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Name: timmygirl
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can it be bad for the baby? if I find out that I'm really pregnant, do I need to stop going to the gym? I work out 3 times a week, I use machines for toning muscles and stuff like that... please advise.
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Name: denise | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 12:32 AM
I would think probably not, a healthy mom normally means healthly baby and pregnancy and labor tends to be easier on a fit woman but you need to ask a medical doctor. We are moms or moms to be we do not know your medical history or background, please do not take our advice on the welfare of your child. 

Name: timmygirl | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 10:45 AM
I think there is a special exercise for pregnant women... but to lift weights, would that be acceptable? I guess I need to ask my doctor. 

Name: Christina | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 6:38 PM
Hey timmygirl, i am 6 months pregnant. You can still workout...however you need to talk to your doctor to find out what is good for you. I don't know how far along you are, but the further along you are, the more you need to make variations to your workout, and you shouldn't lift any weights that are extreamly heavy. But definetly talk to your doctor. 

Name: Livy | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 7:21 PM
Hi Timmygirl,
I sounds like you have been going to the gym for while, if that is the case unless you have a high risk pregnancy you can usually continue to do whatever you were doing before and just modifying things as you get bigger. I am 4 months with my second and teach regular aerobic classes 6 times a week. I lift weights (lighter and more reps rather than heavier though) and still do abs (after 16 weeks get off your back though) and cardio (not too high impact). The women are right, definately check with your doctor and make sure you are honest with youru health histroy. If youa re healthy and your pregnancy seems great you should be just fine though. As you get bigger or if you are really worried water aerobics is a fantastic workout! Good luck! 

Name: timmygirl | Date: Jul 8th, 2006 7:05 AM
hi everyone, thanks for the advise... how many months do you still have to exercise before you stop? I don't want to experience other people's nightmare, like the miscarriages or heavy bleeding, etc..

Livy, how about swimming exercise? in a public swimming pool... is it safe? I am sure aerobics is good but I don't do it... sorry. 

Name: Christina | Date: Jul 8th, 2006 2:29 PM
swimming is definetly allowed. Swimming i've heard is good for pregnancy, it also takes the weight off your body, kind of relaxing. Yes there are lots of special exercises for pregnant women, and lots of prenatal fitness classes and dvd's you can do also to keep your body in shape. 

Name: Livy | Date: Jul 8th, 2006 4:32 PM
Swimming is a great way to keep cool and feel lighter when you are exercising while pregnant. Some different things you cuold do beside just swimming are using a kickboard to get across the pool to strngthen the legs and its great cardio. You can also float on your back using your arms to propel you across the pool to strengthen the arms and shoulders. You can get bouys (they are like styrofoam dumbells) to perform differnt weight exercises just as you would do with dumbells. There are thousands of things you can do in the water for a complete body workout.
About your first question, first again, check with your doctor but if you are in good condition and have been working out regularly, you can work out up until the day you deliver. I did with my first and plan to this time. I just did differetn things as I got bigger. It makes for an easier labor and you recover faster so good luck! 

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