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Name: Claire
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Hey ladies (and gents, although I'm sure there's more ladies here). I'm 19 and I'm not quite sure if I'm pregnant or not. I'm not here to bitch and moan and lament, I guess I just need to know if I'm crazy or not lol. I've been having the usual symptoms you'd associate w/pregnancy, but that could also be chalked up to PMS, since my last period, which was May 16th. I've been off of birth control for 2 months, couldn't afford it at home (it was cheap at college!), but my boyfriend and I have been having safe sex. The last time we had sex was the day before my period. On the 7th, I wrote a journal entry about having terrible PMS that was still leftover from my period. I just feel moody - bitchy, pissy, sad, etc - plus the fatigue, sore breasts, and crazy gas. Plus nausea like crazy lately. I've also had quite a bit more discharge than normal, the kind that makes me think I've started, only to go to the bathroom and find that it's white. I'm a bit late, but it could be from my body re-adjusting to cycling itself instead of BC doing it.

Last weekend, before all of the symptoms really clicked and I thought that I might be pregnant, we had girls' night at my friend's house. I had 1 straight shot of Jack, 1.5 shots mixed in Root Beer, and no more than 1 shot of Bacardi 151 mixed with Coke. Normally, this amount would make me pleasantly tipsy, but I can outdrink my boyfriend, so this shouldn't have touched me, especially since I drank it over the course of about 4.5 hours. I was feeling great, then all of a sudden, I knew I was going to throw up. I threw up 3 times in 30 minutes, and then threw up twice an hour for about 4 hours. The next day, my stomach was so crampy and burning, and I was nauseous and in pain for the next two days. It could have been the flu and alcohol, or food poisoning and alcohol. Is it likely to have this reaction with early pregnancy and alcohol?

I have a test sitting in my room, I'm waiting until morning to take it. I know that's the best way to find out if I'm preg or not, but I don't know, I just wonder if anyone else has had this kind of thing happen before or not? I also wonder if I'm too in denial and I'm trying to pass off all of these symptoms as something else.
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