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Name: babygurl2cute30
[ Original Post ]
Im 16 yrs old and many of my friend are either pregnant or already had a baby. but its not their lifes that has influenced me. Ive been going out with my bf for over 2 yrs now and our love is stronger than ever. I can truely say im in love with him and its not just teenage puppy love. i know for some of you its not convincing but its true. Iam a very responsible teen and he is also. He does everything he says hes going to do and is great with kids. Before i met him i didnt even think about having a baby but now I suddenly want one. If i had one, i would be able to care for it...and not my parents like some teens do. I would beable to provide all motherly things for it. But the fact still remains that "im too young" I know I am and thats the problem. none of my friends have any problems with their babies. Im willing to stick by my baby and raise it. I have taken a child development class in school so i know just about everything from decision making,to pregnancy, to caring for it. Im so confused and lost, im not sure what i should be thinking because most teen pregnancys arent planned. What should i do, please help
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Name: tubbybubble | Date: Mar 13th, 2007 12:39 PM
your still so young...to think about wanting a baby. and babygurl, let me tell you something, being a mother is not written down in a book or in any class you take. 

Name: Emma | Date: Mar 13th, 2007 9:39 PM
how are you going to support a child finalcly? [sp] what about somewere to live how are you going to afford tha? have you even thought about that?
like tubby says being a motheris not written in a book or class.
its god damn hard work. 

Name: chantel1 | Date: Mar 15th, 2007 2:55 AM
yeah well all men are angels in thier partners eyes, however... most of them will run at the sound of you being pregnant! you are young and trust me you don't want a baby just yet!! just think of it like this... you know all those days where you just hop in the car with ur b/f & go to the shops, well forget just jumping in, you have to get the nappy bag ready, bottles, if u don't breast feed, or a breastfeeding towl if you do then you've got to put the nappy bag in the car then the baby and then clip up baby, then get in go to shops. then alll of those hugs you get and time alone with your b/f, well forget that once you have a baby there will never be a minute when ur alone, those nice cuddles in bed huh they're interuppted with crying, nappy changes bubby in bed with you teething ect ect ect. look i love my daughter to bits, but yes it is hard work, and there are times i wish i had 5mins to myself but i don't, and i agree with everyone else there is no instructions, or classes to help or anyone else coz when you do go home at the end of the day/night it's just you , you have to rely on. and your parner might stick around, but he's going to have to work and at the end of the day they don't want to change nappies ect, so please think very hard before you make a decision about this, and if you do want to consider this and aren't sure what he thinks why don't you ask him or tell him your pregnant to see his reaction, then you'll really know how he feels good luck=) 

Name: madiduff123 | Date: Mar 17th, 2007 2:56 AM
Trust me girl you dont wanna have a baby you need to watch Maury 

Name: Amy19UK | Date: Mar 20th, 2007 8:58 PM
Hey i'm 19 and i've been with my bf for 2 years and trying to convince people that we are in love was so much hard work he told me that he loved me i was his life and he would never leave me blah blah blah, then last year out of nowhere it was over but i was ready to marry him and have his kids and everything and he told me that was what he wanted so just wait a little longer and just make sure that ur relationship with him is solid first, because as much as u may think that u are ready to be a mother the last thing u want to deal with is being a single mum and trying to get over a split with the love of ur life. trust me it isnt pretty
I hope u find what ur looking for
Good Luck 

Name: lucy_x | Date: Mar 22nd, 2007 3:09 PM
I know exactly how your feeling,im 16 and im 34weeks pregnant & ..it was unplanned.I always said i wanted to marry before i have children.. but the thought of having an abortion made me physically sick so i decided to keep her.Now all my friends from school are falling pregnant as if its a new trend,its not,If i could turn back time id have waited alot longer.Thankfully my partner has stood by me and we feel as though we've made the right desicion,I just hope you've thought it through properly.At times it can be stressful.. Im just awaiting my house right now and it makes me upset,Just thinking about the money sides of things and my partner working so much..I'm here if you would like any advice anyway.But i hope you think things through seriously,Get a good job and Go places Because once you've had a baby your life's on hold,not ruined. X x 

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