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Name: Lindsay
[ Original Post ]
You guys are so young! Please, please dont do this to yourselves!
I came on this site hoping to find someone to talk to about eating disorders.. not because I want one but because I suffer from one and wish I didn't! I am 24 years old and have suffered from both anorexcia and bulimia since the age of 12! I have watched two of my best friends die from the illness and seen one friend drop to just 4 stone. I have been sectioned and tube fed on two occasions and when I finally put on a little weight someone told me I was fat so I lost it all over again.
Yes, I can understand why everyone on this site wants to lose weight, what girl doesn't wish she was skinny but this illness takes over your life. You lose your friends, social life, you worry about how much excerise you have done that day, whether you swallowed any toothpaste when brushing your teeth., lose your hair, are always cold, vomit blood, get bed sores, lie to everyone you care about and can think about nothing else but food and how much you want to eat but wont let yourself. Believe me, you don't want to be anorexic. I'd give anything to go back and not feel the way I do. To have had a normal childhood. But once it takes over its always there
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Name: kelly lea | Date: May 17th, 2006 3:06 AM
you know, i'm 25 and have had this disease since i was 12. i almost have died from this. i quit eating then when i did eat i would throw up. i even resorted to diet pills.. prescription one like phentermine. i still suffer even after going thru 60 days in virginia treatment hospital for it when i was 15. i went to 82 lbs and would have kept going if i hadent passed out and my softball coach called the ambulance. i was really weak and had no friends because i was hateful to all of them. the thing that really helps me now is my children. i want to be here to see them grow. i had a friend die from this when her girls were so young. it is just that, a disease and you have to control it before it gets you. i occasionally think of not eating and some days i don't then i get so sick and weak and get migranes. i am 5'3 and weigh 102 now and i am a little too small but i won't complain. and hearing my husband say he likes girls with a nice body kinda makes me want to try more. i will always have this in my life and in my mind but i will keep fighting it without medication. people say things to make you feel bad and mostly because they know you have the look they really want. no one will look at a rack of bones and say that it looks good.if they do, they have bad taste. if you have this please get control of it fast. i was in a bad shape in my life being this way and i hope to never go back. good luck 

Name: Lindsay | Date: May 17th, 2006 4:33 PM
M.. please don't start! There is nothing wrong with your weight! You don't want to be who I am.. a 25 year old women in the body of a 12 year old. Too scared to live for fear of what will happen if I let myself. Like Kelly Lea I too have a child and want nothing more than to see him grow up and achieve what I never have, to love him and protect him from all the bad things in the world. He is the only thing that gets me through each day.

To watch your friends die from starvation is the most painful expirence I will ever have to go through. I still throw up every day, I have sores on my hands from biting them when i stick my fingers down my throat, my hip body have sores on them from laying down to sleep, I have bad skin and my hair is falling out. I know this may sounds a little too much to talk about but I want to explain that its not all about being thin and looking like women in magasines. These women have been airbrushed to look good, i am sure most have bad skin, no hair and look terrible.
Why do you eant to be like this? Anorexcia is an illness that is a mask for something deeper and more painful. I realised this after years of treatment in different hospitals. To make something physical means people can see it, can see your pain. When it is kept inside no one knows how bad you feel. So many things made me do what I did but mostly I just wanted to vanish.. I didn't want to leave a trail behind me, for people to know who I was. Then it took hold and now I can think of nothing else but seeing each bone appear. Live your life, enjoy it, laugh and have fun. Do all the normal things that make you happy. Don't sit and wait to die, wishing you could live it all over again xx 

Name: Hi | Date: May 22nd, 2006 11:27 PM
Hi! I don't mind dying from anerexia. I'm 12, my parents hate me, have no friends cause i am fat, and wish i could look like people. I lost alot of weight this week from crashing. I want to be like you and other anas. actualy, i don't whant to be anerexic, but just thin. like my cousin. skinney naturaly skinney. but not very skinney. i want to be the perfect weight. TELL ME HOW YOU GOT SO THIN!!!!! I won't die. TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WONT!!!!!!!!!!!!! God hates me and he knows i would be happy to die so he wouldn't let me be happy. 

Name: jess | Date: May 23rd, 2006 8:24 AM
it infuriates me that you write yor feelings down about how you wish u could turn bac time and some muppet (after reading it) asks you how she can go down the same road, insensitive isnt even the word!
i am 21 and have made myself sick for 4 years but refuse to call it bulimia it shouldnt even have a name, and yes ALL DAY LONG i think about eating i wish i could stop and i desperately want to, because i am now overweight due to it, bloated, sore and miserable. if you could HELP me stop by giving me some advice i would really appreciate it lindsay 

Name: beanpole | Date: Jun 4th, 2006 8:17 PM
how do u survive? eat something and dont throw it up! its sad and u need to stop. how did u survive those 12 years eating pretty much nothing! 

Name: beanpole | Date: Jun 4th, 2006 8:22 PM
hi, ur fine! how mcuh do u weigh? dont be anorexic. theres other ways to lose wieght. im naturally thin. im 5'2" and i weigh 92lbs. i would kill to be thinner. to weigh like, 80lbs like everyone else. but im gonna do that by working out and eating smaller portions. my last resort is gonna be anorexia or bulimia. if u need to talk e-mail me at [email protected] 

Name: anorexic nd hating it | Date: Jun 5th, 2006 7:23 AM
hey i am having heaps of trouble at the mo nd need help. i hav been anorexic for a while now nd really want to get better. i keep jst about getting healthy nd then sum1 will say sumthing or do something nd i resort strait bak 2 anorexia. how do i stop this??? 

Name: Tamekia KIlkenny | Date: Jun 14th, 2006 4:31 AM
every one should learn to love them selfs for who they are and what they look like doing silly things to your body that will hurt it is just silly..... any one with a eating problem go talk to some one at school... or your mum or even a doctor.... 

Name: hAiLeY | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 12:51 AM
what does stone mean? 

Name: ALLY | Date: Jun 23rd, 2006 5:32 PM
hey ummm can u help me cause i don't know what to do either to stop or to keep on going and its getting worse everyday my friend is yelling at me and all and i don't know what to do. so what should i do. I am 14 and i weigh 110 i wanna get down to 100 but am i being stupid trying to do that cause some girl called me fat. People say i am to skinny to even try to strave my self to lose nothing. 

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