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Name: corinne
[ Original Post ]
So, you guys I really really need some help/advice/ anything. Im almost 7 months pregnant with this ass hoe of a man, he's 22 and ill be 24 in a few weeks. i say our ages cause everyones so quick to say that 'he's young' thats why he acts the way he does. but anyway, where he works he's approached alot, and females nowadays could care less if a guy is involved or not. but i was reading his text messages this morning, and came across a girls number who was like 20 text deep in her number alone, but there were messages like ' so can you pick me up tonight" or ' i wish you understood how i felt about you" so and so forth. so i kept my cool and started to work. Well, i turned around, and went back to the apartment. this is the same number that about a month ago i came home and over heard his conversation with the same girl he was in the shower and had it on speaker, she was saying ' i need ----?? (??) can you help me?" and he replied with , ' y dont u use a vibrator?" so me hearing that went wild and got all his stuff and basically kicked him out the apartment. Well obviously we had spoken since and last night he stayed the night. so it lead me to this morning checking his phone.
My thing is his excuse is he cant control how girls come on to him, and that they get his phone number because where he works every co workers number is listed you know? so i understand that, but couldnt he speak with a manager and tell them not to list his number? and about how his co workers come on to him well, he can control that i believe that if he really wanted to he could apparently its not that big of a deal to him. But i refuse to be the dumb ass caring for his kid allowing him to live with me while he barely helps pay for anything but yet expect cooked meals, while he leaves to play taxi for these dumb ass other little girls who dont want to get off of someone elses man!!!! but it just sux cause i really really do love this creep, im just tired of getting hurt, tired of being lied to , tired of crying. tired of going nowhere with him.

what do you think???
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Name: sally24 | Date: Feb 23rd, 2007 9:24 PM
read the last line of your post .... "I'm tired of being lied to , tired of crying, tired of going nowere with him."..... so don't think its about time you stoped being tired and miserable and move on , should real love and companionship make you feel this way ? its easy to love someone for the wrong reaseon's you had something with him at one time , your having his baby , but love should not be a one sided thing it should be something you give and get in return. You can defiantly be a great single mommy and still find a great guy somewere down the road , I say the best thing for you right know is get rid of him focus on you and your little one to be , look to family and freinds for support. 

Name: Gwentha | Date: Feb 24th, 2007 10:48 AM
Do you love him, or are in love with the fact that he is your babies father. sometimes it feels like love, but it's the securtiy of having someone there?

Just a question to think of for yourself 

Name: marija | Date: Feb 24th, 2007 1:37 PM
He CAN avoid these girls ...even IF they have his number....Men who are unavailable....are exactly that UNAVAILABLE. They dont give out mixed messages to encourage other women. Women (no matter if they want a married, engaged or attached man) dont keep ringing someone IF the message they are getting from that man is ...I AM WITH SOMEONE!!!!
Sounds like your man is LIKING the attention, loving the attention. It could be just a ego trip for him, and he loves the ride....in this case, i would ask him to delete the numbers and to NOT SPEAK OR TEXT THEM....AT ALL!!!....Tell him it hurts you and you do not want to have these feelings if what your saying to me is that they mean NOTHING!...if they mean nothing then you CAN ignore them....You will have your answer 100%...no guessing game...if you see reply / return texts and calls on his phone or hear him talk to one of these women....THEN YOU WILL BE SECOND BEST in his life...dont listen to any excuse....none will be plausible!!!

on the other hand.......

It could be more sinister....he could be having a relationship with them...if this is the case.....LET HIM KISS YOUR ASS ON THE WAY OUT!!!.....tell him to walk, NOW....before you have your baby...so you can prepare your life around you and your baby...not around ...you, your baby and a useless piece of crap

Name: corinne | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 7:17 PM
MIZZBRANDISS Your right in saying me staying with him is me saying ' haha i got him!! yeah thats how i feel at times. Gwentha. as for being in love with him or the fact that he's my babies dad. Well both it depends on what im feeling at the moment. But for the most part, I do love him, its like with him ive experienced so many things. things that i dont want to experience with anyone else, because i have those memories with him... and i dont want them to be replaced. Regardless of the ass that he is today, the memories that we have, are priceless.Also, the part of having someone there for me is true too. I dont want to be alone. I didnt get myself into this situation by myself, but im dealing with it by myself. which sux. Because i wish he would just step up, and grow up and be the dad he SAYS that he wants to be, be the MAN he SAYS he wants to be. The biggest thing i have is, i cant keep our daughter from her father, but i dont think id be strong enough to be around him and not show that i still have feelings for him.
why do i still have feelings for a man who doesnt treat me the way i know i deserve to be treated???? I dont know, I cant even answer that question. 

Name: corinne | Date: Feb 26th, 2007 8:50 PM
marija: The only thing i have no proof of is on his end. There were 20 reply text from the same number. but his outgoing text are empty. So he's good in clearing his end. Well oh well. I guess in time all wounds are healed. I hope sooner than later on this case. I swear, how can you love and hate someone with the same exact amount? is that possible? Cause i do love him, but is it for the right reasons? I dont know, i was very very naive before i met him, and he opened up a whole new 'me'. Well, do i go back to being the person i was b4 him,cause i dont want to be the person i am now the person that he made me out to be with someone else. ?!?!?!? 

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