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Name: mother2five
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I know most of you only have young kids but maybe you remember this from your own experience or have friends or family dealing w/ this

ok I have another qeustion for you ladies.....
when did you all start talking to your kids about sex.....my daughter asked once and i told her her sex is weather your a male a female, lmfao it caught me off gaurd. Anyhow when is it age appopriate? And also how do you keep them from talking amoungst the younger kids about it? I know I can ask them not to tell but my kids talk ALOT, lol

Also how did you bring up the convo and how deep into it did you go.
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Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Apr 20th, 2008 10:15 PM
You need to tell them very seriously they are NOT under ANY circumstance allowed to tell the other children, and that they will be told later on when they are OLDER..

My mum told me EVERYTHING.. absolutely everything. and i turned out fine lol... i actually thought it was really gross when my mum told me and i was 10 haha. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Apr 21st, 2008 12:51 AM
my parents never really had the talk with me, but the more you tell them no dont tell your younger friends the more they will!! 

Name: nicole76108 | Date: Apr 21st, 2008 1:42 AM
My parents never talked to me about it either. The only thing they ever told me was to wait until I was married.
I learned everything from friends talking in Jr High I think it was. Kids just talk cant help that. 

Name: DRB | Date: Apr 21st, 2008 1:45 AM
i never had a sit down convo...my parents were open-ish about it....i remember thinking that 2 people just got naked and kissed alot lol 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Apr 21st, 2008 3:59 AM
well i was 9 when my mom talked with me. i had boobs lol and she knew that my period couldn't be far behind. so she explained periods and sex all in one sitting. she actually drew a pic of all the women parts lol like overies, uterus, ect. and explained menstration and then used that as a jumping off point to explain sex.

i remember telling her that the pic looked like a moose lol and now i think of that ever time i see a pic of a woman's insides lol

i had a younger brother and sister and she told me that they were not old enough to learn about these things, that it was just for more "grown up" people and that it was something i should keep to myself. this made it all seem very special like i was part of this new club or something ya' know? i had something my brother and sister couldn't get. i remember the only person that i talked to about what my mom had told me was my very best friend, but i never talked to anyone else about that talk until i was much older.

so all in all i think my mom did a great job. now i did learn alot from my friends in jr high that mom never mentioned lol but i think thats a good thing! 

Name: jillw | Date: Apr 21st, 2008 7:02 PM
I ahve always been very hones with jeremiah. and have jsut told him stuff in stages as needed and only as little info as needed. I mean he know that married people have intimate relations but I am not sure that he knows 100% how that works. I have mostly taken a bibical approach, and spoken about keeping his body pure and respecting him self. I have also set clear rules about things like girlfriends and kissing and such. When he is older and needs to know more I will tell him, but I do not plan to sit down and have "the talk" because doing it all at once with no background info is just overwhelming. Besides if they are mature enough to know all the ins and outs (no pun intended) then they are mature enough to understand that it is not their place to tell the other children. 

Name: jillw | Date: Apr 21st, 2008 7:04 PM
oh and jeremiah knows everything about female and male organs and how babies are produced and grow in the womans body, but it is all from a very clinical scientific apporach. He knows about how hormones cause girls and boys to change etc again all from a medical stand point. He has jsut never ask how the sperm meets up with the egg in detail lol 

Name: LindsayK | Date: Apr 21st, 2008 9:23 PM
I never got a "sex talk" either. I learned about from sex ed in grade six and from the other kids in school. The only thing my mom told me, was not to freak out if blood appeared in my underwear someday! 

Name: mother2five | Date: Apr 22nd, 2008 3:08 PM
Morris asked his ten-year-old son if he knew about the birds and the bees.

"I don't want to know!" the child said, bursting into tears.

Confused, the father asked his son what was wrong.

"Oh Dad," he sobbed, "at age six I got the 'there's no Santa' speech. At age seven I got the 'there's no Easter Bunny' speech. Then at age 8 you hit me with the 'there's no Tooth Fairy' speech! If you're going to tell me that grown-ups don't really have sex, I've got nothing left to live for!" 

Name: Opheiliamath | Date: Apr 22nd, 2008 4:12 PM
M25- Which one of your kids to asking?

Or do you want to bring up the sex convo up by yourself to get them started understanding sooner than later. 

Name: mother2five | Date: Apr 22nd, 2008 4:18 PM
MY 2 OLDER ONES HAVE SORTA ASKED.......and also I wanna get them correct info not school yard info ya know 

Name: red87 | Date: Apr 22nd, 2008 4:29 PM
Although my mom and I have always been really close and open to each other I don't ever remember her having "the talk" with me. I learned about it in school I guess. We have a health class here starting in grade 4, so I learned it all there and I think I turned out all right lol 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Apr 23rd, 2008 3:30 AM
First off I have to say that in this day and age you need to talk to your toddlers about their privates, and that no one should be touching their privates except if mommy (or caregiver) is changing your diaper or bathing you. kids need to know that grown ups should not be touching them.

also kids start masterbatig or exploring before they begin thinking about sex, you need to tell your children that it is ok to touch themselves but only in appropriate places like their room or the bathroom and only when they are alone.

as far as the sex talk goes, i think it needs to be an open topic, one your kids can ask questions about when they have them and that you explain what really happens and not use an analogy. i think you should use the technical terms and explain to her how her body works, what happens inside her uterus and all that jazz. as well as when talking to a boy about it you need to explain what their anatomy is. let them know that they are too young to be having sex and that only people that are in love should have sex. also tell them that their brothers and sisters are too young to hear about this and it is something more grown up kids talk about so that they feel special and do keep it to themselves.

they will learn things at school, however if you have an open door policy that allows them to come home and ask questions they will get the facts straight.

---also i was wondering are you going to get her the HPV vaccine? because if so that would also open a door to talk about sex. 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Apr 23rd, 2008 3:34 AM
also jen, i was never given the sex talk, in fact my sister got pregnant when i was 11 (she was 19) and i really didn't understand what was going. i totally picked it up on the playground which is wrong.

i really think it is very appropriate to start talking to your daughter about it. kids are getting pregnant at 13 and 14 now, that isn't that ar away for her. she needs to know the ins and outs now in my opinion. 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Apr 23rd, 2008 3:40 AM
yup i'm megan lol and let me try to remember what all she said....she drew the picture and explained what each thing was as she drew them and told me where they were inside my body. then she explained how the egg drops and all that and how a period works. then she explained about how if sperm got to the egg how a baby would come about. then she explaid how the sperm got to the egg. like, she said that the boys parts (my brother was 6 and called his a tinkle tail lol so thats what she called it during our talk lol) would get full of blood and that would make it firm enough to go inside the girls vagina and then the sperm would come out and swim up to the egg. she explained that this was something that only grown ups do yadda yadda yadda. we are christians and she explained how the bible tells us to wait until we are married and that sex is a gift from God that helps wives and husbands show their love...that sorta thing.

i know that afterwards i felt that i really understood how everything worked and the only question i really had afterwards was "so you and daddy did that???" lol but even that didn't bother me that much.

hope that helps! 

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