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Name: jackalynncsp
[ Original Post ]
i'm a single mom of 2 my son is addhd and both my kids are un happy i feel like i'm bashing my head against the wall with thier dad and not sure what to do we haven't been together for 5 years now and for awhile he didn't see the kids but he is now part of thier life and he is constantly fighting with me about the kids so now when they come home they aren't feeling well and it takes 3 day to get them back on track my kids won't talk to thier dad about anything that is bugging them when they are with him so i hear about it all when they get home which seems to cause more fights when i try to explain to him what i'm being told from the kids please help
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Name: debi69 | Date: Apr 17th, 2009 5:52 PM
hi .. im a single mum of 6 ... only the 4 middle ones see there father .one of them has adhd and one has autism. my kids always come home unhappy frustrated and generally cross. its because there father doesnt know how to care for special need kids he treats them like there brothers.its very hard but ive given up trying to explain to the father that his parenting doesnt wok with special kids.... so instead i talked to the kids .get them to talk about how they feel as soon as they get home . its very frustrating but slowly its working .it takes about an hour or so when they come in to talk problems out we've even done a star chart at home rating how there father behaved with them.sounds stupid but it kinds works... sometimes! try to stay positive around your children when your talking to or about there father then they wont get the vibes about how much you dislike him ... remember they will try to please you . god i natter to much... if you wanna talk im on msn [email protected] debi 

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