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Name: MandySoup
[ Original Post ]
Well...I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant with my first child and I'm doing it on my own. I didn't think being pregnant and alone was going to be as hard as it is. My ex and I broke up about 2 weeks ago, he has two older children with two different women. He cheated on me, he never admitted, just said the condoms he used were by himself..yah right?!?! So I just couldn't stay, I was so emotionally upset, so I left him. I was fine until I realized he got back with one of his ex's. This really hurts because he hasn't even tried to call or want to take a part in our baby's life. I called him and texted him a few times, with no answer. Then his sister texted me "can you please leave my brother alone" I called her, got really upset, and she just said that he's having a tough time right now so she think I should leave him alone!?!? I'm so confused, don't they realize I'm having a tough time too? I cry a lot, can't eat very often, can't really sleep, I'm just so upset and I'm worried what kind of affect this will have on my baby. I moved towns back to my parent's house and seeing all my friends but being single and pregnant really sucks! I feel like a loser, a failure. Just thought I've tried everything else, so wanted to see if anyone knows how i'm feeling. Thanks for reading, and sorry if I went on and on!
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Name: l3itchyl3unny | Date: Nov 23rd, 2006 3:18 AM
No its fine! i feel the same way. I cant understand either why these men can have no feeling or care for there child, or the partner they helped concieved with!

I think the best thing for you right now is to not make any contact with him, no text etc. Leave him be..and try and move forward. I know its tough now but it does start to get better eventually over time.
Try and surround yourself with family and friends if you can. And there are alot of people on this site that can help you out.
Focus on this baby growing inside of you and try and think posistive, i know its hard. 

Name: [email protected] | Date: Nov 23rd, 2006 3:19 PM
hay i know what your going through im 18 with a 11month old. single mother plus working full time is tough i wount lie to you but if i can do it so can you. i left my partner due to domestic violonce and kept going back for my daughters sack. but i see now that i can do this by myself. message me at [email protected] if you want to talk more. hang in there it does get better i promise.

Name: kelliehurley | Date: Nov 28th, 2006 2:12 PM
The only thing I can say is your not the only one this has happened to . You just need to realize that when this baby does come you can be the mother and father. Don' t worry about it as long as you try you best your baby will love you no matter what. As for your ex in the long run he will regret it... he will see you and your baby in a store on playing outside one day and see what all he missed out on. Don't let his sister get to you though your better than that. I am sure you have family that love anf care and will help you out. The main thing girl don't let him get you down if he isn' the one for you someone out there will be. I want to give you an example.... My mother had me when she was 14 years old and my brother when she was 17. She met this really great guy named Wendall. My dad is there for me but my brothers.....Not at all.... but sense my brother was 4 years old Wendall has been his dad and the best dad in the world to him. My brother knows he is not his dad and he doesn' t call him dad. But if he is ever into a jam who will be there to help him his dad? No! Wendall Yes. What I am trying to say is just because you have a baby now doesn' t mean no ones going to want you because you have a responibility. Let your ex go he most likely not worth it not if he leaves you like that and he already has 2 kids with someone else and cheated on you. I hope the best for you. 

Name: saxton_emma | Date: Nov 28th, 2006 4:20 PM
Your not a loser and your not a failure.
Alot of girls go through this including me.. you and your baby are better off without this guy, it will be hard but you will get over this. i also think its best if you dont try and contact him at all, this will make it easyier for you.
if you want to chat then email me or add me to msn [email protected] 

Name: nini | Date: Nov 30th, 2006 1:59 PM
hi, my email address is [email protected]. I had similar situation. If you would like to chat., please send me your email address 

Name: singlemom2 | Date: Dec 1st, 2006 12:00 AM
I really feel for you. I got out of a verbally abusive marriage two years ago and I wish my ex didn't want to have anything to do with the kids and I know that is not good for the kids. It would make my life so much easier! I didn't have the cheating part like you do or ex's of his to deal with, but I just wish he would go away and leave us all alone. You are not a failure!! Make new goals and plans and stick with them. Having a plan and hope will definitely help get you through all of it. 

Name: lil_dancer77 | Date: Dec 1st, 2006 11:17 PM
i know exactly how you feel as your situation is so like mine! Even right down to the condoms! and no they don't use them on themselves thats rubbish! The fact he lies to you about them and leaves them lying around knowing that you most likely will come across them, its disgusting. You are better off without him, way better off without him! I am trying to get over my ex too, and it hurts so much, he was emtionally abusive towards me, i dont know if he realised it, because he didnt see it, but gettin me to come over and then i would get there and he would change his plans or not talk to me and play xbox, it really got to me...even saying i was the only one for him etc was wrong because there were about 4 others and im sure they were getting the same story. He used protection with all of them but not me, he presumed the pill was enough, but its not so he used to pull out, and even that method sucks! You are better to walk away now, love is blind and it is, you probs over time will look back at the things he said or did and start seeing his true colours, and part of the process is also assessing your behaviour and you at times may think you made him do things, DON"T ever think its your fault.
Try and stay strong and focussed, your life is going to be different, but not in a bad way. you are not a failure your not a loser, your just you and you will find someone oneday who loves you for who you are. Stuff his sister, she knows nothing and what a dick if he has to get his sister to do his dirty work!
chin up 

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