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Name: searra
[ Original Post ]
i'm 18 and i have a five year old little girl but now i'm four months pregnant how do i tell them
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Name: *Ashley* | Date: Aug 12th, 2005 12:50 AM
Be nice and gentle, sit them down and just be up front with it. Do you have a job i would get one if u don't cuz that would be a lot of weight on them. i would say find a job where you can sit and work. good luck breakin the news and your going to have to tell soon cuz u will start to show. 

Name: Tonita | Date: Aug 12th, 2005 1:35 PM
If you feel like you wouldnt be able to tell them have a friend there with you or a brother or sister. i had my brother come with me to tell my mom i felt better having someone with me. 

Name: heather | Date: Aug 12th, 2005 3:14 PM
wow...i wonder what that was like. but anyways, have you finished high school since your 18 now? i mean, i know its hard to tell you how to tell your parents because i havent told my boyfriends parents about mine either, but i guess thats a different situation. but like have you achieved alot of goals since you had your other baby? i think that if you were responsible enough then they might not take it so hard. and im mean your 18 now, not 13 anymore. your a grown woman now that im sure is very mature. i mean they are going to take it at a shock, everyone always does, but if they stood behind you having a baby that young, then i dont think they would do any different with this child. i mean, everyone gets worried, but thats life. i want to talk to you some more. my yahoo is heather_torres2 and my sn for aim is sekcmix. if you have time, write me. ill ttyl..hope everything goes well. 

Name: heather | Date: Aug 12th, 2005 3:16 PM
lol...sorry i just read ashleys comment..thats funny. they were behind you since you had your other child and job has nothing to really do with it. i mean, yea, everyone likes that extra money to "support" but i dont have a job, im 3 month pregnant and im fine. i have a very caring family and my boyfriend works for us. im not lazy, he actually doesnt want me to, so i just babysit for extra...lol..ttyl 

Name: heather 2 | Date: Aug 12th, 2005 11:48 PM
wow...........you are just goint to have to tell them i mean what did they say about your 1st one???you were only 13 correct? well im sure they will understand im 18 and i have a 3yr old and i have a 1 1/2 year old so i know its gitta be hard but im sure they will understand but like the other heather said you are agrown woman now so you are old enough to make your own desions well i hope everything works out 4 u talk to you soon bye bye and good luck 

Name: Mandy Lei | Date: Apr 29th, 2007 2:12 AM
Perhaps you should be honest. You are an adult now and obviously have had to grow up way before your time so just be honest with them and then take responsibilty for your actions. Do what is best for your baby and the rest will follow. 

Name: DaneseS | Date: Apr 29th, 2007 2:13 AM
omg...this post is from 2 years ago....stupid stupid people..look at dates 

Name: mommy@29weeks | Date: Apr 29th, 2007 4:49 AM
Just be honest with them, they are going to find out and it would be better if they hear it from you first 

Name: mommy@29weeks | Date: Apr 29th, 2007 4:50 AM
there was no reason to call anyone stupid it was a simple mistake, let me guess you are so perfect that you never make mistakes 

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