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Name: cherry Girl
[ Original Post ]
So I went to the specialst today to get an ultra-sound done to see how big he is because In my last ultra sound a month ago the Doc said that he looked very big. So we go in to a new different location and specialst because we HATED the other one we saw. Ok anyrate we get the ultra sound done and the specialst said that our baby weights in at 9Lbs 13oz. He measured the baby's belly it measured in as if he were like 34wks. So the specialst said that with a baby that big and the baby's belly being so big that it would not work for me to have a vaginal dilvery and that I would need to have a c-section. WHAT SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!! So anyrate my due date is for this Wednesday I am hoping to get a c-section set up before then however my doctor is out of the office till Tuesday so I am not so sure it is going to happen. So they also said that the ultra sounds can be off sometimes by a pound and so that could mean that our baby weights between 9-11 pounds. WOW. We also got a 3D ultra sound done ahhh he is soooooooooooo cute he has such big chubby checks I just want to squeeze them. LOL. Ok well that is my up date I am very worried about a c-section so any of you that have had one and have some good things to say about it let me know.
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Name: cherry Girl | Date: Aug 28th, 2008 11:54 PM
How long did any of you that had a c-section have to stay in the hospital for? 

Name: mallory | Date: Aug 29th, 2008 4:18 AM
seriously....pass on the c section and at least try for a vaginal. c sections suck balls 

Name: mother2five | Date: Aug 29th, 2008 1:13 PM
Kate is this the same appt. I talked to you afterwards or is this another? 9lbs 13oz.................WOW your poor suzy!!!!!! 

Name: mother2five | Date: Aug 29th, 2008 1:34 PM
I would use a C-sec. as a last resort as you already know the c-sec rate is high in your town, so I'd make def. sure you need one before you just get it. But if they say you really need one I'd go for it if it's whats best for you and baby! But imo ppl deliver healthy babies that size vag. every single day...........I'm not saying your fat at all, but it's not as if your like my sil and could not get a baby that size out. My mom delivered me 110 the day she delivered so she was very small framed and I was 8lbs 6oz............HUGE for her! Why not get a second opinion, from another Dr. .................in there defense your specialist has said frequently you have a large baby so maybe the section is best???? YOu and hubby need to sit and iron it all out and weigh your options. 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Aug 29th, 2008 3:29 PM
let me tell you I LOVED my c-section. I had to have one because my daughter was complete breech. I actually labored for 12 hours first because I went into labor in the middle of the night, anyway so they told me that morning when my section would be then they shaved and prepped me and my mom got to go in with me. They wheeled my into the OR and gave me my spinal block there. By the time I laid down I was numb, then after they were done prepping my mom came in and not to long after Brooke was born. I got to watch them clean her up and I got to kiss her and take pictures with her, then they took her away to make sure she was ok and I went to sleep until my surgery was over. Once in recovery I was the only one there. I got to watch my nurse bathe her for the very first time, and I got to breast feed her immediately. Then my family members one by one got to come back and see her and hold her while I was in recovery. Then after 2 hours I was wheeled up to my room. I left my cathater in for 24 hours, but then they took it out and I was able to get up with help at first. going to the bathroom can be hard because you have to use those muscles, I also got to shower and had to get up and walk so that I could go home. We stayed 2 days and nights. Make sure you take all your pain pills in the hospital. Once you get home you can cut back. The first night I came home Brooke and I slept in the recliner because my bed was too high to get up into, but by the 5th day I felt great. They gave me a compresion bad to wear, so it sucked everything in and made me use my muscles less, it helped so much, I think I wore it for 2 months. You have to just remember to not over do it. Also ask for sitches instead of staples. I got stitches and my scar looks wonderful. hm...anything else? any questions? again i LOVED my c-section!!!! 

Name: cherry Girl | Date: Aug 29th, 2008 4:05 PM

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