Hello, guest
Name: Hiddy
[ Original Post ]
Its funny how when people can only think of a few things to support their cause, how they will resort to name calling and get all frustrated and angry.

Thats whats happened here. A debate is won primarily on the amount of facts presented either side, and the substance of those facts.

Its just a shame for you that the only positive thing you have to say about the Pitbull is-

Oh but I have one and its not aggressive
and- they can be good dogs

After the dozens of FACTS I have presented on reasons not to promote this breed and to not allow it to be kept in society.
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Name: susan | Date: Oct 23rd, 2006 11:29 PM
do you honestly think you won? god you're even more clueless than i though you were. 

Name: charla | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 2:11 AM
hiddy once again you are the BIGGEST one here using name calling i believe i have read the words boob and moron come from your responces more than i ever care to see those words used!!! 

Name: Mckayla | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 2:14 AM
Facts are the temperament testing. Facts are that it does depend on how a dog is bred. Look into a dogs pedigree, especially a game dog ped. You will see alot of brother sister breedings, or a very tight line breeding. The reason you see this is because people that breed game dogs like the aggression. And when 2 dogs have alot of aggression no matter if they are brother or sister or not they will breed them to make the pups more aggressive. You obviously know nothing about breeding, pedigrees, lineage, NOTHING!

Show dogs are NOT inbred like game dogs. Show dogs have some line bred, but no whre near what a game dog has. Game dogs have more prey drive, game dogs have been more prone to be human aggressive.
SO I will state it again. There is a diffrerence!! Its all about HOW a dog was bred. 

Name: Me | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 2:28 AM
All you've done, Hiddy, is shamelessly pandered to the media crazed sterotype of pit bulls. You are also the one who started the name calling. I believe it was Terri that YOU called "fat"! What did that have to do with anything?!

Do you know that hundreds of pit bulls have been certified and trained as helper dogs and therapy dogs?

You don't like someone else's opinion or "facts" that are different from what you know, so you go on the attack and insult their intelligence or physique! That sounds like nothing more than fear to me. 

Name: Just me | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 3:47 AM
You have NOT presented any facts, just false made up information.

You are the one resorting to name calling, calling people stupid. 

Name: Bethany | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 4:09 AM
On the contrary. You simply cannot accept the fact that you are far from an expert and just shut up already. Yes, a debate is won by FACTS. Facts being the key word. You have done nothing but spout out useless myths and opinions that have since then been disproven by science. I highly doubt that you will take the time to read this, since it is obvious that you have paid no attention to anyone else. However, I will do my best. Your ignorance is your own fault.

Myth #1: Pit Bulls have locking Jaws
I'm actually shocked that this keeps circulating, even by half-educated people. Let me put it to an end permanently.

"The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of Pit Bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus it's inferred functional morphology, is no different than any other breed of dog. There is absolutely not evidence for the existence of any kind of 'locking mechanism' unique to the structure of the jaw and/or teeth of the American Pit Bull Terrier," Says Dr.I.Lerh Brisbin of the University of Georgia.

Myth #2: Pit Bulls attack more people than any other breed
Dog that are referred to as "pit bulls" in statistical reports are actually a variety of breeds and mixes, all lumped together. In actuality, 'pit bull' is not a breed, but I will address that later. Fewer than 5% of the population can correctly identify dog breeds, and the majority of mididentification goes unchanged. Therefore, the stats are uncharacteristically wrong.

Myth #3: Pit bulls will just "turn" on their owners.
This is completely false. No dog ever JUST turns on an owner, no matter the circumstance. A Pit Bull is a dog, first and foremost. As a dog, it will always give warnings and signals of an impending attack. Unfortunately, the majority of the human population cannot read dog body language, and as a result, the warnings go unheaded.

Myth #4: In the case of a pit bull attack, the dog is always to blame
Wow, I wish humans would take responsibility for their actions, just once. In most dog bites, the animal was provoked, the warnings were ignored, and the human was justly rewarded for his/her stupidity. Other common reasons include improper handling, lack of socialization/training, misreading of dog language, disease, bad parenting/irrisponsible ownership. For example: a family owns a pit bull. They keep it chained in the back yard, restricting proper socialization. They allow it to develop agression. The parents then let their children play alone in the back yard, and they promply start hitting the dog with sticks. The dog kills a child, and gets euthenized. Real fair, hmm?

Myth #5: Pit Bulls have a naturally agressive temperment, therefore, they should not be kept around children.
Quite the contrary. Pit Bulls are known for their "sound character, strong nerve, and great intelligence, which makes them an ideal companion for households with children." Pits are also known for their incredible intuition. They can sense just when there is a threat and they will only fight if the danger is real. Any form of Human-Aggression is considered a severe flaw. Period. In fact, virtually all human-agressive genes have been bred OUT of the line due to the routine handling needed in the dog fighting rings. Some agression has surfaced, however, due to unethical and back yard breeding. These "beings" find it necissary to take a perfect dog and ruin it by breeding for looks and agression. idiots.

Myth #6: Pit bulls can't adapt to new situations, so they just "snap".
Pit bulls are, overall, one of the soundest, most reliable breeds of dog. On average, the pit bull scored higher on the temperment test than all other breeds together. This means that they respond well and adapt quickly to new situations. They also have one of the highest intelligence levels of any breed.

You may ask, who would be stupid enough to own a Pit Bull? Well, let me see

Helen Keller
Steve Irwin
Thomas Edison
Theodore Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
Fred Astaire
Ashley Olsen
Humphrey Bogart
John Steinbeck
Rachel Ray
Orlando Bloom
Jessica Alba
Brad Pit
Sir Walter Scott
Serena Williams

Countless other dogs have been used in therapy, search and rescue, police work, etc. Do some research before you start spouting off opinions as fact and continually make an idiot of yourself. You can at least save some face by admitting you were wrong 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 6:37 AM

I dont respond to your comments because your full of it and Im sick of repeating myself over and over again. 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 6:51 AM
Stupid enough to own a Pitbull....lol

Oh, you forgot Michael J Fox, hes got one too... Yeah, it surprised me too, I thought he had more brains than that. 

Name: atomic snowflake | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 12:10 PM
Where do you all think the name 'Pitbull' originated from???

You're all durnos!!!!!!! 

Name: Mckayla | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 2:25 PM
And all you keep repeating is uneducated answers. YOUR THEROIES! You go by books, television, and any other source that will degrade a pit bull. And yet YOU have NEVER owned one or been around one. HOW do you know that they are such horrible dogs? Being closed minded makes the world full of idiots such as you and Atomic snowflake.

NOT once have either of you stated that you have had or been around a pit bull before.

OH and another thing if your doing to crack on the breed at least learn how to spell it. Its NOT PITBULL or PITTBULL. PIT BULL is how you spell it. Get it right! 

Name: lol | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 1:36 PM
1. hiddy
4 thumbs up

Shorter word for hideous as in extremely ugly

Shut up, Hiddy!

Alright, Hiddy.
tags hideous fugly gruesome gross ugly
by blackmamba charlotte Apr 4, 2006 email it 

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