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Name: babbimom | Date: Sep 21st, 2008 6:00 AM
i have a question regarding my sons feeding habbits please help me in this matter coz i am really worried.my 2yr old won't eat anything i have to force feed him anything and everything i want to feed him breakfast lunch dinner and snack which is yogurt in between lunch n dinner i have to force everything to eat for him. he does not like to eat anything at all he gags on sight of food. if at all he takes a cracker or a candy or even achip he won't eat it he with keep it in his hand thats it and after sometime he says he is done eating and will give it to me as i give him when i feed him he swallows food he won't chew on it . what must i do please help me from this miserable life of my child not eating . 

Name: Adriana'sMama | Date: Oct 13th, 2008 3:22 AM
Wow! What a relief to hear that I am not the only one! My 1 1/2 year old does not eat solid foods at all - she fights ALL foods. If I want her to eat, it becomes me forcing the food in her mouth and even then she just pockets it and will not swallow. I spend one whole hour at each meal actively trying to place food in her mouth. She also loves her milk. I have had her on Pediasure since she was 14 months old because I was concerned about her nutrient intake. I am now WISHING to reduce the pediasure in order to get her to eat more food. As of yet, even reducing the pediasure by 50% has not helped. 

Name: Badria | Date: Oct 19th, 2008 11:21 PM

Name: dawn | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 2:44 PM
All these replies saying that you should not worry... you look at what they eat in a week and not a day... and they will eat when they are ready.. are all fine and dandy and do have validity. But.... what do you do when it keeps them up at night because they are starving???? My daughter WILL NOT go back to sleep without a bottle of milk (13 mos) if she has chosen not to eat her dinner. This in turn disrupts both are sleep. So.. you can't just say, they will eat when they want to... you have to realize that these kids wake up starving in the middle of the night and something needs to be done! 

Name: Jacinda | Date: Nov 3rd, 2008 8:13 PM
My 1 year old is doing the same at the moment. He will drink smoothies made with milk, banana, yoghurt and cereal blended together...he likes to drink this out of a big cup like mums. I think it pays not to make too much of an issue over it in front of your child, because then it becomes a point of contention. 

Name: Gretch | Date: Nov 8th, 2008 2:06 AM
Help what do i feed a 22 month old who never eats 

Name: Bianca | Date: Dec 10th, 2008 1:42 AM
Hi, I have twin boys the same age and one will not eat as well. He only wants his milk. I found things that he really likes, such as fruit and sandwich meat. I just make sure to have it around all the time. Their doctor told me that they will not starve themselves and will eat when they are hungry. If she only wants milk it means that she is having too much of it and is replacing a meal with milk. I have decreased the amount of milk I give them and am slowly seeing results. 

Name: ruby | Date: Dec 11th, 2008 11:47 AM
my 1 year old eats but just not the stuff I want him to.
here are some suggestions :
cream cheese with almond butter in sandwhiches (I use thin bread), orzo pasta with tiny cup up yams in chicken broth, peeled apples, some pick up pasta... overall if he could he would live on waffles, crackers, cereal..he's a carbboy I hate it..I honestly wake up at 4 with stress of it and can cry if I focus too much on my failure of it (I know stupid, but it's not easy just letting it go..I try to feed the whole family well with variety) 

Name: buckeyemom | Date: Dec 25th, 2008 9:23 PM
I have 4 children. The first 3 never gave me a problem eating. My youngest is 19mo. old and will live all day on 2-3 bites per meal and strawberry milk. Our pediatrician has her drinking a bottle of Pediasure every day because he said she wasn't gaining enough weight. Pediasure is a childs soy meal replacement drink(like a milkshake). I don't want to always have to give her this. I just wish she would eat something substantial!!! 

Name: nikkid123 | Date: Jan 26th, 2009 5:59 AM
i have a almost 3 year old girl. she doesnt eat that much and i told her doctors and they say its ok as long as shes wetting and pooping. like today she only drank 2 mike sippys and some jucie. i dont know what to do and i feel like her doctor doesnt listen to me at all?? some one please help me??????? 

Name: emma | Date: Feb 23rd, 2009 5:47 PM
how want ta chat 

Name: KIran | Date: Feb 28th, 2009 6:44 AM
My daughter is 11 months and 10 days old. She use to take rice and flour for couple of months. I still feed her. She don't take out side milk (It could be powder milk or cow/buffalo).
Now she stopped eating every thing since 2 weeks. She is only asking for breast feed. I am really tensed and I am getting enough milk to feed her. She is also teething, I don't what do I do. All Moms...pls pls help and advice. 

Name: Kiran_G | Date: Feb 28th, 2009 6:47 AM
My daughter is 11 months and 10 days old. She use to take rice and flour for couple of months. I still feed her. She don't take out side milk (It could be powder milk or cow/buffalo).
Now she stopped eating every thing since 2 weeks. She is only asking for breast feed. I am really tensed and I am NOT getting enough milk to feed her. She is also teething, I don't what know do I do. All Moms...pls pls help and advice. I feel like crying some time......pls 

Name: lokman | Date: Apr 1st, 2009 1:01 PM
my baby won't eat age of 1.5yr 

Name: summer eby | Date: May 6th, 2009 4:29 PM
My daughter doesnt seem to want anything other than her bottle either. Know that she is a year old I dont know what to do because she always goes to sleep drinking her bottle but she also will wake up when I put her down too and scream scream scream. I dont know what to do. It seems like when she turned 6 months we tried so hard to get her to sleep through the night and now we are back to square one. 

Name: Vicky | Date: Aug 2nd, 2009 5:25 PM
I am having exacly the same problem with my 1 year old boy.
He wont eat, he has him milk and will eat a yoghurt or pudding meal but wont eat meals or savoury food. He is not interested even when I do the most yummyest meals or his old favourite- jacket potato with beans and cheese. It has driven me to tears and his h/visitor said he is at the bottom line for his weight. 

Name: neetu | Date: Aug 7th, 2009 11:48 PM
my 1and 1/2 year old baby always prefer to drink with bottle how can i stop 

Name: Beth | Date: Sep 14th, 2009 9:39 PM
My Son is the same way. Today, for example, he has barely eaten anything at all. It is frusterating, I tried forcing him to eat some canned baby food carrots doesn't want too. Didn't want bread, didn't want anything.
You can't force a kid to eat when they don't want too - she won't loose weight if she doesn't eat for a day. They are old enough, my son went through a week where he wanted just the bottle too. They are getting some nutritious from the milk.
Don't worry, I'm sure she will eat again. 

Name: jeje | Date: Oct 30th, 2009 2:10 PM

Name: mary | Date: Nov 2nd, 2009 3:03 PM
Dont worry she will starve herself and then eventually she will tend to eat 

Name: seannale | Date: Nov 20th, 2009 1:21 AM
i have that same exact problem.. my daughter wont eat anything but her milk... every once and a while shell eat a little something but not enough to make me think shes eating good. 

Name: Billie | Date: Nov 24th, 2009 4:23 AM
what can I do about my 1 year old, she don't want to eat?! 

Name: jodi | Date: Dec 9th, 2009 7:16 PM
im going through the same thing i just switched to toddler foods and such with my one year old and all he wants to eat is yogurt and oatmeal and he drinks his milk its just so frustrating all i can think is omg hes going to starve so now i guess im going to have to start giving him vitamins if he doesnt start to eat more again my 2 year old totally different she will eat anything its really tough to deal with a complete opposite 

Name: sylvia szymanska | Date: Dec 14th, 2009 10:12 PM
I know how you feel sweet heart, My little girl is 1 and she has really gone off her food. She was never a big eater but I really notice when she isn't well with a cold or teething as she only has a few mouth fulls of her food so I have to top her up with milk. I did find out a few days ago that she has a very bad case of thrush in the back of her mouth and down her throat and as it was so far back no one noticed it until it got really bad. So it maybe that.... If not just take it a meal at a time and do your best not to stress ( im a good one to talk) Good luck and remember your not the only mum who this is happening to...... 

Name: Patricia | Date: Dec 24th, 2009 11:14 PM
I have a year old son every time he sees food
cries a lot like being fed any kind of food except his milk is a punishment for him and i am also very worried about him as he is losing weight
and he is becoming very slim .
does any one has any ideas? 

Name: Mona | Date: Dec 31st, 2009 7:05 AM
i have a 2 and 5 month old son and i have the same problem right now, its just so relieving to see that im not alone in this..lol..im a first time mom so it just frustrates me so much when he does not eat. There are days he just wants milk and days when he eats a lot and not so much milk, and he is picky too and sometimes he is not so pick. its so confusing though he is so active and happy all the time. 

Name: Mona | Date: Dec 31st, 2009 7:10 AM
let me rephrase that, i have a son who is 2 years and 5 months.=D 

Name: nadia kink | Date: Feb 10th, 2010 11:37 PM
my child is the same..... i worry and worry.... some children r just picky eaters....... 

Name: Paula | Date: Feb 17th, 2010 5:32 PM
Well I am on here looking for advice to, it is driving me mad, my little girl has just turned one and has also stopped eating savoury meals, she will eat yogurt, fruit etc but no hot meal she just spits it out, I cook lovely healthy food for her and it all ends up in the bin, She was also a good eater and then the last couple of months she has started being like this. Then I think it is my fault as a habit is starting? She now thinks if she doesn't eat savoury then mummy will give her fruit and yogurt anyway. Help I don't know what to do!! 

Name: W | Date: Feb 25th, 2010 8:24 PM
i just want to say thank you for everybody's comments they really helped me feel better. my son just turned 13 months and he use to eat like a grown person but now he rarely want to eat anything and my first fear was that he taste adult seasoned food a lil too early because my aunt likes to feed him from her plate. he eat cheese curls not the adult kind but the toddler snacks that Gerber makes and he eat string beans,a lil apple sauce, and maybe a few more things but he is basically living off of juice and milk and i was worried and ofcoarse i didnt want to include a doctor in the situation because they tend to wanna get deep in your business with that sort of thing. Thanks everybody 

Name: Cadens mommy | Date: Mar 29th, 2010 2:45 AM
my son is the same way, he just doesnt eat.. period. he drinks pediasure to get calories and nutrients. I offer him his food before his pediasure, so sometimes he takes a bite or two of food. 

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