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Name: againwhat
[ Original Post ]
So I haven't been eating lately, but not because I want to be skinny, I'm already pretty skinny, but because food tastes disgusting to me and I can never tell when I'm hungry. I think it's because I'm depressed but I'm not really sure. I'm worried because I saw myself naked in the mirror today and I look very disproportional, and a lot thinner than I used to, but not in an attractive way. Does this make me anorexic?
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Name: Sharmaynefaye | Date: Dec 17th, 2006 3:15 AM
I think you need medical marijuana.... It will help you eat and that is a real reason to get approved......... hang in there, take protein shakes and at Jambaa juice you can get smoothies that have weight gain formula boosts.... If you wanna try that i dunno 

Name: AndreaGrace | Date: Dec 17th, 2006 3:44 AM
hi! I think I know how you feel- my anorexia came with depression as well ( I dont really know which happened first) and not eating became an outlet for stress and sadness. I hated myself so much I wanted to be unattractive and disproportional. Then I became obssesed with the numbers on the scale and how many calories I ate just because it was something to focus on. Maybe try antidepressants or a therapist before it gets worse? Do you do these already? Good luck 

Name: hopelessxox7 | Date: Dec 17th, 2006 4:36 AM
omg thank the lord im not the only one with this problem. An eating disorder i dont know what - liek binge eating and then not eating i donno something weird - came during the beginning of my depression. Now my doctor wont prescribe me depression medication bc she wants me to get healthier first but how the heck am i supposed to try to get healthy when all i want to do is die?! ahh so yes i would advise getting help for your eating habits ASAP! (it was totally unexpected for me too! i NEVER wanted to lose weight grrr!!! im def disproportional too

Name: lucie | Date: Dec 19th, 2006 8:18 AM
I was on anti-depressents for a whole year for panic attacks. The one's I was on were called Fluexitine (something like that)
they made me moody, tired, drawn away from society, and i bloody felt depressed being on them, i got reliant on them but weened myself off.

See my eating disorder, even though i would like to be thinner- that's what i go to a gym for! My Bulimia gets triggered off by stress, work , friends even as my Aunty is ill that gets to me, and cus i feel so bad i take it out on myself.

I am at work now (uk) its just gone 8am and i am sooooooooooooo pissed off at work and the first thing that comes to mind is " im soooo gonna make myself sick tonight".

I have been trying to get over this ED the last few weeks and am doing real well- I have only let myself down a few times, but im hanging in there.

Maybe it is depression thats making you feel like that.


Name: Hungryone | Date: Dec 20th, 2006 10:18 PM
Hi there, as a former anorexic, I think that your issue is not one of an anorexic. I think you may be depressed as eating is a simple daily task, something that makes you realise you are alive and human and something that reminds you of time - time you are alive, time that is not passing very quickly. Those sorts of daily tasks make us remember that we are alive and reminds us that we are in the moment, and that time has not moved on very much since our last meal. Do you feel this same feeling when you brush your teeth, or have to bath/shower or even when you have to do a task you do every day at a certain time? The whole eating thing is more real than the other tasks because it is the one thing that really affects our mood and can change our apprearance. I am an ex- anorexic, although unfotunately I went untreated and now I am obese. It is unfortunate, but I can really identify with food/mood and general mind set. Have you had any life changing situations recently that have made you feel like this? Kerry. 

Name: lucie | Date: Dec 21st, 2006 10:00 AM
Hi Kerry,

Glad you have joined this site, you are very helpful.

and well done for 'overcoming' anorexia honestly it must have been so hard. Who cares if you are not skinny, atleast you have your health now.


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