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Name: dmt
[ Original Post ]

My husband and I are looking to adopt a baby girl. We have 3 children 2 boys and a girl. They are between the ages of 13 and 3. We have 2 boys and a girl. My husband and I decided that we would like to have one more child to make our family complete. I feel that we have been blessed and I would like to give some of that love to another baby. We have plenty of room in our home and in our hearts for another baby. If you would like to get to know us my email address is [email protected] I would love to get to know you. I wish you all the love and luck in the world.

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Name: Coartney | Date: Aug 22nd, 2007 5:56 PM
go to the adoptions forum, creep. 

Name: briseis | Date: Aug 22nd, 2007 5:57 PM
Get a life Michelle. Noone would dream of giving you their baby ... unless they're just pretending to be pregnant. Oh! That's already been done, and only a couple of weeks ago too. That amused me actually :) Noone deserved to be scammed more than you ... When are you going to learn? 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Aug 22nd, 2007 6:05 PM
why come on the internet to find a family..... thats not the way to do it.... go find an adoption agency ! 

Name: briseis | Date: Aug 22nd, 2007 6:10 PM
Because she doesn't want to pay for an adoption agency. She lies that it's because she doesn't want to spend money on an agency and would rather spend it on the child. What nonsense! It's more likely because she's not legit. I mean, shes been told several times to stop pestering us on the other forums, but unlike all the other people looking to adopt, this freak just keeps coming back trying to guilt trip young mothers into giving her their baby, of course, only if the baby is a healthy, white, newborn girl. And she pushes past all the other people looking to adopt on the adoption forum, people who don't have any children, when she already has 3. How selfish is that. 

Name: question | Date: Aug 22nd, 2007 7:19 PM
go elsewhere we all love and are keeping our babies...and btw I read somewhere that you can still have kids.why dont you have your own?

Oh and I also read that you want to preorder your baby,...healthy,white baby girl.My daughter doesnt fit that category...sorry. why don't you order a custom made baby doll? =) 

Name: jo | Date: Aug 23rd, 2007 9:40 PM
to dmt, right i dnt no you but it makes me sick how people pray on others gilt tripping them into giving them their babys. you have three of your own. if you stoped harashing everyone im sure ud relise that us birth mothers can offer our children jst as much as you can.

dnt get me wrong i respect people who adopt but that should be done through an agencie not on a site that gives adcice to mothers how are often young and confused and scared. you want a baby bad image how they would feel in a couple of months when they relise they have no rites to their own flesh and blood. 

Name: DaneseS | Date: Aug 23rd, 2007 10:11 PM
havent we told you to go away everytime you come here looking for a baby....no one here wants to give you a baby..go through an agency you sick freak 

Name: dmt | Date: Aug 24th, 2007 5:42 PM

Okay so this is the only time I will respond to this post because, I know that some of the people that responded are against adoption no matter what the circumstances are. For those of you that I insulted I am sorry. I know that most of the girls on this site do want their babies and will make wonderful mothers. Honestly this post was not meant for you so I am sorry. The harsh reality though is there are some bm that can't or don't want to be mothers. I just want to give a baby that needs one a good loving home. As for why don't I go through an agency I am looking into project cuddle and foster to adopt. I would have preferred to have done a private adoption so that I could have got to know the bm so that I can tell the baby about its birth parents and why they had to do what they did. I am not forcing anyone into adoption. If they choose adoption they were going to choose it anyway. As far as boys verses girls yes I want a girl not because boys are any less precious. Boys are wonderful I have 2. I want a girl because, I would like my daughter to have a sister. No matter what the baby we adopt will be perfect in my eyes. I do not think I am a creep. I am just a stay at home mother that would like to give a baby a good home that needs one. So I guess if that makes me a creep I guess I am one. Sorry to those who offended this post was really not meant for you. I am happy for all of you and your little ones and wish you all the love and luck in the world.


Name: Coartney | Date: Aug 24th, 2007 5:43 PM
im not against adoption at all, im against you. 

Name: jo | Date: Aug 24th, 2007 6:27 PM
o wow i feel really bad for what i said now ive read your explanation ! sory 

Name: Coartney | Date: Aug 24th, 2007 6:38 PM
dont shes a creep. she goes all over this forum repeatedly with the same crap 

Name: dmt | Date: Aug 25th, 2007 5:28 PM
thanks Jo,

I really appreciate it. I am not a bad person. Well I wish you and all your angels the best of luck.


Name: DaneseS | Date: Aug 25th, 2007 5:49 PM
ha she probably is jo because jo has never posted in any other post but this one.... 

Name: jo | Date: Aug 25th, 2007 10:07 PM
to danese, hey lol nope last time i checked i was my own person, jst joined baby crowd, obviosly i made a mastake by posting in this one first lol, my bad, jst a mug for "sorrys", i havent read dmts others post i guess u gys dnt think much of her............ (god what have i walked into :( 

Name: briseis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 10:30 AM
I have discovered that DMT can't actually have children of her own, she writes about how she would need IVF to do so in the Adoption forum, and she thinks that's too expensive. So out the window with the nonsense that she can have children, but feels compelled to rescue a child from her natural mother. She just selfishly wants another custom made baby, without having to spend money on IVF or an Agency. And correction DMT you freak, ALL the women on the Due Date forum want their babies, not MOST, but ALL of them. Some come on saying they are worried or scared, and are looking for support from other mothers, not for freaks like you to try to snatch their babies from them. So keep out, you chronic, self obsessed jealous little CREEP. 

Name: briseis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 10:30 AM
II have discovered that DMT can't actually have children of her own, she writes about how she would need IVF to do so in the Adoption forum, and she thinks that's too expensive. So out the window with the nonsense that she can have children, but feels compelled to rescue a child from her natural mother. She just selfishly wants another custom made baby, without having to spend money on IVF or an Agency. And correction DMT you freak, ALL the women on the Due Date forum want their babies, not MOST, but ALL of them. Some come on saying they are worried or scared, and are looking for support from other mothers, not for freaks like you to try to snatch their babies from them. So keep out, you chronic, self obsessed jealous little CREEP. 

Name: briseis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 10:37 AM
I dunno why you keep coming back here when you know you aren't welcome. I've seen other potential adoptive parents tell you that you give adoptive parents a bad name, and you do. You really do.

Do you see me or any of us on the Due Date forum writing on the Adoption site? NO! Because we aren't interested in giving our babies away! Nor are we interested in Adoption, so we don't need to be there.

And seeing as you aren't pregnant, aren't TTC, and haven't recently given birth, then you don't need to be here! 

Name: briseis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 10:53 AM
Does this sound like someone who wants to help a baby out? She's concerned that there might be instabilities in the home. And that God forbid, the natural parents might want to keep in contact with THEIR child.

Sounds to me like this freak's only concerns are getting another baby, as cheap as possible. I'd stake my house that she wouldn't be ONE bit interested in adoption if she could conceive naturally.

Name: dmt • Date: 08/25/2007 11:04:16

Thank you everyone for your support. I was only told by one doctors office that tubals had a low success rate and that I would be better off with IVF. Who knows there are some crooked doctors out there two maybe he was lying because he gets more money from IVF. I will check into other doctors. Private eye where did you find quotes of 4,000 to 5,000? I have been getting quotes of 12,000 and up where I live. I would love it if I could do it cheaper as long as the doctor is good.

Well I prefer foster to adopt because I would like to give a baby a good home that needs one. My husband is scared though that the biological parents might come looking for us. Obviously if they are in a ward of the state there must of been some instabilities in the home. 

Name: dmt | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 4:19 PM
the reason I said that I can still have children of my own is we can get a tubal ligation if we wanted to. Briseis we can have children my husband and don't have money problem and can afford to have a tubal reversal and Ivf if we wanted to. I have not done that because I prefer to adopt and give a child a better home. Obviously you did not read very well it says my first preference is either private or foster to adopt. That is because I want to give that needs one a good home. I didn't even look into having my own until I became frustrated with talking to people like you and scammers. So you can twist it anyway you want to and only clip out parts of things that I have said that you think will make me sound worse if they don't hear the rest of the post if you want to. I really do not care anymore. You say you don't go on other board that don't have anything to do with you and so we shouldn't come here at all. That is a lie if you had not been to the adoption forum you wouldn't have been able to take a piece out of one of my comments from there. Anyway Bresies you have some serious anger management problems from you past. I am sorry that it was so hard on you. That is not my fault . So you shouldn't take it out on people that want to adopt. It is not our fault you did not like your adoptive parents. I am not like your adoptive parents though I would love my child no matter what. I also wouldn't hide the fact she was adopted. Everyone would know she was adopted and that we are happy about that. I guess you didn't happen to read the part that I wanted to do private adoption mainly because I wanted to get to meet the bm so that I could tell my child about her bm and where she came from. Now getting a baby from foster to adopt is a whole different story. Children that end in foster to adopt are there because, they were living in a dangerous unfit home. Their birth parents home was so unfit that the state have taken away their rights to the child. Now if you can't understand why we wouldn't want someone like this finding us then I am sorry. Our children come first and would protect them no matter what. If there previous parents were druggies, or abusive or neglectful to the point the state would take them away for good. Then your right I would not want them anywhere near our children or our home and if you can not understand that then sorry. Anyway I think you have some serious angerment issues and I think you might need to get some therapy, I am not saying that to be mean I really thing you need to talk to someone. Your boyfriend should probably go to what was it he hit you or something you don't want him to do that to your child. Good luck


Name: briseis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 5:06 PM
Correction! I said I didn't "write" on the Adoption board! I didn't say I didn't go on it. I do go on it, for entertainment. But I don't write on it.

I'm not discussing adoption with you because you don't know the first thing about adoption. You weren't adopted yourself, nor have you adopted. Wanting to adopt is NOT understanding it, nor is knowing someone is has adopted or was adopted. You need to be INVOLVED to understand it, and I believe that a child belongs with his/her natural mother if possible. That has nothing to do with my own personal situation. That's my opinion. It's nature. We should support women keeping their children and loving them. I support babies staying with their mothers if possible. If it isn't possible or the child would be in danger, then I support open adoption. Adoption is not there to provide infertile couples with babies. It's there to provide unwanted children with parents. And I think people looking to adopt don't understand that.

What I don't support is freaks like you coming onto a Due Date forum throwing adoption in peoples' faces, in the hope that you might snatch a baby from a vulnerable mother, making out that you're doing them a favour. This is not an agency, nor is the Adoption site. It isn't there for people to 'place' their children. And therefore it's being misused, and that, I find dangerous. So I don't write on it. I do write here, and I don't want to see the women I am friendly with on here feeling they can't express fear of motherhood or indeed concerns over their relationships for worry of being bombarded with the adoption option, which should ALWAYS be a last resort.

Speaking of which, VERY tactful bringing up my fiancé hitting me that time months ago. Yes he did. And I told the girls on here for support, not for you to throw it in my face months later, making indications that my child would be in danger now, and I'd be a bad mother, when you know NOTHING of my situation. This is exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to you, and exactly why we don't want you here. You're a nasty piece of work. My child means the world to me. I'd never put him in a situation where he was in danger; I am his mother, not his birthmother, his mother 100%,

However, in case you haven't noticed, I have no argument with any other potential adoptive parents who come onto the adoption forum. It is YOU alone who I and everyone else has an argument with because you relentlessly and selfishly do as you please with no regard for other peoples feelings. Noone wants you here, and yet you keep coming back. You even have arguments on the Adoption forum. Everyone is always questioning why you're doing what you're doing because they think you're as weird as we do. You are regularly involved in an argument, so you have a brass neck saying I have anger issues, when YOU are the only person I have argued with this year! I'm as easy going and friendly as they come, and I believe I'm well liked here. At least noone calls me a 'freak' or a 'creep' like many, MANY people call you. I wonder why. :) 

Name: briseis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 5:29 PM
Why don't your reread the posts the others have sent you on this ONE post? People regard you with complete disgust. You sicken the women on here, and you even sicken women on the adoption forum. I am friends with everyone expect you. That speaks volumes about the kind of people we are.
People like me.
People HATE you.
Your kids probably need counselling with a mother like you. Poor things. 

Name: dmt | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 5:45 PM
My children have a wonderful family. I am friends with a lot of people on the adoption board. Anyway thats neither here nor there. I just forgot to say that since it does bother some of you when adoptive parents come on here I won't come back and sorry for making anyone upset. Bresies I still think you need help to deal with your past. Best of luck to everyone.


Name: briseis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 5:51 PM
At last! She gets the message. I think you need help full stop. lol. But at least I and the other normal people on this site won't have to hear from you again. Excellent news! 

Name: DaneseS | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 5:53 PM
can this post die now.....??? 

Name: briseis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 5:54 PM
Who the heck is Bresies btw? lol. 

Name: briseis | Date: Aug 26th, 2007 5:55 PM
I tried to bump it away so it would die earlier this afernoon, but then DMT brought it right back up to the top again. Yes it can die, and DMT's presence on this forum with it. :) 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Aug 27th, 2007 4:12 AM

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