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Name: Hungryone
[ Original Post ]
Hi there, 5 years ago, I somehow found the will power to loose weight and reduce my size to a US size 0. I spent my teenage years at about a size 14. I kept that up for a couple of years, got married and now 5 years later I am almost a 16 again. I have tried gym, diets etc.... but really feel that my addictive personality only responds to extremes, I dont even seem to be able to find the same determination to become anorexic again, any tips on finding that determination again, I am desperate!
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Name: Sharmaynefaye | Date: Dec 20th, 2006 10:21 PM
Wait, wait.... So let me get this right.. Your grown and trying to develop an ED..and I thought I would grow out of this, you know, mature with age... This is really disappointing to me as a young adult, 18.

How old are you, if you dont mind that is..

I think you need to have your doctor recomend a good nutritionist and this time really loose it the right way.. You married, Im sure you want kids? maybe no...
Good luck 

Name: Hungryone | Date: Dec 20th, 2006 10:40 PM
Im 27 now, and yes I want kids and a happy life but I spent years being anorexic and bulimic but now that I have gained all the weight back and more, I am unhappier than ever. I have tried the nutritionist thing but my life and job (i travel 5 days of the week) dont leave me much time to plan meals / gym visits. I just want to veg on the sofa when I get back home. I used to be really motivated and organised, now I'm not. I really do feel your pain though, it is not easy, I'm just not sure how easy it is to find a balance between good and bad eating, and really, how many people can? You never really know what goes on behind closed doors, we dont all have millions of pounds lying around for personal trainers or gym memberships like some do. 

Name: Hungryone | Date: Dec 20th, 2006 10:45 PM
- but to answer your question, I am trying to find some of the drive and motivation I used to have (how the hell did I used to starve myself for days on end, or throw everything up that I ate) if I can't even manage to skip one meal these days? I can't remember what I used to think to get me to be so focused on not eating or so controlled over eating very little. What is in your head when you start feeling hungry ? 

Name: Sharmaynefaye | Date: Dec 20th, 2006 10:55 PM
I think ugly... you know what arachnophoic is? with the spiders... I think i have an extreme fear of getting fat again..I told my bf about my bulimia/anorexia and he just wants me to stop so bad, he said just stop, even if you fat...It means that much. but see, i cant be fat, i cant let myself..

To answer you... I think PRETTY when its like the third day since i ate and my tummy is growling and i have intense hunger i think, a skinny/pretty girl wouldnt give in and i start doing sit-ups.. Then a few days after that when i really cant stand it and i eat, i dont just eat, i gorge, everything in the fridge, like seriously binge until it hurts so much i wanna die or think i will.... After that, i go into the bathroom and take out the ugly, in the toilette it goes...guilt free...and i got a taste of it all... 

Name: Hungryone | Date: Dec 20th, 2006 11:05 PM
See, now that is exactly what I used to do, even down to the situps. It took me about 10 months to get to where I wanted to be. All the jiggle jelly when to a size 0 by doing just what you are talking about. I agree though, and not many say it. You DO think you are pretty when you look in the mirror. Im not a bad looking girl by any means - blonde hair blue eyes and no real flaws, but you can see how you could only look better, then thinner you got. Now, my hair has started to get a bit frizzy (not much, but a bit) and I have developed a light case of adult acne. Now you know why, on top of being overweight, why I want to find that inner drive to get my body back to being even a size 6, although, I know when I get there it won't be enough. It's pretty bad, isnt it? 

Name: Sharmaynefaye | Date: Dec 20th, 2006 11:12 PM
WOW. We are just alike...The blonde hair, blue eyes...My hair is getting curlier and curlier the older i get, with curl comes frizz.Right now, for the first time i have a couple zits on my face.. I know im pretty, i am a model for the store hollister, i have the man of my dreams that ima marry. I dont understand, to me it doesnt sound like you needed me to tell you, you seem to of remembered pretty well.. 

Name: lucie | Date: Dec 21st, 2006 10:09 AM
Hi Hungryone & Sharmaynefaye.

I so know what you both mean. To feel hungry to the extent your stomach is growling and hurting and at the same time you're winning the war against fat is well on its way its such a great feeling.

Im Bulimic and my triggers are Stress at work, and my Aunty cus she is ill, as soon as that gets too much for me i take it out on myself.

If you really wanna lose weight hungryone there will be a way. You seem very sensible- you realise that if you got down to a size 6 you would want to go further and further.

I hope you make the right choice.


Name: Sharmaynefaye | Date: Dec 21st, 2006 6:56 PM
Finally someone admits to bulimia.. right on... Luci, you are bulimic? Or are you an ex bulimic. I cant stop. My only answer is to never start........ 

Name: lucie | Date: Dec 22nd, 2006 9:08 AM
i have had bulimia since i was 13, i don't mind admitting it, i have faced up to my problem and am in the process of controlling it.


Name: Sharmaynefaye | Date: Dec 22nd, 2006 8:47 PM
Ive been since I was fourteen, anorexic since 13... I am 18 now and just being able to admit it.... How are you controlling it.. 

Name: lucie | Date: Dec 27th, 2006 11:06 AM
hi, im 19 now.

well if i am honest, the onlt reason that its getting under controll is cus my mom found out.

and i am on the path to getting over it, but trust me, it is sooo hard, so many emotions and feelings take over me every day and i can be horrid to family and friends but i spose if this is what it takes........

Name: EternalStarFall | Date: Dec 28th, 2006 8:01 AM
I'm bulimic, and it's kinda...
Well, it gets in the way, you know?
I love to eat, but I want to lose weight. I'm 5'3" and 118lbs, and I'd adore a size 0 waist. Right now I'm a 2/3...
But it drives me absolutely crazy sometimes, and it really messes up my relationships. I just wish it would go away but it won't.

I feel like I'm addicted to food. 

Name: BluesClues | Date: Dec 30th, 2006 12:19 AM
When I first got over my eating disorder, I gained weight b/c I went from a calorie count of like 100 calories a day to 1200. I gained so much weight b/c my body wanted to store every calorie because it was used to having nothing for so long. Back then we didn't have a size 0 but I am sure I was that size or smaller and I went to a 14/16 but then it went back down again and I look great at a size 6 and have maintained that weight for 13 years now except during my pregnancies. I think your body could possibly be adjusting but I am not a doctor. I also exercise 5 times a week and am not sure of my calorie count now but I do not eat a lot compared to others. 

Name: lucie | Date: Jan 3rd, 2007 2:20 PM

it's possible trust me it is!

its been bout a month or even longer since i decided to try to recover from my ED and in all these weeks i have only let myself down once or twice!

Today i have eaten cereal for breakfast and a salad for lunch- i am eating healthy. All i remember about myself when i had bulimia real bad is how i always felt bloated, my throat hurt from making myself sick and i looked terrible.

Now i have my ;innocence back. I look in the mirror and the sparkle is back in my eyes and i am starting to accept me for who i am and what i look like.


Name: mommynow | Date: Jan 3rd, 2007 7:57 PM
I am 27 too, had bullemia and anorexia when I was in high school. I have three kids now and my twins are two.

I'd exercise and stuff with you if you want to lose it together? Size 14 now and I'd like to go back to a size six too. 

Name: lucie | Date: Jan 4th, 2007 9:54 AM

well done for promoting the 'healthy' way to lose weight! 

Name: Catherine | Date: Jan 7th, 2007 9:22 AM
if u become anorexic like me and loose ur period like me u may not be able to have children. ur married, u do want children dont u? anorexia isn't a choice and u can not just decide to have an ed. u will feel worse if u did this. 

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