 5lb 13oz and the second was 6lb cant remember how many oz. seems like they are getting bigger and bigger but one thing i keep in mind is that my first was born almost a month early 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 8:03 PM
GD can cause you to have a big baby as well as some other scaries things that are less likely... I had GD with my son and I was able to keep my levels under control. I was induced on my due date and he only weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. If you control your sugars you should be alright. Maybe go see the diabetic dr before you look it up, the info out there will probably just scare you (like it did me) and you might not even have it. 

Name: jamie1982 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 8:05 PM
ok thanks for the advice.like i said i dont know much about this and seems like its been on my mind none stop since i found out. 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 8:09 PM
I know when I found out I had it I couldn't think of anything else... probably because my Dr scared the begeebas out of me by telling me all of the worst possible things that could happen. Once I went on the diet, I actually lost a couple pounds lol. 

Name: breemichelle | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 10:00 PM
I've got it, sucks to poke yourself 4 times a day and stay away from sugar, but other than that it's really not to hard to control and I also lost a little weight, so it was probably a good thing because before I changed my eating I think I was well on my way to gaining over the recommended amounts, now I've pretty much just stayed at a steady weight and kept in the recommended weight gain range.
Your baby is only in danger if you don't control your levels, if you control it everything should come out fine.
It is weird though that he didn't have you do the 3 hr test before setting you up at the diabetic center. 

Name: missmara | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 10:15 PM
With my first pregnancy I failed the 1hour test but passed the 3 hour. This time I passed the 1 hour. Diabetes runs in my family too:) 

Name: bmes | Date: Apr 11th, 2007 11:49 PM
i have gestational diabetes with this pregnancy too and they only did the one hour test. I think if your levels were pretty high they'll just send you to the diabetic clinic rather than doing the 3 hour test and have to wait longer to see the results again. It's better to get a handle on it ASAP. by 28 weeks you're the most resistant so it's important to catch it and deal with it quickly, cause it does take a few weeks to figure out what type of plan works best for you....it took 2 weeks alone to design the best meal plan for me and it's been i think 6 weeks since i found out now and we're still trying to figure out my insulin dosage, I can't get under 5.0 for my fasting blood sugar in the morning so i have to take insulin before bed everynight. all my other levels are fine after meals so i'm ok there. but we're still screwing around with the insulin. i think if your doctor is recomending you to go to the clinic, just listen to them. They know what's best. and after you have the baby 90% of the time the diabetes goes away, BUT you still have to be careful, and get checked out once a year for it. good luck to you. i know it's such a pain in the ass, but just think about all the people that have to live with this condition for all their whole lives. we only have to deal with it for a couple to few months. and as long as you stick to the meal plan things will go ok!! :-) one thing that's been good about my meal plan is that i haven't gained much weight since i started!! One pound in 6 weeks. and i'm 34 weeks pregnant now and in total i've only gained 10 pounds! :-) 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Apr 12th, 2007 3:22 AM
my doctors told me not to Fast 

Name: jamie1982 | Date: Apr 12th, 2007 3:56 AM
thanks everyone, i've been talking to diff. people about this and been told all the same things.it just worries me knowing that i was high risk in the first place.my appt. is tomorrow so i'll see what happens. my problem with staying away from sugar is a problem though. it seems like if i dont have my mt.dew daily or eat a few snacks i have pass out spells.it seems like if i dont have my sugar i cant get through the day..well its pass my bedtime so im gonna head out..thank you to everyone for helping me. ill be back tomorrow to update..goodnight ladies:) 

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