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Name: cherisalorraine
[ Original Post ]
I have a female American Pit bull at my house right now and she is ending her second heat cycle and she does not have good enough kidney function or a high enough weight for my vet to spay her. With the kidney problems she is on a very low protein dog food ( I think it is mostly freeze dried fish) and so the weight is slow to come on but I have had her for 10 months and I was wondering if anybody out there might have some suggestions for helping her gain weight with out hurting her kidneys. I am very open to new types of muscle building exercise and any other options that I might overlook in my day to day research. Please give me some info!
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Name: patchesbabysowner | Date: Apr 8th, 2008 5:44 AM
have u tryed putting a pack on her when u walk her own book bag with her own water and stuff in it this site might help u with her dogs kidney's http://www.sniksnak.com/doghealth/kidney.html well i hope that helps you i am only 22 years old with 7 dogs mostly blue heelers and 2 of my 7 dogs have seizures 

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