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Name: Hiddy
[ Original Post ]
My Cockatiel Isabelle was loving and placid when she first came to live with us. Now she thinks she owns the house and has singled out me as her partner.

She makes love to my hand and if Im lying on the couch she comes up and roosts next to my face. When she wants a pat and you dont pat her, she runs up and bites you on the lips (hard) until you do.

If I were to get another cockatiel would she still want to be so affectionate and people friendly, or would she prefer to be with the other bird.

Just wondering if any of you have bird experience. This is the first one Ive owned. Had her for about 6 months now.
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Name: candy | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 10:48 PM
Hello hiddy
sorry but I had to laugh when you said your bird mounts your hand! My double yellow head Amazon Cracker tries to mate with my feiance alot. If your wanting another bird to stop that behaviour get a male, a female wont do anything except possibally start fights when shes comming into season. But over all getting another bird might make your bird bond more with that bird over you. If you decide to get another bird, get one close to your birds size because they are more apt to be severly aggressive if one is bigger then the other. And it may be a good idea to keep the new bird in its own cage for a few weeks to allow the birds to get used to each other. Have the cages close to eachother so they can see each other but not where the cages are touching. You wouldn't want either of them to loose a toe if they decide to fight. 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 11:03 PM
okay thanks. 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 11:06 PM
So female birds only come into season if there is a male around? 

Name: candy | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 12:59 AM
no, their like other critters. They have a set time to cycle. weither there is a male around or not female birds are even known to start laying eggs. What I ment by getting a male bird to stop this behaviour, I should have said to reduce your bird from trying to mate with you, is so your bird can breed. If you don't want to breed your bird, when shes in season don't handle her cause it will just intice her to try to mate with you. 

Name: petmaster | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 1:17 AM
hi. do you know for sure that your tiel is definitely a female? how old is she? 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 8:07 AM
The orange dots on the side of her cheeks, are not very well pronounced and she has "bars" under her tail
Im pretty sure she is a female. What do you think? 

Name: Petmaster | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 3:07 PM
She does sound like a female. Ahh.. the wonders of bird maturity.

If you would like to keep your relationship with her than I would not recommend purchasing another bird for her as a cagemate.

What you could do is discourage her mating behavior by getting her attention onto something else, or putting her down somewhere (not back in her cage) and just walking away until it subsides. Completely ignore her if she starts doing it. Try not to encourage it by excessive-petting, this only makes her want to mate more and gets her frustrated.

I would highly suggest purchasing a birdy play-gym for her to spend most of her out-of-cage time on rather than just perching on you. It may take her a little while to get used to staying on it if she's used to always perching on you. If she does jump off of it, make sure you pick her up and put her right back on immediately. She will only get off when YOU decide to pick her up off of it. They learn fairly quick.

Most play-gyms are very fun and interesting for the bird and you can hang your own toys on them too. I put millet sprays on the bottom of my parrotlet's play-gym so he looks forward to going on it when he comes out. It gives him a more natural grazing area lifestyle like they do in the wild.

Remember YOU are always the one in control, always give a firm "Stop!" when she bites and do NOT reward her for the biting by doing what she wants.

Time-outs are very effective with biting birds. Purchase a small parakeet holding cage and place it in a room where the bird never goes, such as your bathroom. Do NOT put anything in the cage, not even food or water.

When she bites you, tell her "Stop", if she bites again tell her "no, stop" once more. If she bites a third time say "NO, time-out" and bring her straight in the bathroom and put her in the holding cage. Leave the room and shut the door for 5-10 mins, no longer. Then come back in, take her out and give her a quick pat, not babying her, and bring her back to the main area and resume what you were doing. Do this as many times as nessesary.

And remember the #1 rule of bird ownership.. NEVER EVER let your bird on your shoulder or head!!! Birds are height-dominant and being higher or as high as your head gives them an EXTREME sense of control. Even their cage should come up no higher than your heart.

I think these things would greatly improve your relationship to an acceptable level. Hope this helps and please let me know. 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 22nd, 2006 1:39 AM
I also noticed another thing. At night, when Im turning the lights off and going to be. My cockatiel is covered up. I say "Goodnight Isabelle!" to her and she gives me a little chirp.
My husband was saying goodnight to her last night, and every time he said it, nothing. Then when I said it, she chirped. 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 22nd, 2006 1:39 AM
sorry bout the typo......I meant "going to bed" 

Name: susan | Date: Oct 22nd, 2006 6:17 AM
cockatiels are SAVAGE and have LOCKING BEAKS!!!!! NO ONE should own one!

now see how DUMB this is? this is how dumb YOU look hiddy.

BTW i do own a cockatiel and she doesnt bite me. ive had her for 17 years now. gentle as a lamb. its all in how you treat them. 

Name: susan | Date: Oct 22nd, 2006 6:17 AM

Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 22nd, 2006 6:22 AM

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 22nd, 2006 6:59 AM
susan why dont you go take a long walk off a short plank?

And havent you got anything other to do than worry about what Im doing? 

Name: susan | Date: Oct 23rd, 2006 7:04 PM
stupid CUNT. 

Name: WhatsUpWithHiddy? | Date: Oct 23rd, 2006 10:17 PM
It's because she realized you are SATAN! 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 23rd, 2006 10:21 PM
susan, you have a mouth like a sewer drain 

Name: susan | Date: Oct 23rd, 2006 11:13 PM
and you have the intelligence of a rock. 

Name: Shut up Hiddy | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 4:39 AM

I've had those kinds of birds before...he played with my cat even, he would swat him with his paws through the cage...it was cute!

One time...the bird LOCKED his beak right on my moms hand, man that bird didn't let go, it mauled my poor mother.

It did more damage than a pit bull.


Name: N/A | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 5:05 AM

Name: susan | Date: Oct 24th, 2006 7:32 PM
hiddy enjoys its amorous attention.
it is the most action she ever gets! 

Name: lol | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 1:35 PM
1. hiddy
4 thumbs up

Shorter word for hideous as in extremely ugly

Shut up, Hiddy!

Alright, Hiddy.
tags hideous fugly gruesome gross ugly
by blackmamba charlotte Apr 4, 2006 email it 

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