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Name: nobody
[ Original Post ]
my son is 16 and is a decent teenager. he goes from being very very bad to being a really great kid. doesn't seem to have a middle ground.
so tonight after school he asks what i think of recreational use of marijuana. i asked how much did you score? he said just a bit but he would be willing to share. i told him i did not approve of it and asked where it was. he said put away. i asked if he was dumb enough to leave it in his locker at school. he said no.
i told him that he shouldn't be involved with this sh*t and that it could screw up his future. i know this isn't getting through to him. but he is already grounded for the rest of the school year for another problem. and hitting isn't going to work.
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Name: atomic snowflake | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 11:29 AM
Heavy or long-term use of marijuana can cause mental health problems and may trigger a psychotic episode in someone who is suseptible. It may also lead to experimentation with other drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

Get as much information as you can about this drug and then show it to him and talk it over. Keep communicating with him. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 2:13 PM
Dont worry reality will sink in with him when he gets busted with it and finds himself in jail! I'm a bit curious as to what he is grounded for? Obviously the grounding is doing no good if he's scoring and smoking pot! You can help him now by jerking a knot in his ass and forcing him into re-hab "which YOU have the POWER to do"or you can lose him forever by doing nothing and just "hoping" he will change his ways,the choice is up to YOU! If you do nothing plan on visiting your son in prison one day! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 2:16 PM
YOU have the POWER to CONTROL YOUR SON,YES YOU DO!!!It takes alot of work on your part but it CAN be done!!! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 2:19 PM
And why would you come in under the name nobody? If you think you are nobody and act like nobody then it's no wonder your son is divuldging in ILLEGAL activity! BE A PARENT!!!!!!! TAKE CONTROL BEFORE IT REALLY IS TOO LATE!!!!! 

Name: nobody | Date: Mar 1st, 2007 12:27 AM
the pokes at my screen name aside, he is on grounding for stealing his dads truck and take it for a joyride back in december. it caused $400 of damage to the truck and he had to pay for it.
the kid scored the drugs at school. for chrissake what can you do? and the little buzzards are thick as thieves. they won't turn on each other. really sucks. i shut down his myspace and told two of his friends to leave him alone or i would call their parents. they were suggesting he commit a crime to go to jail to get out of going to military school or the ultimate escape they suggested was suicide.
the two little b*tches said their parents wouldn't care. i said i thought maybe they would and recited their phone numbers to them. they left. 

Name: nobody | Date: Mar 1st, 2007 12:29 AM
oh and i can't get his behavior specialist to put him in rehab. says it isn't a serious addiction. good luck. and insurance wants a referral before they pay for rehab. 

Name: Ally Mur | Date: Mar 1st, 2007 12:23 PM
Their is not really much you can do.
My dad used to take my pot away from me when i smoked it but i always found it or got more.

If you act that you dont want him to do it he will do it all the more but if you sort of ignore it but keep a eye on him then he will get bored and stop of his own accord.

Hope this helps. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Mar 1st, 2007 6:55 PM
You want help? Call the Dr. Phil show or the Montel Williams show. No I'm not saying this to be funny at all either! Those shows take these types of situations seriously and they WILL help you and your son. Whether it be bootcamp or rehab he needs,they can help. All you have to do is call. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Mar 1st, 2007 6:59 PM
Also I would not have threatened to call their parents,I WOULD HAVE CALLED their parents! They need to be informed about what their children are up to,or maybe they already know but just find it easier to let them do what they want. Anyway you don't HAVE to take a backseat to your sons choice of activities,I know i wouldn't if that was MY son! 

Name: nobody | Date: Mar 10th, 2007 9:28 PM
i did call the mother of one of the girls. last year this mother was the only other one that would actually monitor their kids behavior and school grades.
now this year all she did was laugh and deny that her daughter would ever do such a thing. and she said that they are just kids and no harm done. she said i needed to lighten up.
i informed her that if my son had been involved in a major accident and her daughter or the other girl was hurt or killed in the wreck i would have lost everything i own in this world. i asked her if she really thought this was only kids stuff? kids stuff is throwing eggs at cars or toilet papering trees. i don't approve of either behavior but at least it is not life threatening or going to end your freedom.
ally mur i am basically trying to ignore the marijuana for now. i hope i don't see anymore of it in my house. but i do think if i go nose to nose with him on the issue he will just continue.
but that doesn't mean i won't search his room when he is at school. and if i find any it will go into the sewer. 

Name: Ally Mur | Date: Mar 12th, 2007 11:38 AM
I agree with what you are saying search his room by all means but just make sure he doesn't know you are doing this as he wont talk to you about anything. 

Name: marija | Date: Mar 12th, 2007 12:43 PM
Friggin hell Lizzi.......that is your advice?!?!?
NOT everyone goes to jail or needs rehab because they smoked a bit of pot.......geeeeeez that would mean everyone in high school would be in jail or rehab....the flippin universities would be EMPTY!!
the woman wants a bit of normal advice or suggestions.......not the flippin number to a tv show!!!!

nobody...(that really is a ugly name......try Atlas :-)

Your son is a teenager...age for rebellion, NOT everyones teenager is peachy keen and wonderfully obedient, most actually DO kick up a fuss with everything told to them by normal, law abiding Parents...they do experiment with drugs...because DRUGS ARE EVERYWHERE!!!...most places ...MOST parents would least expect.
Its how you react to their questions.
i have teenagers that i dont want to see at parties (and at that age ...they party) rolling around drunk making a fool of themselves. I hate the fact that there is alcohol there...(sometimes theres not) but as a parent of today you have to face reality.......better to live in the real world and expect the issues to arise and have a ready made plan on how to deal with it ....rather than having it thrown at you from the left field ........and wonder where you went wrong.
i dont like my teens doing the alcohol, drugs, any illegal activity...but ive been a teen and did all of the above. My parents were/ are good people, they certaintly didnt want that for me.
i also believe i became responsible for my actions and grew up BECAUSE of my parents. They spoke of their fears for ME...their fears of what could happen to me in a state of disfunction (drunk or stoned). They accepted that i was growing up and treated me like the semi-adult i was....
I dont believe you can CONTROL your child...they WILL find a way around the rules. Speak to him about your fears and consequences, your disappointment and your pride for him. Yes they are contradictory but is'nt Teenhood?...:-))))
Good luck 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Mar 12th, 2007 3:00 PM
Well marija clearly we have different ideas on the subject!
Take my sister-in-law for instance,her teen boys were caught smoking and when she was told about it she said,"well they aren't doing anything I didn't do at their age!" I was thinking,"What the hell??" Just because SHE smoked at that age doesn't make it O.K. for her kids to do it!!!!! But apparently she was too stupid to see it that way!!!!
All we can each do though is raise our own children to the best of our ability. Everyone elses kids are up to their parents to take care of properly (or not). We all have different opinions and ways of doing things. What might be perfectly fine in one parents eyes might be a total no-no in another parents eyes. To each there own idea of parenting I guess,it's the way it is anyway. 

Name: marija | Date: Mar 14th, 2007 4:35 AM
Yes we do Lizzi ;-)
I prefer to educate my kids about drugs, inform them of certain circumstances that may arise (both in regards to health and life issues).........and leave it in their ballcourt, With fingers and toes crossed and HOPE they do the right thing...BE RESPONSIBLE!!


Hes a 16yo boy.........Controlling doesnt help most (and sorry but can screw up adulthood)...kids rebel!...He also is communicating with his mother about such a sensitive subject, this is a good thing!.............not something a mother should abuse and turn around and haul him off to re-hab!!!
and finally those kids on those tv shows, usually have a long history of poor behaviour.........you assume that is the same with this kid, even after the mother says he can be great. All those kids on those show are Arseholes........ALL THE TIME!. not to mention they come from homes where the parents tend to give them EVERYTHING!!! 

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