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Name: SunDrop414
[ Original Post ]
I am Lanaya, I am 19 years old and have recently been given full guarianship of my sister Lainey's four year old twin son's Sebastian and Gabriel who I have only seen three times in my life ((at christmas and at their birth)) and I'm wiggin' out a bit. It's been two months since the papers were finalized and they moved in and I probably sound silly but I really think I suck at this! I still can't tell which is which ((they are identical)) and to make matters worse I am seriously thinking about moving back to NC but does that make me selfish for wanting to go back home? Any suggestions on how I am going to tell my mother that I'm going back?...she still hasn't forgiven me for moving away in the first place and then taking her only grandchildren away. Any suggestions would be majorly appreciated!!..Does it ever get easier???
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Name: Annie | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 4:24 PM
I would call your mom. Tell her your intentions. Apologize refusely & tell her how grown up this has made you. Most moms would understand. Just tell her what you told us. You're not selfish. You're still young trying to raise children that aren't even yours. That's commendable. 

Name: Amy | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 6:51 PM
I think you should sit down with your mom or take her to lunch in a nuetral battle zone and explain to her that you've just been given custody of two kids who barely know you and who you barely know yourself and that you would feel more comfortable getting to know them on your own grounds. If she doesn't settle for it then tell her that your moving back to give the three of you a fresh start as a new family.

I also doubt that you suck at the mom thing, your just new at it and are being overly critical of yourself because you don't want to screw up. We've all been there. I am a mother of quads and it's tuff but you'll pull through it. Be strong and take deep breaths. Your mother will understand eventually, or suggest her moving too. Oh and to answer whether it gets easier or not - parenting never gets easier lol just different.

Your young but if it helps I think you can do it!! Good Luck!
- Amy Argelento...I hope you don't mind me asking but I would love to hear your story on how you ended up with the boys - I am a teen pregnancy counselor and your story facinates me. I haven't come across too many 19 year olds who would take in their sisters kids at such a young age. Email me at [email protected] :D 

Name: Miora Jensen | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 8:08 PM
I agree with both Annie and Amy. Your mother will have to accept it lol there's nothing she can really do anyhow. 

Name: SunDrop414 | Date: Jun 16th, 2006 2:18 AM
Thanks so much for your opinions! Most of my friends dont really understand what I'm dealing with but I can't expect them too lol so it's nice that I can come somewhere and be understood. I'm going to tell my mother Sunday after church. I already bought three tickets to Raleigh so I wouldn't chicken out. My mother isn't like most mothers, she's very demanding but not uptight more like ainal. She's flexible as long as she has everything exactly the way she wants it lol. I understand that she's going thru alot with Lainey's death but we all are and she acts like she's the only one that's hurting but telling me repeatedly that I can't do it, isn't exactly the comforting opinion I need right now. I still don't understand why in the world Lainey would choose me over Erica and Caroline, they are older and can handle this but anyhow I just wanted to say thanks! I truly appreciate it!! Thanks so much!!

..::Lanaya Alizabeth::.. 

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