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Name: Nessy
[ Original Post ]
im 21 and i have been seeing the babys father for over a year. 6 months ago he started to push me around when we fight and then he broke my nose and i have had bruises all over me at times when he gets pissed off. i know i should leave before the baby is born but he keeps telling me he wants the whole family thing and that he loves to much to see me leave, and i do leave when the baby is born he said he will take me to court to get custody. im really scared and i dont know what to do? will he get custody of my baby?
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Name: corinne | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 4:50 PM
hell he cant get custody if you can prove that he's an unfit parent. Plus your baby has a right to know who both her/his parents are regardless of what happens between the two of you. If he hits you thats too much, i would up and leave, not to mention he's capable of breaking something much much more, what if he causes you to have a miscarriage? its not worth it get up and leave, things never get better. you deserve better than that. You deserve better than him. screw him. 

Name: zoeee | Date: Mar 10th, 2007 10:20 AM
Im 35 weeks pregnant and my babies dad starting beating on me not long into my pregnancy. I also got the pushing around- even to the point where I'd fall on my stomach and he'd just keep going and he'd also guilt trip me saying he wanted a family and if I left I'd be denying bub of that.. I left at 20 weeks. And to be honest its the best thing I have ever done and Ive never been prouder! He also argues that he will fight me for custody.. As mothers we will get full custody- unless they can prove us unfit. Im also looking to make it so he has no rights whatsoever. If thats what you want keep records of everything he does to you, it'll help and is something I'm glad I did.
Even though your in a vulnerable state now it will be so much harder to leave once the baby is born. 

Name: trina | Date: Mar 10th, 2007 1:08 PM
If i were you honey I'd get out of there, have him up on an assault charge as he has no right to hit you or abuse you in any way shape of form. I was in a violent relationship with my babies father who used to do & say the same things he always felt he had to stay in control of my life, I thought to myself that wasn't going to happen, until things got to heated up he hit me too many times I was 29 weeks pregnant when he smashed my face, bruised me, raped me violently and physically abused me he put me in hospital on mothers day, what a great day that was. My baby was born at 31 weeks due to all that and diagnosed with Cerebral Palsey. Now I have to deal with raising this beautiful little girl as well as my other 4 children. Bottom line is get out now while you still can. You can contact me on [email protected] Men who are like that are bastards , weak & have no so esteem they need there balls cut out. 

Name: bundy_mum | Date: Mar 18th, 2007 1:50 PM
The mother has a better chance of custody of the baby. As long as you have a stable living arangements when the baby is born. What you are better off doing is getting a DVO on him (Domestic violence order) which will keep him away from you and will give you a better chance of getting custody of the baby. They will always say they love you but if they really loved you they wouldnt be hitting you if you need to talk my email addy is [email protected] i have had alot of experience in alot of things so dont be afraid to ask about anything 

Name: rachtwins | Date: Mar 20th, 2007 9:53 AM
How about he comes home one night and breaks your nose again and then beats your baby to death, but don't worry he still loves you. This is the reality of it, you make the decison is it really that hard come on. 

Name: dmt | Date: Apr 5th, 2007 2:34 PM
He will never get custody. If he ever hits you take pictures so you can show the court. You really don't need this man around your baby at all. If he hits you he'll probally hit the baby. 

Name: question | Date: Apr 5th, 2007 7:03 PM
Let him do one more thing to you and take his sorry ass to court.call the cops on him,let them take picture of bruises marks etc.and it will go to court and you can get a restraning order until the baby is born and by then oyu should be able to get full custody especially with his record.do not put him on the birth certificate or any legal paperwork the if he fights for a paternity test he will have to pay for it and it's not cheap! 

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